April 1, 2017

How Come - Salvaged

How Come
Hearing about Zan running away Destiny was a little surprised. He didn't seem like the type to just tuck tail and run. But then again everyone had skeletons in their closet. Just continuing to listen to him Destiny liked hearing his story. She laughed a little at his mention of running out of gas. He was a good storyteller, he had a good voice for it.

   "Nevada is not so bad. Some spots are better than others, the nightlife can get run on the outskirts of town."

Sitting back and looking around the bar now for the real first time Destiny didn't it looked like such a bad place. Maybe not one she would normally stop at but it was nice and the food seemed good. Maybe she would visit here more.

   "Sometimes the simpler things are better."

Taking another fry Destiny was happy to be chewing on it with the question Zan just asked. That sore subject was bound to come up right. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad telling someone she didn't know a little more about herself. It was always so hard to let people in an unfortunate side effect of her upbringing.

   "No dogs or a husband."

Reaching for the glass of water that had been brought over she took a sip. She new more than likely he was going to be able to tell there was more to it. Maybe talking to someone else who had no ties to her or anyone would be a good thing.

   "I actually...found out today that my boyfriend or I guess I should say ex-boyfriend has been working for the people who killed my parents a little over a year ago."

Reaching to take another fry a tear slipped out of Destiny's eye. It was so hard to talk about...it really honestly was an she felt silly crying in front of Zan. He didn't need that but she couldn't help it.

   "So I...don't have anyone. No family, no friends, no boyfriend or husband. I don't even have any pets. I was in a safe house for a while because people were after me too, so that kind of put a damper on really...anything."

She didn't know if Zan would believe her or not, and if he didn't it was really no big deal but she'd told someone. She actually opened up to someone and that was a big step for her.

A short time later coming over Misty ham sandwich and handed it to Chance along with some water. He needed to eat something even if he didn't want too. A little something was better than nothing.

   "Here you go. Try and eat as much as you can."

Just watching him for a moment Misty eased down on the side of the bed. No one else was around and no one asked her to talk to Chance, but she just wanted to talk to him.

   "So what happened Chance? How come you went back?"

Feeling Hunter move around a little bit Ryan looks down at him and smiled. She was happy to see him awake again. Softly running her fingers along his arm and shoulder what she was watching on tv was forgotten for now.

   "Yes I am! Eli already knows more than likely I will be here for little bit, or you will be coming with me to our place."

Grinning she thought about the ranch again for a second as her smile grew a little more.

   "I actually kind of missed spending thing much time with you. I got so used to it at the ranch, so it's kind nice I get to again."

Leaning against the railing of the porch with her one leg over Jason's as to not bother his playing but to be close to him Katie just listened to the music as she wove some flowers together she had found in the yard earlier with Jason. It was nice and relaxing to just be here enjoy the calm when they could.


Feeling Jason's emotions come her way and hearing his words in her head Katie couldn't help the laugh that slipped out. Relizing she had done it out loud Katie looked quickly to Wes and Cindy.

   "I...well...um...never mind."

Going back to her flower weaving quickly Katie couldn't help the silly emotions that she pushed Jason's way.

Hate to break it to you but we are starting to get old. If this is what its like...I think I can handle it a few days a week.

Hearing Katie's outburst Wes looked at her and raised and eyebrow before looking to Cindy and shrugging. He had no idea what was going on, or what was so funny.

At Destiny's question, Zan laughed. His eyes drifted  to his Pepsi though, as he shook his head. "Naw... not Vegas." He paused before looking back up at her. "I was... running away. Life happened and... I needed a new start. I packed up my stuff, hit the road without a map and didn't look back. Probably not the smartest thing I've ever done but I've settled pretty well here." A new grin slid across his lips. "Actually, North Springs is where I ran out of gas. I got a pair of binoculars and went to the highest point I could find. I couldn't see New Mexico, so I figured I was far enough away to stop, at least until something better came along and... so far it hasn't."

He took another french fry, mainly just to make her feel like she wasn't the only one eating them. Chewing thoughtfully, he shrugged. "As you can see, I like the finer things in life." His eyes glanced around the room, and his grin returned. He leaned his elbows on the table and went back to studying Destiny's face. He didn't know what had happened on this day to create such a sad look in her eye, but it was worrisome that she was here, and not with someone. "So... you got family around here? Married?" He'd already noticed she didn't wear a ring, but it was less creepy if he actually asked. "Or... maybe you like dogs more than husbands?"

Chance didn't object to the orange juice, and drank it shakily. He felt absolutely wretched, but at least he didn't feel like he was suffocating at the moment, nor like he was going to pass out. He didn't understand what had happened or why he felt overwhelmingly panicked or why his mind was suddenly racing out of control. All he knew was this was it... life as he knew it was over... and there was no point in trying to run.

