May 31, 2017


Hal glanced at Sam as she rested her head on his shoulder. It felt so good to have someone want to be physically close to him. The more time he spent with her, the more time he wanted to spend with her. Was she... really someone special or was he just that lonely? His own enthusiasm to pursue this relationship frightened him deep down. They really hadn't known each other all that long, but within the last couple days alone, he'd completely opened up his heart to her. Was he just setting himself up for a hard fall later?

Slipping his arm around her shoulders, he kissed the top of her head. "Good. Maybe we'll have to have more like this." He finished the last couple sips of his wine and set the glass aside on the railing before sighing with content.

"Wanna move inside or stay out here?"

Pete whistled as he wandered the dim floor, heading to his cubicle for his travel mug that he'd left here earlier. Everyone was gone for the night, leaving it eerily quiet in the Elite building. Just arriving to his space, he stopped as his nose caught a whiff of something. Heat? Smoke? He bypassed his original goal and wandered to the hall instead. Light was coming from the break room. Ty or Aaron? He took a deep breath and covered the distance to the break room. As soon as he'd rounded the corner, Aaron spun around from the stove, spatula in hand - ready to throw it if necessary.

"Hey, whoa." Pete held up his hands. "Just checking to see who was up and about."

Aaron's eyes narrowed. "Uh-huh." He gave Pete a once-over. "What? No gun tonight? Brave man."

Pete rolled his eyes and wandered in a couple steps. "Look, maybe I was a little too hasty the other day." He shrugged. "I heard an explosion, saw you, and I reacted. You of all people can understand reacting without thinking."

Aaron wasn't sure what to make of Pete's new attitude, so he simply turned back to his skillet, flipping the pieces of bread.

Pete leaned on the back of a chair as he replayed Sam's words in his head. He'd meant to say something to Aaron sooner but just hadn't gotten around to it. "I... apologize for not giving you the benefit of the doubt before. I guess it's just hard getting used to all the changes around here and... there's a lot of mistrust wrapped up in Agency issues."

Aaron remained silent. Did Pete have an angle? Was he being genuine? That was hard to believe after recent events.

Pete waited then finally just sighed. "Alright, well... goodnight."


Pete stopped at the door and turned. "Yeah?"

Aaron looked over his shoulder at him. "Want a piece of french toast?"

Pete quirked an eyebrow. His dinner plans with Nikki had been canceled, and he hadn't eaten supper yet. "French toast, huh? Any good?"

Aaron smirked. "Eat it and I'll accept your apology."

Pete wandered closer to take a look. "What did you put in it?"

"Arsenic." Aaron smirked at him. "Eggs. What do you think?" He grabbed a plate and put a piece of finished bread on it. "Syrup's on the table."

Pete had little choice but to accept the plate, and sat down at the table, just a bit leery. It would be fine... right? He started for the butter.

"Won't need that," Aaron advised. 

Pete sighed and went ahead and took a bite without even any syrup just to prove he did need the butter. As it hit his tongue though, his eyebrows rose. "Hey... this is really good."

Aaron shut off the stove and sat down across from him with his own couple pieces of toast and poured just a little syrup on them. "I wouldn't​ make something bad for my own supper."

"This isn't just eggs and milk is it?"



Aaron chewed a bite and shook his head. He wasn't willing to share all his secrets.

Pete grinned and simply took another bite. The table remained quiet until his piece was gone, and he finally stood again to rinse his plate. "Thanks... it really was good."

"Be better if there had been some bacon around here."

Pete chuckled. "Maybe I can do something about having a better variety kept in the fridge. That would be Susanne's department and she can get funding for anything out of Reese."

Aaron was still eating, and looked up at Pete, just studying him for a few moments. His face finally relaxed enough to offer a half smile. "Okay."

"Alright well... I better go."

Aaron pointed his fork at a leftover slice of french toast by the stove. "I made too much."

Pete hesitated then smiled. He grabbed the extra piece and folded it in half to just eat it with his fingers as he walked out, giving Aaron a wave as he went.

Left alone, Aaron paused his eating and simply sat in the quiet for a few minutes. He really wasn't sure what had just happened but... he didn't think it was bad. It kinda felt... good.

Eli covered his ears, shaking his head. "Lalalala...."

Jett snickered. "What? Don't like hearing about your sister making out?"

"No!" Eli threw Ryan a smirk, though his eyes were twinkling. "Just... here." He threw her a headset and Hunter one too. "Jett's idea. So I can tell at you all. Now get your butts in your cars before I decide you're too dense to do this."

Zan grinned and gave Destiny's shoulder a little squeeze. "Have fun. See you in a bit."

He aimed for his car, while Hunter got in his own too, and Jett got in the loaner. Once they all figured out how they could hear and talk to each other, they headed a short distance away.

"There's an old dead tree straight out," Eli directed. "That can be the turning point like the normal track. Jett, head on out. You other three wait until he's about halfway to the curve, then go out, box him in and slow him down."

Hunter kept a close eye on Ryan's car beside him as he drove and listened. "Who takes lead?"

"Zan. This is his show."

Zan rolled his eyes. "Thanks. No pressure."

The three pulled off to the side to wait, while Jett took off for the tree. He was the only one without a headset since it was his job to avoid them anyway, just like Thunder might do. He picked up speed - which wasn't as much as the race cars, but enough to kick up a nice cloud of dust as he sped for the tree.

"Alright guys..." Eli squinted in the sun. "Now. Go get him." He wasn't sure which was worse. Their start, the awkward maneuvering, how they failed to catch up to Jett before he'd already headed back to the start, or how Ryan and Hunter couldn't seem to decide who should go right or left.

As the cars slowed and prepared for another go at it, Eli looked at Destiny with a wry grin. "And this is why I suggested we practice. They can't even catch a non-racer in an old beater."

"We can still hear you!" Hunter complained. "We just gotta find our groove, that's all."

Gunner gave Bree a little crooked grin. "I think I'd like to take you with me wherever I go. I mean... obviously I've felt that way for a while now." He'd asked her to marry him after all, even if he couldn't remember it. 

Her suggestion to abandon his utensils brought another smile to his lips. "And I won't tell anybody you suggested it." He gave up the fork and reached for a bean. His fingers still weren't wanting to cooperate all that well though, and maneuvering a bean wound up almost as hard as wielding a fork. 

He finally got hold of one though and was very glad since his stomach had started to growl - loudly. Almost to his mouth, and he squeezed too hard. He'd already added butter, making the beans rather slippery, and now with the pressure, the bean shot right out of hand hand. It flew into the air like a rocket, landing on the tiles floor with a quiet splat. 

Gunner's eyes had gone wide and he blinked before daring a look at Bree. "Oops."