June 7, 2017

Sounds Great

Listing to Hal Sam smiled a little. She was happy he was there and just told her how it was. Dating or not he didn't sugar coat it and she was thankful for that. She needed someone who would just tell her and not beat around the bush. Maybe everything would be ok, and Aaron was just having a rough day. She'd have to wait and see what tomorrow held.

   "Thank you!"

Returning the kiss to Hal Sam smiled up at him. At least someone had a level head and was thinking right to keep her on track. 

   "Lunch, when you are done, sounds great to me."

Dalton could see Scott was getting uncomfortable and felt bad about it. He tried not to bring notice to it. If anything he knew Scott would feel worse and embarrassed the more attachen that was drawn to him.  

   "We can't wait to have you back. I know I for one miss having you around."

The conversation continued and Dalton was pleased that it seemed everyone was getting along ok and carrying on conversations. Scott and Dylan were the quiet ones at the table but that was ok, at least they were quiet together and a little less awkward for one or the other.

As the food came and Dalton took a bit of his shrimp he let out a content groan. It had been a long time since he had Chinese and this tasted amazing. This was already one of his favorite places to eat so having not been here in a long while just made the food taste that much better.

   "So I was thinking one night we should all hang out or something. Maybe come over to my place, have snacks and drinks and play cards or something. I think that could be fun."

Oh yes! Definitely, I think you would 
be happier doing that. Working more
with you hands seems like something
you'd like.

Sending the text Destiny stood from the couch and wandered to the kitchen. Pouring herself a glass of tea she took a sip of the cold liquid. It was refreshing and she was happy she'd made it this morning. Opening another text to Zan she continued the conversation.

That sounds perfect to me. What time
do you want to meet there?