In spite of having been given a sedative, his mind refused to shut down. An hour later, he was still staring at the ceiling, and still shaking all over, trying to process what was happening.

Hunter woke up after having fallen asleep again. He'd given in and eaten a little supper to make Ryan happy, but had immediately returned to the couch. His headache still persisted, and his stomach still wasn't quite right either. He couldn't remember falling asleep, but apparently he'd used Ryan as a pillow again, as his arm was wrapped around her, and his head was nestled in somewhere above her hip as he laid halfway behind her.

He sighed and pried one eye open to see what she was watching on tv. He didn't know what time it was, but it felt late. "Are you... gonna stay again?" he questioned softly. He knew she'd brought some of her own stuff over, but maybe she'd changed her mind. In all honesty, he really didn't want her to leave. She was the only thing holding him together at the moment, and he knew without her, it would be ten times harder to pull himself back up again.

The day had been a good one. A relaxing one. Without any mishaps or episodes, one would like to think there wa no danger, but Jason knew better. He knew it was just another lull before another storm. But he would enjoy the good moments, and was determined not to worry about the bad ones.

Sitting on the porch of his mom and Wes' house, he strummed his acoustic guitar, humming a soft tune he'd been working on in his head. Crickets were chirping, and stars were just starting to dot the sky.

Cindy sat with Wes in the porch swing, and leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder. She would never tire of hearing Jason's voice, and only wished he could do more of what he enjoyed. Kaylee sat on a blanket on the porch as well, mesmerized by her big brother's quiet song that was slowly putting her to sleep. 

Jason's eyes drifted to Katie and he gave her a wink.
I'm enjoying this way too much for someone my age. This is what old people do for fun...

Misty gave a nod to Pete. She was thankful he was trusting her judgment. They could do what they needed to do after he was doing better.

   "Thank you, Pete, I appreciate it."

Turning and going back to Chance Misty checked his eyes again before handing him some orange juice from the fridge. She'd get him a little bit to eat shortly too.

   "If you need anything, or start feeling strange again. I'll be here to make sure you keep doing ok."

   "Wow New Mexico huh? I was there once in Albuquerque. It was quite a while ago. We didn't stay long, though. It was really brown there."

Taking a few more fries Destiny eat them again as her stomach growled with pleasure. Talking with Zan was nice even if it was just small talk. Looking up at Zan Destiny tried to read his face, it was hard, though. Was he just trying to be nice or in the end of this conversation would he be looking for something else too? He seemed nice enough and though he really was interested in her.

   "Right now I work part time at the library in town. Nothing fancy, but it brings in some extra money. So what brought you to Nevada? It wasn't Vages was it?"

Losing Hope
Pete sighed deeply, but finally nodded. "Okay... alright. You're right." The last thing he wanted was to deal with something like that. As good a liar as Chance was... there's no way he could fake what he was going through right now. And in top of that... Pete was just a bit impressed that Misty would consider Garret like that.

"I'll tell Reese we just have to wait. And... that we'll have to get your approval before we move forward." They had often waited for Rick's approval, and they owed Misty the same respect. "I'll leave him unrestrained for now so he doesn't hurt himself again, but if you think he should be, or if anything else happens, let me know."

Chance lay on the bed, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling as his mind raced too fast for him to handle. From his job at the Elite, to his return to the Underground, to killing those men, to the horror on Destiny's face.

A tear silently ran down his face to rest in the pillow, but he didn't blink. He was losing everything all over again... but it was even worse this time. This time, he was losing hope as well.

Destiny's comment about his looks made some slight color come to Zan's face, though his smile widened. Hearing she lived close by, he was glad. At least she didn't have far to go in the state she was in.

When the tables turned back to him, he shrugged. "I'm actually from New Mexico. But I've been living here for about..." He thought for a moment, and his eyebrows rose. "Three years now, I guess." A wry grin formed. "Time flies when you're having fun, I suppose." He took another sip of his Pepsi. "I worked for an auto shop, but it just came under new management and they laid off almost all the old mechanics, so now I'm working a gas station part-time til something else turns up."

His eyes roamed Destiny's face again. He couldn't even guess at what kind of work she did. There was a different kind of look about her that made it hard to jump to conclusions. His smile came back. "Your turn."

Misty crossed her arms stood her ground. She wasn't mad at Pete, or Reese they were just doing there jobs but she had a job too and right now no matter who liked it or not her job was to let Chance heal, and keep him safe.

   "Tell him to think back to when Carson had attempted to take his own life and all we had to go through. I'm not going to let that happen to Chance he is unstable at the moment, not to mention I am not going to do that to Garret."

