April 3, 2017


Zan couldn't help his chuckle. "Well, um, no... no, I didn't expect all this." Actually, the most he'd expected was hearing of a lovers quarrel. That was the plight of most sad looking women who walked in here. Destiny had a different sadness though. A deeper one. 

He'd heard of the Elite before. He wasn't really sure what they were exactly, but someone had compared them to the FBI, or described them as a special branch of the law. If they were involved in all this, then he at least felt okay not calling the police.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't feel like hiding under the table or anything." He gave her a thin smile. He might use his head more if any goons picked on her again, but otherwise... he read wasn't fazed. 

"Numb... is normal when you're going though heartache," he assured. "Trust me." He glanced down at the fries that were almost gone now. Once the food was gone, it meant either awkward silence, or this little meeting would be over. He wasn't ready yet to let her walk away though. Not when she still looked so upset. "You... don't like coffee, do you? There's a little place about two blocks away that's open  late and... Doesn't smell like beer and smoke."

He held his hands up, showing his palms. "The street is well lit, we can walk, and I'll keep my hands in my pockets the entire time. What do you say?"

Chance tried to calm himself down, doing his best to breathe like Misty instructed. The extra oxygen helped his hyperventilating at least, though he still trembled as his stress levels had become too much to handle. 

He shook his head at her prompting for him to eat. "I... I'm not hungry..." He sniffed and wiped his eyes. "I feel like throwing up the way it is."

He looked up at her with bloodshot eyes, so sad, and so petrified. "I'm going to go to prison," he whispered shakily. "And I'm never gonna see her again... am I?"

As the tv was turned off, Hunter stood and stretched. "Okay..." He started wandering sleepily to the bedroom. "Does that mean you're coming to bed with me?"

He stopped and swung his head back around to Ryan. "That sounded horrible. Let me rephrase. Are you going to join me-" He cut his sentence off short. "Nope, not that one either. Um..." Heat crawled up his neck and he turned to keep walking away, mumbling as he went. "Come with... nope, not that either. Lie with.... aw, heck no..." His voice trailed off as he continued his route.

Getting to his bedroom, he exchanged his jeans for a pair of sweatpants, and crawled into bed, lying on his stomach and hugging his pillow. He honestly had no idea where Ryan would settle for the night, but he didn't dare ask - he obviously was incapable of saying anything that didn't sound wrong tonight.