April 14, 2017

Best Foot

Zan chuckled and slipped his phone back into his pocket. He could easily reply again, but then they'd be going back and forth all day, and he'd get in trouble for not paying enough attention to the customers. Destiny really did seem sweet and fun. Maybe he was pushing it to ask her out to dinner already, but it was just pizza. No strings. And she did seem like she needed to have a little fun.

A couple hours later he was off work, and walking back home, his phone to his ear. "Hey, Jett. Yeah, can I hang a ride tonight to Mom and Pops?"

"Oooh, pizza. Wanna catch a movie after?"

Zan rolled his eyes. "Dude, I just need a ride. As in, just drop me off. If you're busy, I can find-"

"Aw, no, no that's alright. No prob... So... meeting up with somebody?" 

"Yeah. Destiny found my locket in her car." 

"And... so you asked her out?"

"Maybe." Zan smirked at the silence on the other end. "I'm allowed."

"Of course you are. Right. Okay. Um. What time?"

Jett's change in tone made Zan's brow furrow slightly, but he just let it pass. "I just need to be there by six. That work?"

"Yeah... yeah, I can do that."

"Thanks. I owe ya."

"You know it." 

Zan ended the call and kept walking, now thinking about tonight. First though, he had to call down to the shop to see how bad a shape his car was in... 

...Ten til six. Jett pulled up to the curb in front of Mom and Pop's to let Zan off. "Well, have fun. Sure you don't want me to come back later?"

"Nah." Zan shook his head as he got out. "I'll either walk or find another ride. Don't worry about it."

"Alright." Jett shrugged. "See ya then."

"Yep." Zan waved him off, then turned to head inside. Though dressed casually, he'd made an effort to get cleaned up a bit more than normal tonight. His jeans were his good black ones, and his plain black t-shirt under his leather jacket was wrinkle free. He'd showered and shaved, throwing on just a little bit of cologne and making sure his hair was strategically messy. He wasn't trying to impress anyone, he just... felt like putting his best foot forward. Finding a table near the window, he sat and waited.

Hunter looked into Ryan's eyes, silent for several moments. He was going to miss having her around, too. As much as his humanness wanted her to stay at his place though, he knew how unwise it was. One weak moment was all it would take for them to make a big mistake, and he didn't want that to happen. It was nice though... knowing she'd spent the last few nights just to make sure he was okay. No expectations. No pressure. Not even one suggestion of anything other than simply being together. "You're amazing, you know that?" 

Finally breaking his gaze, he turned his sights back to the animals. "I promise," he finally answered her. Squeezing her tight, he leaned over and kissed her cheek before starting to walk in a new direction. "We haven't seen the elephants yet... we have to see the elephants..."

The rest of the day was relaxing, and Hunter's mood improved as time went on. By the time they were headed back to Ryan's place, he didn't feel nearly as grouchy as he had that morning. He knew he still wasn't quite himself, but by tomorrow, he hoped he'd be feeling at least relatively normal. 

As they parked and got out of her car, Eli came wandering down the walk. He was in his old ripped jeans and bare feet, holding a can of coke he'd just started on. "Hey guys." He smiled and came to help carry Ryan's bag. "You're just in time... I was just getting ready to grill some hamburgers. Scarlet's on her way over." 

Hunter glanced at Ryan. He didn't mind if she didn't. Hamburgers actually sounded kind of good. He'd let her decide though.