Quiet for a second Misty shifted searching Pete's face before continuing.

   "What does he think will happen if Garret does his interrogating and then Chance tries to take it own life? Garret will blame himself and then there is a whole nother issue we have to deal with. I won't let that happen to Garret or Chance. If he needs anymore then that have him come and talk to me."

Looking up at Zan again Destiny smiled just a little. Actually looking at him for the first time. He was not bad looking on the eyes at all.

   "They were pretty ugly inside and out. Ar least you easier on the eyes."

Taking another fry Destiny just played with it for a moment before finally nibbling on it again. As Zan introduced himself Destiny nodded a little. She liked that name. It was different and it seemed to fit him well from what little she knew of him already.

   "It's nice to meet you Zan."

Hearing his question about if she lived around here some might think he was being a creeper but something told Destiny he wasn't and was just trying to make small talk. She didn't mind. It was a nice distraction till she was actually ready to go home and who knew when that might be.

   "I live right down the road. I moved there a few months ago. Before that, I lived across town, and then I moved around a lot with my parents before that. How about you?"

Deep Pain
Chance didn't fight or argue, and his body responded well to the extra oxygen. He laid back on the bed and just nodded numbly as he trembled. He didn't feel like eating anything, but he'd do as he was told. At this point, fighting anything was really worthless. Everything was worthless. Including himself.

Pete ran a hand over his face as he sighed and looked at Misty. "Reese isn't gonna be happy with this... I just came from his office before you called me, and he wants Garret to interrogate Chance so we can get some answers out of him." He pursed his lips grimly. "I can tell him it's gonna have to wait but... He's gonna want more than just a vague statement that Chance is unstable at the moment."

Seeing Destiny eat a fry, Zan smiled. He could be very wrong about her, but she didn't seem the type to be a trouble maker or a whiner like so many women who walked in here were. Instead, if he had to guess, he'd say she'd been emotionally beat up by no fault of her own. He'd always had a sixth sense about people... he could almost literally feel others around him - the positive and negative. He didn't tell very many people though, since most would think he was crazy. Tonight though, he was feeling Destiny, and he sensed deep pain... and it bothered him.

"Well, for what it's worth, I hope I'm different from those two goons, too." He kept a teasing tone, hoping to rouse at least part of a smile. "They were just downright ugly."

He munched on another fry and gave her a little nod. Destiny... it seemed to fit her features. "Nice to meet ya... I'm Zan." He cocked his head. "Are you from around here?"

Misty gave a nod and took the tube that was connected to the oxygen and put it back around Chance's head and the two little tubes in his nose. He'd be ok in time if he stayed calm and just let his body recover.

   "You hyperventilated and I am pretty sure you had a minor mental break. No matter how minor though it can be serious. I want you to keep that on to help with your breathing. We'll get you some orange juice and a little snack to help with the shaking too. I just want you to rest now ok."

Trying her best to offer him a smile she walked closer to Pete and shook her head. She new really she should be more upset with him but she wasn't. At this moment the thought of Carson popped into her head and all he had done. The time he had been here, and the time he had tried to end his life. It was something Misty never wanted to happen again with anyone.

   "I need him to stay here for at least a day or so, so I can watch him and make sure he is going to be ok. If you need to stay with him too thats fine. I can fix you up a comfortable spot to stay as well."

Watching as the man who has saved her from something horrible walked away Destiny went back to reading the little menu. She didn't know if she would order anything or not but at least she wasn't just sitting there.

Hearing someone coming near again Destiny looked up and was surprised to see the man from earlier back. Watching as he sat down she was a little leery only because what had gone on earlier. Smelling the fries her stomach growled.

   "No, you're ok. You seem different than the other guys..though its been proven today I am not a very goo judge of character."

Getting another wiff of the fried Destiny reached out and took one slowly eating it. It really did taste good like he'd said. Maybe she had been more hungry than she had thought.

   "These are pretty good. I'm Destiny."

Zan dabbed his lip with the napkin, and just watched the woman for a moment. She really did look like crap, and he couldn't help the little twinge in his heart. Who knew what her story was, but the sad look in her eye was enough to make him feel badly for her.

"Oh, I'll be fine," he assured. "I gotta bleed every once in a while so I can remember I'm human." He turned and slowly walked back to his own table. She obviously wanted to be left alone.

One would assume he went back to mind his own business, since it seemed he wasn't going to return. But five minutes later, he was back at the woman's table again. Without asking, he quietly sat down across from her. He'd brought his half-glass of pop, and now also had a fresh basket of French fries, which he placed in the center of the table where she could reach them too.

"They're best when they're hot," he mused, and took one to nibble as he studied her face... her slouched shoulders... her sad eyes. "Sometimes riffraff likes to come back so unless I'm making you uncomfortable, I'll stick around and make sure nobody bothers you while you're here."

