June 1, 2017


Sam liked the sound of having more nights like that. Just him and her...it was quiet, it was nice. After all the craziness they dealt with at work just relaxing felt good, the two of them. She hoped she wasn't moving into this whole thing too fast with Hal and if she was he would tell her. 

   "More nights like this I would definitely like."

Swirling her wine for a moment Sam had just been nursing it. It tasted good and she wanted to just savor the taste. Hearing Hal's comment Sam thought for a moment before looking over at the little wicker couch he had on the deck. It looked too comfortable to pass up.

   "How about we cuddle on the couch there, the light music still playing, under the stars and just...enjoy the night. It's too nice out to pass it up."

Catching the headset Ryan laughed. She poor brother...she liked seeing him squirm though. If she had to deal with him and Scarlet then he just had to deal with them. She could make it worse for him though he was just lucky she loved him enough to spare him most the details.

Looking at Zan Destiny nodded and smiled. It felt nice to be included with everyone even if she really didn't know all of what was going on. She knew a lot more now thought then when she had first gone to the races. 

Heading out in her car it felt a little strange being able to hear everyone but Ryan was sure it was something she would get used too. Looking over at Hunter in his car she smiled. 

   "No pressure? No No...lots of pressure. The ball is in your court we are just here for support and back up."

Watching Destiny cringed seeing how rough the race was. This was a lot different than the first race she had been to so for them it must be hard. They weren't racing they were losing and taking someone else with them. 

Silent for a long second she just studied the area letting a picture forum in her mind. Talking a little loud she wasn't sure if the others could hear or not while she was thinking.

   "If Ryan takes left, Hunter can get right, and Zan can get back. He can use their down draft to make him go faster and in turn, make them go faster too. If they keep is right. Then go up around Thunder almost like a cup. It would be enough to make him panic but could be dangerous too."

Watching as the bean went sailing Bree's eyes widened as she looked at the floor and then back to Garret just blinking. Looking down at her own food she took a Brussels sprout and tossed it in Garret's direction just laughing for a second.

   "You just tried to attack me with a bean!!!"

Standing and wondering over to the bed Bree sat down to Gunner and smiled. Just studying him for a long second she felt bad he was still having a hard time. Maybe she could help.

   "Can I help you? A Vampire needs to keep his strength up!"