June 3, 2017


Zan chuckled and shook his head. "It'll be fun. And if you don't like it, we'll pop a movie in instead." He saw a flash of hesitance in her eye, and was afraid he'd made her feel awkward, but was glad she said yes. He'd be extra careful to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable. He wasn't used to being around women like her but... he liked this a lot better.

A walk through the park was nice, and helped ease the full stomachs. It was a nice evening, and once they'd gotten to Zan's apartment, it had grown dark.

"It's... not much to look at..." Zan flipped on the lights in his apartment as he led Destiny inside.  "But it's home." He quickly grabbed some trash to throw away, and set some dirty dishes in the sink. He kept a fairly neat place, but it was still a bachelor pad. "Just living room and kitchen... bedroom there." He pointed to a short hallway. "Spare room full of crap, and... bathroom's right there if you need it - just ignore the..." He paused. "On second thought... wait here." He disappeared for about thirty seconds in the bathroom to hide the mess, then reappeared wearing a sheepish grin. "Okay... let me introduce you to some fun games."

Getting settled on the couch, he made sure not to crowd her, and showed her the controllers, explaining the game they could play together. It didn't take long before he was laughing - whether she was getting caught by a creature, running into walls or totally missing targets. Focused too much on her, he was walking off cliffs and getting run over by boulders. It didn't matter though - just sitting together playing and eating snacks was fun.

Dylan wasn't sure who Eli was, but he grinned anyway. It was kinda nice to see Ryan and and she looked happier than she'd been at the ranch. "Tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah." Hunter folded his arms. "Got something going down at the races. We're taking out some riffraff who thinks he can bully the novice racers."

Dylan's eyebrows rose. "Taking out?"

"As in forcing him off the track by means of  driving tactics and overall humiliation."

Dylan nodded slowly. "Sounds like a blast."

Hunter laughed. "We're hoping it won't be, but you're invited to come along. How late you gotta work?"

"Prolly til five." Dylan shrugged. "I'll most likely just be shown around and told how to make coffee and copies so coming to see where you race would be fun."

"Alright then." Hunter grinned and stepped closer to Ryan, giving her a quick kiss. "Then we'll both see you tomorrow night. Oh, and wish me luck. I'm gonna check out that job opening at the auto parts store."