April 7, 2017


At Katie's question, Jason simply leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
I don't think it is. I don't feel right. 
He gave her hand a squeeze.
I feel like this keeps happening because I'm not letting go like I should... but I'm scared to.

Cindy wasn't convinced. She knew Katie loved Jason, but love couldn't fix this. She was about to say it out loud, when Rick rejoined them, and sat at the table. She wiped her eyes but didn't even try to smile. "Now what?"

Rick shook his head. "I have no suggestions and I have no answers. Maybe it's about time I admitted that."

New tears formed in Cindy's eyes.

Rick felt bad, and softened his tone. "But I'm not giving up. Jason's young and strong. They both are."

Cindy swallowed hard. "What chance do they really have if this keeps up?"

Rick hesitated. His eyes drifted to Wes, whom he hardly knew. Yet the burden of holding Cindy together was on his shoulders, and Rick needed to convey how serious this whole thing was. "If it keeps going at this pace and severity... it's going to kill them both in a matter of three or four weeks."

Cindy's hand put Wes' in a vice grip.

"But one thing that's always been proven true with this," Rick continued, "is that it's not predictable. Once the element is fully alive in Katie again, it will help immensely, and it will be another game changer. This isn't a cancer where I can predict the stages of decline. Not even the Agency would know what to do at this point, except... let it take its course. Its... evolution."

It wasn't long before the house was quiet again. Jason was in his own bed, Katie in hers, and Rick on the couch. Not much sleep was gained though. By morning, Jason had spent an hour throwing up until there was nothing left, and had gained a fever again. Without him being able to hold anything down, Rick finally got some supplies from Angel to give him an IV, letting Jason stay in his own room. He did have Katie join him though, knowing full well that she was feeling this too, and that her presence would help Jason...

It was almost noon. Jason lay on his back with Katie tucked in next to him. He'd been sleeping on and off, but hadn't really rested. He felt like he had the worst case of the flu ever, but knew that wasn't it. Unfortunately. That would be easy to fix. As it was, he couldn't eat or drink anything, which just made him more tired and weak. Yet the emotions still churned under the surface, writhing within their confines.

What would happen if I really let go?
His fingers ran up and down her arm gently. 
Will I die? Will you die? 
He wanted to get up and go do something, but he didn't even have the energy to sit up. His eyes opened to drift up to the IV bag, before closing again. 
I told Rick to just let this take its course... and I've had those episodes where I had to release that energy... but I haven't actually just... let go. I'm afraid to.

Hunter snickered, but went ahead to find the donuts. "Yeah well..." He pulled one out and took a bite, rolling his eyes with pleasure. "Mm... mm-hmm... worth it."

It didn't take long to be settled back in the living room on the couch, surrounded by their food, and starting in on a movie marathon. An unintentional nap added to the relaxation of the day as the pleasant hours ticked by.

By late afternoon though, Hunter had grown restless. Working on a handful of potato chips, he paced back and forth behind the couch as he watched the movie, trying not to think about what he really wanted. Eating helped, but he'd been eating all day, and was going to make himself sick if he kept this up.

"...I saw Justin earlier when you were taking a nap and he told me you both think Chance shouldn't be interrogated yet?" Reese sat behind his desk, hands folded in front of him as he looked across at Misty. He'd called her into his office once he knew she was back in the infirmary again. Kirk was also present, though he stood off to the side, letting Reese handle this. 

Reese looked to his niece with question. "I know he's upset, but we have to have answers. We thought he gave us everything about the Underground before, but apparently not. We can't afford to wait on this, so... do you have a medical reasons to back up a delay? Because no matter what, he's gotta be shipped out of here, and soon, to be put behind bars."