April 13, 2017

6th and Hamilton

Zan's alarm went off way too early for what his body wanted after the late night before, even though technically it was mid-morning. He knew he had to get up though, or he'd be late for work.

After dragging himself out of bed, he got ready for the day, then ambled into the living room. Jett was still sprawled on his stomach on the couch, one leg and arm hanging off on the floor. Zan was sure he must be comfortable, but it looked like he would slide off the couch completely at any moment.

"Yo, Jett..." He nudged Jett's leg. "I'm leaving."

Jett didn't even open his eyes, but mumbled something incoherent.

Zan just rolled his eyes. "Yeah. See you later." It wasn't the first time he'd let his friend have free reign in his apartment, and he didn't really mind. He grabbed his jacket and keys and headed out the door. It was a warm day, and he probably didn't need his jacket, but it was too late now. Walking to the gas station took him about twenty minutes, and by the time he got there, he finally felt awake. At least awake enough to run the register and point people to the restroom.

By noon, his stomach was growling, reminding him he'd forgotten breakfast, but he wouldn't be off for another couple hours. Feeling his phone vibrate in his back pocket, he finished ringing up a customer before he could check his text messages. His eyebrows rose. Destiny?

Reading her message, he let out an audible breath. She had the locket. It was all he'd been able to think about, and he'd been beating himself up since last night for having lost it.

It's mine. 
Was looking all over for it. 
Thanks for hanging on to it. 
I'm at work til 2...
You can bring it to the BP gas
station on 6th and Hamilton.
Or we can meet up later.

He'd leave it up to her. If she wanted to hang out again later, he'd be up for it. But if she had other stuff going on and would rather juts swing by to drop off the locket, he'd be fine with that.

I'm okay. Don't worry about me.
Right now, all Jason cared about was that Katie was okay. If it hadn't been for Rick the last couple days, he probably wouldn't have even eaten anything himself. 

Rick nodded and went to get a small water bottle with a straw, then helped Katie sit up a little more. "Here you go... small sips, okay?" He held it out for her to drink, just glad that the panic had passed and she seemed to be alright. 

Jason remained where he was, refusing to move, even when Rick left to go find Jeff and tell him Katie was awake. His hand continued to hold hers as he watched her carefully to make sure she really was okay. "I thought for sure I'd lost you," he whispered. His eyes showed how tired and worried he was. "I'd never forgive myself." He bent down and kissed her hand, then just left his head resting on the bed next to her. "I can't ever do that to you again... I just can't."

Hunter sat at his kitchen table, cupping the warm coffee mug between his hands. He and Ryan had both slept late this morning - no surprise after all the junk they'd eaten the day before, on top of staying up late binge watching a movie series. Even so, he'd just as soon crawl right back in bed today. 

He took a sip of the black coffee and grimaced a little. He didn't want creamer, but he didn't like it black today either. Come to think of it, he didn't like much of anything this morning. Actually, as soon as he'd woken up, he'd felt like knocking someone's block off. He knew this was just another stage in the process of getting back on the wagon, but it didn't help. He didn't like being a grouch, but he was in a terrible mood, and he knew it showed all over his face. 

Sighing, he glanced across the table at Ryan. He was sure he looked a sight. He hadn't showered yet, and now he had several days worth of facial hair that desperately needed to be shaved off. All she'd done was be a good sport through this entire escapade, and today all he could do was reward her with grouchiness. He sure was something else. 

He took another sip of coffee, then just shoved it to the side and folded his arms on the table to rest his head on them, hiding his face. "I feel absolutely worthless," he mumbled. The nervousness and hyperactivity had crashed into a sea of irritation and probably a bit of depression. "I can't stay here all day... I'm gonna tear the apartment apart."