Chance really was grateful for Misty's help. He figured everyone here working hate him as word spread about his betrayal. He took the painkillers and swallowed them before responding to her question.

"I-I can see okay..." He cradled his newly bandaged wrist in his lap. "I just... I can't stop shaking, a-a-and it feels like I'm... like I can't catch my breath."

Still standing nearby Pete didn't know why he felt sorry for Chance. Maybe it was because he could see how tormented he was. If Chance didn't have a conscience, he wouldn't be having such a bad panic attack. At the same time though, it was what he most certainly deserved.

Trying to pull away from the one guy Destiny couldn't and just sat there scared. If she had any sense at all she would of taken the offer from Pete to take her home. But she hadn't been thinking just like wasn't thinking coming here alone.

About to push the beer away again someone else has stepped in and was not fending the guys off. As the fight started Destiny cringed. She sure had made a mess of things and now someone else was involve. She felt badly but at the same time thankful he had.

Once they were gone and the man came back over Destiny looked up at him. Seeing the blood from his lip she handed him a napkin feeling badly he had tried to help and got hurt in the process.

   "I think so..."

Letting out a long sigh Destiny looked down again at the menu in front of her.

   "That's a lie. I'm not ok, but its not because of them so...thank you for stepping in. Sorry you got your lip busted open in the process."

Destiny eyed the beer for a second before shaking her head and pushing it away again. Drinking that would just make matter worse and she wasn't sure how much more at the moment she could take.

Starting to work on Chance's wrist Misty did her best to becarful. She might be an idiot, and she might be upset he was the leak but he was still there friend and she didn't want to cause him anymore pain then he already cause himself.

Finishing up the bandage she went to the cabnit an got some pills along with water and held them out to Chance.

   "Here are some pain killers. Other than your wrist are you feeling ok? No double vision, shortness of breath?"

Having just been walking down the hall, Pete spun on his heel at Misty's beckoning. "Aw great..." He really didn't want to have to play rough with Chance.

Chance sat on the bed again, gasping for breath as he trembled. His wrist hurt, but it was almost numb compared to the panic he felt. Seeing Pete approach, he flinched and scooted back, but winced as his wrist hit the end of the cuffs, not allowing him any further.

"Hey, hey," Pete assured calmly. "Take it easy. Breathe, Chance. Breathe."

Chance gulped in several breaths, though his heart was still racing.

"Slower," Pete directed. "In through your nose... out through your mouth." He breathed with him, trying to get him to follow.

Too scared of feeling suffocated to do anything but obey, Chance mimicked Pete's breaths, forcing his body to calm - at least enough to keep him from passing out again.

Pete slowly unlocked the handcuff. "Misty's gotta wrap that wrist. Do I need to secure the other one?"

Sweat trickled down the side of Chances face, and he shook his head. "I won't..." His whole body was trembling now. "I won't run." He continued trying to breathe. "Where's... where's Destiny?"

Pete frowned and nodded to Misty that she could go ahead and work. He would stay here for now. "She went home."

Tears formed in Chance's eyes again. "Is she okay? Is-is she... is she alone?"

Pete reached out and set a hand on his shoulder. He had no idea how Destiny was, and just hoped she'd made it home alright. But he couldn't tell Chance that. "She's going to be fine. You have a lot bigger problems to worry about right now."

Chance sucked in another ragged breath, hearing his own rapid heartbeat in his head. His eyes shifted to Misty working on his wrist, and he winced but didn't complain.

As Destiny jerked away, the tall man frowned. "Aw, come on now, Missy... We's just trying to be nice."

"Yeah," Shorty agreed. "Don't be a party pooper." He pushed the beer bottle back towards her.

Number One grinned again and moved close enough that his leg was touching hers before he bent down to whisper in her ear. "You know you wanna..."

From where Zan sat, it looked like the two idiots needed to be slapped. But the more he watched, the more he realized this woman - for whatever reason - was too defeated to fight back. And if she didn't call attention to herself, no one else was going to step in. Sighing, he set his Pepsi down, lowered his feet and stood. By the time he reached the table, Number One had his hand on the woman's back.

Zan reached down, grabbed the man's hand, and bent his wrist backward, forcing his whole body to step back.

"What the..." The man glared at him.

Zan gave him a warning glance. "Leave her alone."

The man retrieved his hand and shook it out as his buddy got to his feet. "This is none of your business," he growled. "So just back off and we'll forget you interfered."

Zan's eyes narrowed. "I don't think so." He stepped back to make a path, and gestured to the door. "I think it's time you two said goodnight."

The tall man held his glare, and without warning, threw the first punch.

