June 2, 2017


Following her Uncle back to Gunner's room Bree took her place again next to him on the bed smiling. Just listing to her Uncle she was a little sad hearing that Gunner would have to go back, Brookshire. It made sense just to make sure he was healing well but she had hoped he would be able to go home. 

Once JT was gone Bree looked at Gunner. Hearing his comment she rolled her eyes but still smiled at him. She knew he just needed that reassurance.

   "I've come this far, I think I can handle more."

Leaning in she gave Gunner a soft kiss again. She loved him far too much to just leave like that.

   "You are stuck with me no matter how long it takes. Hopefully, you won't be the one tiring of me."

   "Thank you for inviting me. I know I am not the kind of person you really see at these places but...it's been fun doing something new."

Destiny smiled look at Zan. She really was enjoying herself and doing some good, helping today felt nice. She'd never had that feeling before but she liked it. 

    "My brain has always kind of been able to see things before the happen, kind of like a movie or running an analysis one something to see the outcomes. I never got to use that before until today. It was nice knowing I was able to help."

Looking across the table at Hunter Scarlet smiled. She was happy Eli had called her and asked her to come out with the group. She liked pretty much everyone here and they all got along well. With her cousin hanging out with Tal more her apartment was quiet again. She was happy though that she had found a friend.

   "So Hunter, tomorrow are you going to bring Dylan to the race too? I'm going to be hanging around tomorrow evening So he's more than welcome to hang out with us."

Just listing to Hal Sam loved his voice and how he explained things. She didn't know what it was but he was just soft and it was comforting. Shifting a little Sam moved so her head was laying in Hal's lap and she was looking up at him while her legs were hanging over the arm of the couch.


Sam thought for a long moment about the question. She never really thought about it before. It had just been random she asked Hal so it took her a little longer to think about it.

   "You know...I never thought about living anywhere but the city. It's here I have always lived and my family really didn't move around much."

Silent again Sam played with Hal's hand in her own holding his hand up and letting her fingers intertwine with his. 

   "I don't mind living in the city but if I really think about it the peace and quiet of the country sounds really nice too."