April 13, 2017


Getting Destiny's response, Zan had to take care of a couple more customers before replying, but then, he wasn't completely sure what to respond with. 
Hadn't thought that far ahead...

Go figure. It took a few more minutes and finding someone the right kind of cigarettes they wanted before he could send another reply. 
Like pizza? How about grabbing
supper at Mom and Pop's?

She probably hadn't considered having dinner together, but it sounded like a good idea to him. At least that way, he wouldn't have to sit around for an hour tonight just trying to decide what he wanted to eat. If Destiny already had plans, then he'd suggest something else so he could get the locket, but if she was free, then why not?

Jason closed his eyes as Katie ran her fingers along his face, and he sighed. "Nu-uh," he disagreed. "I don't care what happens... I'm not gonna do this again." 

Getting up from the chair, he moved to slide onto the bed next to her and laid on his side so he could put his arm around her, nestling his head in by her shoulder. "But we're good for now anyway," he reasoned. "It feels like... like all my other episodes were just... I dunno... like a volcano letting off steam. But the pressure kept building under the surface, then when I finally let go, it was like the volcano erupted. So now I feel... empty." It was hard to explain, but Katie would be the only one who could relate at all and understand. He didn't like it that something felt so good - that was such a relief - had hurt Katie like this. It wasn't fair. 

Do you... think it helped at all? Please tell me we didn't put you through that just to be right back where we were...

"The zoo." Hunter lifted his head again and nodded. He was glad for her suggestion - at least now he wouldn't be moping or pacing all day long. "And... you drive, so... when we're done... we can go to your place and I can finally pick up my bike." 

He rose from the table and wandered towards the hallway. "Give me a few minutes," he mumbled over his shoulder. After showering, he finally shaved, making himself presentable again, and at least with some clean clothes, he looked better than he felt. 

Coming up behind Ryan in the living room, he wrapped his arms around her waist and set his chin on her shoulder. "Okay... I think I'm ready... but only if I get a kiss first."