June 8, 2017


Zan grinned as just a little color came to his cheeks. If Destiny really did like the smell of the shop, it was a good thing, seeing as though he'd be working on cars a lot more now. Reaching over, he slid his pop closer and took a sip, sighing with content. "Mm... you know me too well already." 

Giving her another smile, he leaned close to give her cheek a kiss. "Went great at the shop," he finally answered. "And... I get to start in a couple weeks." His smile widened. "Just gotta give the gas station notice and finish out my time there. Then I'll be back to working on cars." He really was happy. He'd missed auto work and really hadn't liked the gas station much at all. "I already know three people there, so that's kinda cool, too." 

Just staying seated right next to her, he nudged her arm. "What about you? How was your day?"

You're awesome :)
See you in a bit.

Hunter closed out his messages and went to the dialer to call out for pizza from the Pizza Box. He usually preferred Mom and Pop's, but the Pizza box delivered, so that's what it would be. After ordering, he wandered to the spare room and knocked on the door. "Hey, Dylan?"

Dylan was sacked out on his stomach, and stirred from his sleep. "Hmm?"

"Heads up. Ordered pizza for supper."

"'Okay..." Dylan sighed and rolled over, opening his eyes. It took him a moment to get his bearings - for a few seconds he could have sworn he was in his own bunkhouse. He didn't usually take naps, but he'd been so tired after getting back from the Elite. All he'd done in the afternoon was help Jamie, but between all the new things and two hours with Garret, he'd been done. He felt a little better now at least, and did still want to go to the race tonight just to see what it was all about.

Finally getting himself up again, he wandered to the living room where Hunter was, and flopped down on the opposite end of the couch. "No date with Ryan?"

Hunter grinned. "She's coming here."

"I told you to ignore-"

"I know what you said," Hunter interrupted. "I'm a big boy - I can make up my own mind, and Ryan's coming here for supper."

Dylan gave him a wry grin and finally nodded. He really was okay being alone, and he really didn't want Hunter going any more out of his way than he already had to let him stay here. But he also could tell it wasn't worth trying to argue with him.

About half an hour later, the pizza arrived, and Hunter put it in the oven to keep warm until Ryan came.

Aaron's growling stomach had turned into a dull ache by morning, although he continued to ignore it by skipping breakfast, too. He was dressed and lying on his bed, having hardly slept the night before. He knew things were picking up for the day around the office. He'd heard voices and footsteps go by outside his door, and could even guess who had arrived for the day. It never changed. 

By nine o'clock, he finally got up, put his knee brace on, grabbed one crutch and exited his room. Limping the few doors down, he found the security door open. Sam was alone this time, which... he preferred anyway. Knocking, he entered only a couple steps. He knew he'd upset her yesterday. Even though he'd told her to leave him alone, it was unusual she hadn't at least said something to him.

His eyes studied her face for a moment before he cleared his throat. "Um... I... wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday." He swallowed hard. "I guess I just got up on the wrong side of bed an I just..." He shrugged. "...couldn't handle it." 

A pause followed as his eyes dropped then came back up to hers. "I was wondering if... maybe I could get just a couple minutes of fresh air today? After yesterday I'm feeling kinda claustrophobic."