April 5, 2017


"Goodnight, Destiny." As concerned as Zan was, he knew he'd reached the limit of what he could do. Parting ways, he walked slowly back to The Griller where his car was. He thought about going back inside, but then changed his mind. He'd just go home and call it a night. Then he could get up early and work on his car before going to work. More than likely, he'd never see Destiny again but... maybe he'd at least helped her tonight. And that felt good.

Chance accepted the pills and water, downing them quickly before sinking his head back down again. All he wanted was sleep. Sleep so he wouldn't think. Sleep so he wouldn't imagine. Just sleep. 

The meds did help, and it didn't take long before he was finally sleeping. Somewhat restlessly, but sleeping nonetheless. By morning when he woke though, the depression had taken hold deep down, leaving him in an almost-unresponsive state. He wouldn't move. He wouldn't talk. And he wouldn't even look at anyone directly, unless it was Misty.

Justin returned mid-morning after hearing how he was, and was also asked by Reese to evaluate the situation. He was glad at least that Reese had sense enough to let him see Chance before assuming the man was faking or just desperate. He approached slowly, grabbing a chair to sit on the side where Chance's face was turned. Simply sitting, he just studied him for a few minutes, silently watching before eventually speaking. "How are you feeling?"

Not even Chance's eyes moved.

Justin pursed his lips. "You gonna talk to me?"

Still nothing.

"Chance, at least acknowledge I'm here, or this is gonna get awfully uncomfortable for you."

Finally Chance's eyes shifted to focus on him.

It was a start. Justin let out the breath he'd been holding. Being totally unresponsive would not have been good. But at least this was something. "Feel like having a cup of coffee?"

Chance finally shook his head a little.

"How about something to eat?"

He shook his head again.

"Alright. Can you tell me why you're lying in this bed?"

Chance swallowed and pulled himself in a little tighter. "They're going to take me to prison," he whispered.

Justin nodded slowly. "Probably. That's what happens when you make choices like you did. Why did you make those choices?"

A tear fell from Chance's eye, but he remained silent.

"If you don't talk to me... they're gonna send in someone a whole lot worse. You understand what that means, don't you?"

Chance nodded. Interrogation. Brute force. "It's okay," he answered quietly. "If they try hard enough... maybe I won't have to live to see tomorrow."

Justin's shoulders sank. That's not what he wanted to hear. "Are you telling me you want to die?"

Another tear fell. Then Chance nodded.

Justin closed his eyes for a moment before he stood. He set a hand on Chance's shoulder reassuringly. "Just rest." He wandered over to Misty's desk and rubbed his forehead wearily. "It's not good. I don't even know how they can get any information out of him in this state, and I don't like the thought of him going to jail, let alone prison. He'll be eaten alive." He set his hands on his hips, still thinking. "Reese wants an evaluation, but I'm not sure I can even give him one until I've had time to work with Chance some more. It may take the both of us insisting though, to get him to let Chance stay here for now. I don't think he should be alone for any length of time - he's definitely got a death wish and that's gotta be resolved before I'll be comfortable letting him be by himself."

Hunter's grip around Ryan loosened a little as his face gained a slight grimace. If Eli went to get his bike, that meant he knew probably everything about what had happened. "Um... how about you drive for now? My brain's still a bit foggy. Maybe we can go get my bike this afternoon." 

He released her and turned, but then stopped and glanced over his shoulder. "So... does Eli think you made a poor choice yet?" He could only imagine what Eli must think of him now.

Jason grinned at Katie, forced to cease his humming for a moment. 
Careful. They're gonna get suspicious.
He wriggled his leg playfully under hers. 
I think I could handle this too. Welcome to the future, I guess. 

Cindy quirked an eyebrow at Katie's strange behavior, then looked up at Wes and returned his shrug. Maybe they didn't even want to know what the laugh was all about. 

It wasn't too much later that Cindy and Wes had taken Kaylee inside to put her down, and also go to bed themselves, leaving Jason and Katie alone on the porch. Jason set his guitar aside and, still sitting on the top step, turned sideways to bring Katie in between his legs so she could rest back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head, just listening to the crickets and quiet nighttime sounds. In spite of the peace though, something deep down was stirring, and Jason didn't like it. 

We had a good day today... but I can feel it building again... 
Even though they were handling this, it was still unnerving, and, quite frankly, scary. He tightened his grip around her. "Can we just go in and fall asleep on the couch?" he asked quietly. "I... don't feel like being alone tonight."