June 4, 2017


Zan was glad to see the light in Destiny's eyes again. He'd been concerned earlier, but maybe the day had been enough of a distraction from her worries that tomorrow would be brighter now. He smiled and nodded. "We're definitely going to pick this up again."

He left the living room as it was for now, and wouldn't​ let Destiny help clean up - he'd do it later. The drive to her house didn't take long, and before he knew it, he was pulling up to the curb. "I'll walk you to the door," he offered. Maybe it was old fashioned, but it was a good excuse to add at least another thirty seconds before having to part ways. 

Once they'd reached her front door, he turned to look down at her, and smiled. Spotting a strand of hair that the breeze had played with, he instinctively reached out and brushed it back behind her ear, letting his touch linger on the side of her face. "Thanks for spending the day with me," he mentioned quietly.

Aaron strapped his knee brace on and stood up, flexing his leg just a little, although it was pretty stiff and sore from his adventure at the lake yesterday. JT would probably chide him later, but he didn't care. He'd enjoyed himself.

This morning he was fully dressed and had showered before anyone had arrived to work. At least he did have that luxury here. He grabbed a single crutch and opened his door, glancing both ways down the hallway. He was pretty sure Sam was here already, and just wanted to see what time they'd be able to talk to Reese since she'd said they could this morning. He'd heard some footsteps but hadn't been paying enough attention to know whose they were.

He hobbled down to the security room where the door was open, and was about to knock, when he stopped. Seeing Hal just leaning down over Sam's shoulder, then seeing her kiss his hand, he blinked then backed up a step. He'd known they worked closely together, but he hadn't picked up on that. Glancing back at them for just another second or two, he finally turned and went back to his room without interrupting them. Sitting down on the edge of the bed again, his eyes studied the floor. This place was getting more miserable by the second. He had to get out of here.  

Hal grinned as Sam kissed his hand, then moved around to sit in his chair. "Mm-hmm..." His eyes twinkled a little as he answered her question. "After you left, I was out. Didn't wake up til my alarm went off this morning."

He took a slow sip of coffee and sighed deeply. Good night sleep or not, the drink still hit the spot. "I was thinking... if spending the evening with you is all it takes to sleep like that, then maybe we ought to do it more often." His grin returned to accompany the teasing in his tone. "Unless, you know, there's a risk of overdose."

"Dylan, have you met Pete?" Jason stood at Pete's cubicle after checking in with Reese and keeping Dylan close.

Dylan shook his head. "I don't think so. I think you were at the ranch before I got there."

Pete nodded. "I think so too." He held out his hand. "Good to have ya. Word has it you're gonna be around here for a little while."

"Yeah." Dylan managed a half smile as he shook his hand.

Jason set his hands on his hips. "Reese would like you to show Dylan around then take him back to his office. You got time?"

"Sure thing."

"Okay. I'll catch you later, Dylan."

"Yeah." Dylan watched Jason leave then looked back to Pete. It really didn't bother him, being in a strange place with people he didn't know. He just wanted to absorb and do a good job at whatever he was asked to do.

Pete set aside some paperwork and gave him a nod. "Alright. Grand tour. Come on." He made sure to introduce him to Ron first since he was closest, then moved on to Sapphire and Jamie. Dylan at least knew Con, and of course Jason and Katie. It was much different here than he'd expected - probably what he thought he'd see was what this place would become, considering the description of the new building they'd be moving to. He was very quiet, but shook a lot of hands and tried to remember names as he was introduced. Not everybody was in yet, so he knew he'd be meeting more people later. The rec room downstairs was of interest, and he got the idea he might be helping Susanne a bit with some filing. Overall, everyone seemed nice enough, though Dylan wasn't sure how much he'd actually be interacting with anybody.

Eventually they wound up back at Reese's office and Reese took over. Dylan learned he'd be reporting to Reese himself every day, and would be assigned to help different people as needs arose. As suspected, he'd probably be making a lot of copies and running paperwork back and forth, but he was free to ask as many questions as he liked, and unless a case was classified, he'd be allowed to learn how they operated and handled situations. There would also be some amount of training involved...

Reese wandered to Nate's cubicle with Dylan and knocked on the wall. "Nate - I'd like you to meet Dylan Henson. He's Mick's son - the one that's going to be around here for a little while."

Dylan stepped forward to shake his hand, taking him in with a long glance. There was a sense of peace about him and Dylan immediately liked him.

Reese then gestured to the other man. "This is Garret Jackson. He's..."

Garret folded his arms and waited several long seconds before smirking, then offered a hand to Dylan. "I'm an ex-Agency operative and Nate's my handler."

Though hesitating on the inside, Dylan accepted the handshake. Ex-Agency? Really? No wonder he looked like a military man. He had a confusing air about him that Dylan couldn't quite make out on his first impression, and he could feel his insides tighten a little, just knowing who he was.

Reese looked to Nate again. "I'd like Dylan to have a little bit of physical training while he's here, to get a taste of some hand-to-hand. My idea was to have Garret take that on. Depending on... what you thought of the idea."

Garret's eyebrows rose just about as high as Dylan's, and he glanced at Nate. He'd actually love to train somebody - he was dying to do more than just paperwork. But was Reese serious? To actually trust him with someone - anyone - let alone a young man - let alone the son of Mick Henson?