June 3, 2017


"I'm not cheating!" Zan tossed a piece of popcorn at Destiny as he laughed. She acted like she was having a good time, and he was glad. He was certainly enjoying the company, and enjoying watching her play the games too. "See? I'll prove it." He intentionally made his character walk off the edge of a cliff. "There." 

Settling back, he pulled his feet up in front of him, resting his forearms on his knees. By now, they'd sunk closer together in the couch, and his shoulder was resting against hers. "Trick is not to panic," he mused, avoiding a flying predator. "Kinda like life, I guess. Crap happens but generally you don't die from it. You just gotta... climb back up."

He paused, then gave her a sidelong glance, accompanied by a grin. "That was way deeper than I intended." He grabbed a couple more kernels of popcorn to eat before sipping his can of vanilla Pepsi. "Would you rather watch a movie?" It was getting later in the evening, and he knew he'd have to take her home whenever she wanted, but he was game for anything, and was far from tired.

Hunter watched Ryan leave before closing and locking the door. "Well..." He turned to Dylan with a smile. "I'll help you get settled so you can get some shut-eye. Come on."

Dylan grabbed his bags again and followed him to the extra room. "So... Eli is Ryan's brother, and he has a girlfriend, Scarlet."

"Right. And then there's Zan - he's another racer you'll meet tomorrow. And Jett - he's a sidekick likes to hang around Zan and help out."

Dylan nodded. "Alright. Hey, thanks for letting me be here. I know it was kinda short notice. I don't wanna be a bother, so don't feel like you need to include me in everything​."

Hunter smirked and leaned on the open doorway. "I don't do anything I don't wanna. I'm glad you're here - really. I wouldn't have said yes otherwise. So when I invite you alone, it means I want you there. Got it?"

Dylan gave him a half a grin. "Okay. Got it."

"Let your dad know you got here in one piece?"

"Just gonna do that now." Dylan held up his phone. 

"Alright. Well, bathroom's next door. Clean towels are there. Anything in the kitchen is free game too, so help yourself. Sounds like you'll be up before me in the morning."

"Got it." Dylan really was fine with anything. He knew he was at the mercy of others out here, and wouldn't complain about anything. Left alone to get settled, he sent his dad a quick text then got ready for bed.

Lying on the air mattress a while later, he fingered his phone again, debating. Finally he started another text.
Hey Ash. Ur prolly in
bed, but just wanted 
to let you know I made
it to NV in one piece.

His thumb hovered over the send button. She wouldn't be worried. She'd hear the next day he'd made it. Texting her really was pointless. He debated for at least a full minute before finally sending it. She'd appreciate it. 

Mick lay on his back in bed, far from sleep as his phone buzzed on the nightstand. Grabbing it quickly, he saw Dylan's message and breathed a sigh. He was glad he'd gotten to Hunter's safely and just hoped it was the start of a good thing. 

He ran his fingers along Rosetta's arm that was draped over him. "I did the right thing, right?" he asked softly. "Letting him go?"