June 2, 2017


Receiving Bree's hug, JT's eyes widened in bewilderment. "What..." He loved getting hugs from her, but what was going on? 

Hearing about Gunner, a smile spread on his face. It had worked. Gunner had come back to them. "Thank the Lord," he breathed. He nodded at Bree and motioned for her to walk with him. "I'm at a good stopping point in my rounds - I'll come talk to him."

Getting back to the room and seeing Gunner still working on his rootbeer float, JT smiled again. "Hey, Gunner."

Gunner looked up quickly, his face now showing complete recognition. "JT... wow... I feel like I just woke up from a dream."

JT chuckled. "Rootbeer can do that sometimes." He grabbed a chair and sat down near the bed. "Bree said you had some questions."

"Um... well, yeah." Gunner fiddled with his straw. "I guess... well, do we know if the surgery did what it's supposed to?" 

JT sighed. "It's kinda tough to answer that since the results can be iffy. But since the other doctors and I all agree the bone fragment was causing issues, and that's been removed - and the plate's been adjusted - I really think you're going to experience far less trouble, yes."

Gunner's eyes narrowed slightly. "That's not the most straightforward answer in the world."

"Alright... then the most straightforward answer is, I don't know. It's going to take some time to see if this helps your brain readjust and stop firing the wrong signals. In my opinion though, the fact that you didn't wake up depressed is a good sign. How do you feel?"

Gunner wasn't sure. He looked down at the styrofoam cup then glanced at Bree, then back to JT. Having suddenly remembered his experience at Brookshire had not been pleasant. "I... don't want to go walk off a bridge... so that's good... right?"

JT smiled. "Of course it is."

"So what happens now? Will I get to go home?" 

JT pursed his lips, wanting to skirt around the issue, but knowing Gunner always wanted it straight. "Not yet. We want to keep you here for a few more days as a precaution after your surgery. After that, you'll return to Brookshire." 

Gunner's shoulders sank a little more.

"But hopefully just for a limited time," JT assured. "There are several things involved here. One, you're not going to be able to drive for probably six weeks. Not until we know for sure your brain is healing, and not until your motor skills have significantly improved. There are people at Brookshire who will help you with physical therapy to help speed that process along. At the same time, you'll need to go back to your counseling sessions."

Gunner frowned. "Are they gonna put me back on medication?"

"It all depends on your evaluations. Gunner, I'm convinced you will need something to help keep you balanced. But after this surgery, I'm also convinced it's going to be something far less potent than they were trying before. This surgery wasn't a cure-all. It's certainly going to help - a lot - but you're going to have to deal with some of your issues the rest of your life. It's just up to you whether you're going to accept help or keep fighting it." Hearing his name over the intercom, JT stood. "I have to go. I'll be back later though. Just rest."

Alone with Bree again, Gunner concentrated on sucking more of his float. He'd known this was going to be a long road, he just... wished he could be all better and go back to life. His eyes shifted over to Bree again. "You... you'll still be with me, right? I mean... this could take a while..."

Zan laughed, his eyes dancing. "I was hoping you'd say that." He walked with her back to his car and opened the door for her before going around to sit behind the wheel. He hesitated just a moment with the key in the ignition. He'd heard Eli's comment to Destiny earlier when they'd been driving - about him being her boyfriend - and didn't know how she'd responded, but he felt a little bad if she'd been embarrassed. Bringing it up would probably just make it awkward though, so he finally started the car. 

As they drove back into town though, he glanced over at her. "Thanks for coming along today. You really were a big help, and I meant it when I said I was impressed."

Jett followed behind the small caravan into town, his mind on more than just pizza. You are only a sidekick if that's what you want to be. Was that really true? He just... had never fit into the higher class. Ever. Since he was a child. He'd learned very early on there were leaders and there were followers, and he had never belonged with the leaders. He just wasn't... the right kind of material. He couldn't deny though how good it had felt to be out there driving in the sand today. What would it feel like in a car with a better engine and good tires? He sighed. It would never happen. At least he was getting some pizza out of the deal. 

Getting to Mom and Pop's, the group barged in on Carson, throwing him waves before sitting down. Eli had called Scarlet on the way to make sure she could meet them there, bringing their whole little group back together again. Food was a must. Laughter was a given. And topics for conversation ranged anywhere from tomorrow night's plans, to radiator fluid, to swimming holes, to music. 

Sitting next to Destiny, Zan thoroughly enjoyed himself. He never would have thought he'd hook up with this group, but he was glad he had. And Destiny? An unexpected but very welcomed addition. 

Hunter sat close to Ryan as usual, his ankle hooked around hers under the table as the banter went back and forth. Stealing a kiss every once in a while, he didn't care they were in public - he was just...happy. 

Eli was thrilled with how the day had gone, and even more thrilled that Scarlet was around and could come with them tomorrow night. Being with her here in this scene was the cherry on top. Life could change in an instant, but right now... he was living a dream. 

Sitting at the end and pushed back from the table a little, Jett tried to join in, but sometimes wasn't heard. He was odd man out...again. Not that it was anybody's fault. And Zan apparently wasn't going to admit Destiny was anything more than a friend, but it was obvious they were a couple. So even with them around, Jett was the one extra wheel. At least it was good pizza. That always helped. And he did have fun. He just... was on the outside. But that's where he belonged anyway, wasn't it?

Hal slid down just a little more so he'd make a better pillow for Sam, and abandoned his affections for now, just sighing in content. "I don't know..." His fingers continued their light play with hers as his free arm stayed draped around her. "I've only ever lived in the city. Grew up on a busy street, moved to a busier street, moved to a quieter street but it was behind a factory, moved downtown, and now..." He chuckled. "Maybe being up so high is a lame attempt to escape." 

He paused and studied the few twinkling stars above them. "I've spent a little time in the country but only on jobs so I wasn't really enjoying it. I don't know if I'd like living outside the city or not, but it sounds appealing." His fingertips ran the length of her fingers and over her thumb before he turned his palm and let her play too. 

"What about you? City life or country life?"