Zan ducked and came back up with an uppercut to the guys jaw, sending him reeling backward into the bar. Without time to recover though, he hadn't seen Shorty come up beside him until it was too late, and his mouth was on the receiving end of a punch. His head whipped to the side, but he managed to stay on his feet, and gave the second man his own punch to the face and a knee to his gut before shoving him towards the exit. Sidestepping a clumsy punch from Number One, he also shoved him after his buddy, giving him a swift kick to the behind to help him on his way. "Dang it, Leory!" he complained loudly. "Why don't you hire a bouncer?!"

The bartender was calmly cleaning a glass as he shrugged. "Why should I, when you do the job for free?"

Zan rolled his eyes before he made sure the two troublemakers had actually left. He smeared some blood from his lip, then just wiped his hand on his jeans. He'd had worse. Looking down at the woman's pale face, his expression softened. "I didn't mean to make that worse. Are you okay?"

Bad Idea
At Chance's voice and then his yell of pain Misty got up quickly. She didn't think he would be awake yet but had been worried to give anymore sedative with the state he had been in. Coming over to the bed she helped him back up again and untwisted his wrist.

   "Chance you need to relax or I am going to have to give you more sensitive. Deep breaths...calm."

Seeing his wrist Misty rolled her eyes before going to the door. Seeing Pete she whistled before calling him over.  She was going to have to take care of the sprain now.

   "He's awake now and sprained his wrist. I am going to need to bandage it so if you could handcuff his other one. If we can keep him calm I won't need to sedate him again."

As the two men came over to Destiny she looked up at them. She was sure she looked quite the mess but she really hadn't come here looking for actual company. At least not like that not to mention of all the things she wanted right now was a beer. Pushing it away from her she shook her head.

   "No thank you! I just stopped for a bite to eat, but I am thinking that was a bad idea."

Feeling the one guys finger on her face Destiny jerked away. Maybe this really hadn't been such a goo idea after all. She could just wait till she got home and get something to drink. Maybe alone was better.  She just wasn't in the mood, not to mention the right mind to deal with more crap. She was just tired...tired of everything...tired of life.

Pete didn't like just letting Destiny go, but maybe it was better to just give her some time alone. As much as he was concerned for her, he also wanted to give her space if that's what she needed.

It was a couple hours later, when Chance's eyes finally fluttered open. His head pounded, and he didn't know where he was at first. Groaning, he tried to move, and finding one wrist secured, he started to panic. He struggled to free himself, while his mind remained halfway in a fog. "What the..." He sat up quickly and continued to tug at the handcuffs, throwing his eyes around the infirmary, which was a blur. "No! Let me loose!" Twisting around, he was off the bed when his knees buckled, sending him to the floor. His wrist, still cuffed torqued and strained more than it could handle. Hearing and feeling the tendon stretch beyond its capacity, Chance cried out in pain, and tears stung his eyes. What was going on? What had happened? Why was he confined here?

Back in the corner of The Griller, Zan sat at his normal seat, his feet up on the table as usual. He'd had his beer last night, which meant tonight it was a Vanilla Pepsi. His dinner plate was empty, except for the pickles he'd picked off his chicken sandwich, and the crumbs from his onion rings. Going home was rather boring... he could go watch the races, since his racing car was still being fixed after rolling it last time... but spectating wasn't near as much fun, and he knew Hunter and Ryan wouldn't be there either, which made it far less exciting.

He took another swig of Pepsi and looked towards the front door as it opened. A young woman walked in, and by the way she glanced around, he would assume she'd never been here before. Her blonde hair was a bit askew, and her eyes seemed... so sad. People-watching was his habit when he was here, which at least stretched his imagination a bit as he made up stories about the customers he saw come and go. He wondered at this woman's story. Lost job? Lost love? Someone had died? She'd had an argument with her best friend? There were plenty of places Zan would rather go if he was upset than this greasy joint. But maybe she was desperate.

He wasn't the only one who had noticed the woman enter the bar and grill. Two guys at the counter - who had already had several drinks - both lifted their eyebrows and gave her a once over as she sat down. They exchanged looks, and grinned at each other. Downing their last shots of whiskey, they grabbed their own beers and an extra one, and slid off their barstools to approach her table.

"Hey there, sweet thing." The taller of the two set the extra beer down in front of her. "What say you share a drink with us?"

Shorty grinned and grabbed the chair across from her, inviting himself to sit down. "You look way too lonely for a night that could be so much more exciting."

Guy Number One snickered. "That's what we're good at." He reached out to run a finger down the side of her face. "We can turn that frown upside down. How 'bout it, huh?"

