June 6, 2017

Awfully Happy

Hal's eyebrows rose, showing genuine surprise. He'd really thought Aaron was ready to talk to Reese. "Wow, that's... odd." He abandoned his other work for now, giving Sam his full attention. "Something had to have happened or changed for him to turn around like that. At least... I would think so. Somebody doesn't just do that for no reason." 

He honestly had no idea what it could be. Sam had made so much progress with Aaron - what really had happened? "Will he talk to you at all? Or maybe you should ask Justin to make an extra visit?" 

Jamison yelled as he would have hit the ground hard had Dalton not caught him. Catching his breath, his face flushed a little and he laughed. "Yeah well... I like living dangerously." He cleared his throat and tried to calm down as he walked around to the passenger side just a bit sheepishly. 

Dylan was quiet as he got in the back seat, just watching them interact. So far... he liked them both. He glanced at Dalton in the rearview mirror. "Is he always like this?"

"No," Jamison interrupted. "Just when... um... I get hungry." He bit his lower lip and gave Dalton a sidelong glance. "Sorry." His sisters used to give him a bad time about getting loopy when his sugar started to get a little low - he'd gotten a lot better about regulating himself, but every once in a while, like today, it got the best of him. 

Dylan grinned and shook his head. Jamison reminded him just a little of Clint. At least when he was hungry. 

It didn't take long to get to the little Chinese restaurant. Dylan really was grateful for the invite. It was just his first day there, but he was glad to be active and trying to get to know these people. They found a table and got situated with drinks and menus, Dylan still keeping pretty quiet, and Jamison just about bursting as he tried to behave himself. 

Scott wandered in and spotted them before aiming in their direction. He managed a smile and waved. "Hey, guys." 

Jamison looked up and returned the smile. "Hey!" He knew Scott felt awkward being gone from work while his someone else had taken over part of the office. It wasn't hard to figure that one out. He didn't want there to be tension though - he understood how important Scott was to the Elite and never wanted to be in the way. 

Scott glanced over at Dylan and his eyebrows rose. "Dylan?"

Dylan offered him a crooked grin. "Just visiting a while. Got rescued from a vending machine lunch." 

Scott chuckled. "Well, I learned a long time ago not to try and say no to the giant." He pulled out a fourth chair and eased down a bit stiffly, though he tried to hide the discomfort, and looked to Dalton. "Thanks for inviting me." They hadn't really gotten together in a while now, and Scott missed his friend. "How's... how's things going?"

"You seem awfully happy today." 

Zan grinned and shook his head as he leaned back against the counter inside the gas station once the customer had left. "No happier than normal."

"Uh-uh." Tim shook his head. "You got this little glow in your eye." He elbowed Zan's arm. "Is it a girl?"

"What? No." Zan turned back around and straightened up a candy bar display. "Maybe."

"Aha!" Tim scooted around to the other side of the counter. "Who is she?"

Zan rolled his eyes. "For me to know." 

"Oh come on. Is she that bad?"

"No! Of course not. We're just... well, we've only known each other a couple weeks, so there's nothing to talk about."

"All I asked for was a name!"

Zan sighed. "Destiny."

"Mmm." Tim grinned. "Like your destiny?" 


"Okay, okay!" Tim held up his hands. "How'd you meet?" 

"Oh for crying..." Zan cut himself off as a customer came in to pay for their fuel then left. "We met at The Griller. She's going through a rough patch and needed a friend. So... we started hanging out."

Tim's grin returned. "Nice. How's she doing now?"

"Better." Zan paused. "I think. It's a long story. She's gotten the short end of the stick more than once, and her last boyfriend sounds like a real piece of work."

"Ah." Tim chewed on the inside of his lip. "So... she's on the rebound." 

Zan stopped what he was doing to look at his coworker. And for just a moment, the playfulness had diminished. "I guess... maybe." 

Tim had become a little more serious too. "Well I hope it works out for ya."

"Yeah... me too." Zan forced a smile. "Your turn to go check bathroom supplies."

Tim rolled his eyes but aimed for the back. "Right, right." 

Left alone, Zan pulled out his phone. He hesitated though, before sending his text. What Tim had said had struck him perhaps more than it should have. Was Destiny just on the rebound? Was that why she took to him like she had? Was that it? Or was she really interested in him? Now he wasn't so sure. Sighing, he tried to push all those thoughts aside. 

Hey :) 
Just bored at work.
Tonight - wanna meet at the racing
site? That way in case anything 
happens again I can bum a ride
with you :-p 

He glanced out the front window as a car pulled up to the pumps.

We could always do supper first.
If you're free...

Hunter slid in behind the wheel of his car, still smiling at his phone. Then he stopped mid-thought.

Shoot. Forgot all about Dylan.
Don't tell him. I shouldn't prolly
abandon him his first night
unless he's got something else
going on. I'll let you know, k?