Still watching from his corner, Zan ignored everything else going on around him. Two nights in a row? This was getting to be a bad habit. He waited, though, not wanting to interfere unless he thought she couldn't handle it. He wasn't one to step on toes.

   "It's not often we understand why people do what they do, we don't always get those answers either."

Misty patted Pete's arm. She knew this had to be hard on him, on everyone. Chance had been an important part of the team, and have him to betray them all like this was hard for anyone to swallow.

   "I'll let you know when he wakes."

Looking up at Pete a few tears still escaped her eyes. It was so hard to get a handle on all of this. Her mind was so full of so many things. Shaking her head she looked at Chance just laying there and then back at Pete.

   "No...I'm...going to sit here for a while...then...walk home. I just need...time."

After that Destiny didn't know how long she had sat there but seeing as there was no change in Chance and people were starting to leave for the day heading home seemed the better option. Home didn't seem so nice thinking about how she would be alone there...not even a visit from Chance to break up the boredom.

Starting out to walk back home it was a lot farther than she had thought and she was no upset, tired emotionally and mentally and hungry though food was the last thing on her mind. Coming to a parking lot and seeing a sign that said The Griller she might as well stop. A lonely home was not something she was looking forward to going too. Being alone meant she could think more, it mean she could get more upset, an it would tell her even more just how alone she really was in the world.

Getting inside and being able to seat herself Destiny picked a table in the bar. It was away from people and she could just be there. Even in a room full of people her heart hurt, and she was in face by herself.

So Sorry
Pete leaned on the table and let out the breath he'd been holding before nodding at Misty. "Thanks. I guess I'm glad he's so torn up about it... otherwise I would have lost all faith in my judge of character... not that I was completely right." He shook his head in disgust. "I just don't get it. I just... don't get it." He sighed again and looked down at Chance. His heart hurt. "When he wakes up... let me or Ron know." He took Chance's one wrist and cuffed it to the bed. "I don't know how desperate he is... hopefully he'll be too tired to try and do anything stupid."

Turning and realizing Destiny was still there, his face wore compassion. "Destiny, I..." What could he say? Nothing could fix this. "Can one of us take you home? Do you want someone to stay with you?"

Hunter cracked open one eye that looked lazily over at Ryan and he gave her a crooked grin. "I was never any good at fake sleeping when I was a kid either."

He thought for a moment and sighed as his thumb ran gently over her fingers. "Then I'm glad Zan was there last night too." It bothered him to think he had no idea what had happened last night. "I don't know what I would have done if... if you would have gotten hurt because of me." His voice grew quieter. "I'm so sorry."

He finally turned his head and looked at her with both eyes. "You were amazing before... and after all this... the fact you're still here... you just keep getting more and more amazing." He shifted a little closer and rested his chin on her shoulder, stealing a little kiss to her cheek. "You're lucky I'm not feeling better," he teased.

Destiny stepped aside so Pete and Chance could go around her. She just watched them, watched as Chance argued and resisted. Her heart broke for more than one reason. For herself, for her family, for Chance. How could this all happen...what had she done wrong to deserve any of this. A million things ran through her mind at once.

Her thoughts were brought to a halt as Chance went down. Moving forward a little she brought a hand to her mouth feeling sick to her stomach. She didn't know what to think anymore, or what to feel. Anger, sadness, disappointment, worry and now this. She just numbly followed as Chance was taken to the infirmary.

Not wasting a second Ron took Chance's other arm and helped Pete. Taking to the infirmary was not an easy task and caused a scene but they ended up making it there. Looking over her shoulder at Destiny his heart broke a little more.

Leaving Chance in Misty's hands he made his way to Destiny and gave a small smile of encouragement. It wasn't much but he wanted her to be ok. From what he was told she didn't deserve anything that had happened, or what happening to her.

   "Hang in there ok? He's going to be ok."

Looking up at Ron Destiny eyes lacked emotion. It was hard to know what she was feeling or what she wanted at the moment. Everything hurt and yet nothing did. Giving a small nod was all she could offer as she wondered over to a chair an sat down.

Moving quickly Misty checked Chance over and listened to Pete at the same time. Checking his eyes and pulse. Moving again she grabbed and oxygen tube and put it around his head and into his nose before turning it on to give him a little more air then what he was getting at the moment.

   "I'm going to have to give him a sedative to calm him down. He hyperventilated, and more than likely from stress and guilt got himself pretty worked up. If I can keep him calm he should be ok."

Going to another workstation and getting a needle step up Misty came back over. Looking at Pete she gave a nod. She could hardly believe Chance had been the who leaked information. Right now she couldn't think of that though.

   "I hope you guys got all the answers you needed for right now. He's going to be out for a bit and depending on how he acts when he comes too...he might be out longer. He has to stay calm."

   "I'll let him know. Thanks again Zan truly."

Returning the wave Ryan turned and headed back inside closing the door. Wondering back into the living room before sitting down on the couch. Looking at Hunter she smirked.

   "You are a horrible fake sleeper."

Shifting a little and letting out a small sigh she took Hunter's hand in her own for a second before speaking again.
   "That was Zan. He helped me last night when Jeb tried to make me let you stay. If he wasn't there...I'm not to sure what would of happened. He just wanted to make sure you were doing ok now."

Pete pulled Chance to a stop as Destiny blocked them in the hall. His heart broke, just looking at her face. How could someone do this to her?

Chance's eyes were wide with horror, and filled with tears again as Destiny spoke. "Your parents were different," he argued desperately. "It was a mistake that never should have happened." He tugged at the cuffs behind his back, wanting so badly just to take her in his arms. Hearing she wanted to work with the Elite, his face paled even more. "No... no, don't do that please," he gasped. "Please. They will kill you. You can't."

Pete wasn't going to stand here all day, and gave Chance a little push to move around Destiny. "Come on. You're going downstairs."

"No!" Chance struggled desperately as they passed Destiny and he tried to look over his shoulder. "You can't fight them!" He choked on his own breath. "I can't lose you! I can't..." He gasped for air and his legs suddenly buckled. Without being able to use his arms, he went down hard on the tiled floor.

Pete tried to hold him up, but couldn't, and only now did he realize Chance's shirt was soaked with sweat. He knelt next to him as he was suddenly struck with concern. Chance was gasping for air as his pulse raced. "Chance? What's wrong?"

Chance winced at the pain in his head. "Everything," he whispered.

As his eyes rolled back in his head, Pete grabbed him so he wouldn't hit his head on the floor. "No, no, no, Chance? Talk to me. Come on." He gave his cheek a slap that only half roused him. He looked up quickly at Ron. "I don't know what's going on. Help me take him to Misty."

Half-carrying, half-dragging Chance, they got him into the infirmary and onto the table where Pete took the handcuffs off. He looked to Misty, confused and concerned. "He just collapsed. He's our leak and sniper and we were taking him downstairs to a cell. He seemed to be having trouble breathing right before he went down."

Now unconscious, Chance lay still, breathing, but his pulse continued to race while sweat poured down his face.

Zan cringed a bit as Ryan described Hunter's state, and he nodded. "Yeah, he downed more than I've ever seen him drink before. I wasn't sure how I was gonna stop him if he tried to leave, so I'm glad you came when you did."

He offered a small smile. "I prolly wouldn't​ be in the mood to see my ugly mug either. Just tell him I was here and I'll catch him on the flip side." He gave Ryan a little wave before turning to leave.

Back inside, Hunter had sat up so Ryan could stand, and now leaned back in the couch with his eyes closed. He didn't recognize the voice, but tones didn't sound urgent, so he would just stay here. Besides, just thinking about getting up made his head hurt. He knew Ryan would probably want him to eat something for supper, but maybe he could get away with not, if he was asleep.

Good Friend
   "Yes you will be, but I will be here, and you will be ok. The first few days will be horrible and than it will get better. You've got this, I know you do, and together it will be better."

Feeling super relaxed herself Ryan gave a jump at the knock on the door. Looking at Hunter again she nodded. She new he wasn't really in the mood for company and she understood. If it was anyone to important she would take a message or tell them tom come back tomorrow.

Wondering to the door and opening it a little Ryan smiled when she saw Zan. It was really nice of him to stop by and make sure Hunter was ok. Opening the door more and stepping out she gave a small nod.

   "I was pretty worried myself too. I stayed with him all night after he threw up just to make sure he was ok, and then this morning other than a wicked hang over, embarrassment, and regret he is doing ok."

Leaning against the wall for a second Ryan thought for a long moment before deciding not to tell Zan about anything her and Hunter had talked about. It wasn't her place to be telling everyone his business. If he wanted people to know that was his place.

   "He's not really up for guests at the moment but I will tell him you stopped by. Definitely do it again, he could use some good friends."

 Destiny felt numb as she stood in the observation room with Justin. She couldn't believe this was happening, and that Chance was just doing the same stuff with the Underground all over again. After he new everything that had happened with her family. It wasn't just the Elite he betrayed, but it was her too.

Just glancing at Justin and than back again at the window she could feel some tears roll down her cheek. It was so hard to listen to this, but Destiny was happy she was. She didn't want anymore lies, or anymore excuses.

   "I can't believe he would do this again...after everything."

As Chance left the interrogation room Destiny moved from her spot and went into the hall. Her eyes were blood shot, as she stopped Chance, and Pete for just a moment. Searching Chances face. Her voice was shaky.

   "Did my parents deserve to die too? How could you work for the people who put bullets into my parents?! How are you different from the people you killed?"

Shifting a little Destiny let out a long sigh as she tried to regain herself. She was a mess and she new it. But that last little bit of light she had was slowly going out. Even if she forgave Chance, love him still he would be going to prison for who new how long.

   "It is my mission now to work with the Elite. I WILL be working with the Elite to figure out who the Underground is, even if it killed me in the process. They have taken everything from me...I wont let that happen to someone else too."

Not being allowed to hide his face, Hunter gave up, and looked at Ryan. Here he was, feeling like total crap, all due to his own stupidity, and she just kept offering him comfort. Again he was reminded that he didn't deserve someone as good as her.

"Tomorrow, I'm gonna be a mess," he responded wearily." He wasn't trying to be negative - he just knew from past experience that the second day for him was usually bad. He was going to want another drink, and want it bad. "But as long as you're here... I won't be able to fall."

He could feel himself relaxing again as her fingers ran along his face, and as she neared his lips, he kissed them. His eyes fell shut and he sighed deeply.

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door, startling Hunter just as he'd almost dozed off. "What the..." He frowned. "I don't wanna see anybody." The knock came again, and he opened his eyes grudgingly. "You wouldn't see who that is... would you?"

On the other side of the door Zan stood waiting. As Ryan appeared, his eyebrows rose. He really hadn't expected her to be here today. Or maybe that was her norm. Maybe she spent her nights here too, who knew? But that wasn't any of his business.

"Hey." He offered a thin smile. "I was just driving by and wanted to see if Hunter made out alright. He was in such bad shape last night, I was concerned."

Hearing Destiny ask to come too, Chance didn't know if he liked the idea or not. He wanted her to know the truth... but he didn't. He didn't want to leave her like this... but he wasn't sure he wanted her at the Elite. It wasn't up to him though.

Pete thought for a moment, then finally nodded to Ron. "Go ahead and bring her. I got this." He took Chance's arm and guided him out the door. Chance didn't fight, mainly just because he didn't want to cause Destiny even more anguish. After he was pushed into the car clumsily with his hands cuffed, he sniffed and wiped his eyes on his shoulders in an attempt to compose himself.

The ride back was a silent and tense one. Chance said nothing, and Pete knew better than to ask him questions here. Once they arrived at the Elite, he took him inside where all eye stared in disbelief. Chance was taken to the interrogation room where only one wrist was released, leaving the other to be cuffed to the table. No one was taking any risk with him today. He didn't fight or argue, and just sat alone until Pete returned, this time with Reese and Ron both.

On the other side of the glass, Justin stood with folded arms. He'd been in town when Reese had called him. His job was simply to observe Chance and guess as to whether or not he was telling the truth. He wasn't alone in this room though, as Destiny also had full view of what was happening.

The first question was from Reese, and he asked it flat out. "Are you the sniper?"

Chance swallowed hard. His eyes glanced to the mirror. Was Destiny watching and listening?

Reese's hand slamming down on the table made him jump and he looked back at him. "Yes."

Pete could hardly believe it. "Why on God's green earth have you been going around killing people?!"

In the other room, Justin glanced at Destiny. He's been given a quick rundown on who she was, along with a brief explanation of the current case. "Criminals have been getting killed lately," he explained softly. "The Elite has been trying to figure out who it was for a while now."

Chance stared up at Pete, his eyes wide. "Because they deserved to die! Every single one of them was getting pampered by the system because the government doesn't have guts enough to give them a death sentence!"

Reese threw his arms up in the air. "So you just decided to take the law into your own hands?"

Chance swallowed hard. He looked back at the mirror and spoke to it - to Destiny - rather than the men. "I've been working as a double-agent again for the Underground." The tears returned to his eyes. Yes, for the same people who had killed her parents... It was the same story all over again. Nothing had changed. "They wanted me to feed them intel about significant criminals being moved - mainly connected to the Agency but not all. I agreed with them, that these guys were getting off the hook far too easily so... so I agreed to work for them."

He swallowed hard, but kept his eyes on the window he couldn't see through. "At first they were just asking for information. But when their sharpshooter broke his arm in a mission gone wrong, they asked me to take over as the sniper. So I did." There. He'd said it. He'd admitted it. He was telling the truth. And it made his stomach churn. "I didn't want to do it... but by that time, I had little choice but to follow through."

Pete shook his head. "Has it been you all along?"

"Yeah... it's been me every time. I gained the intel here about when the criminals might be moved, I'd tell the Underground, they'd decide if it was worth a hit or not, and if it was, it was up to me to put a bullet in their head." Chance's face was pale now, emphasizing his red eyes. "I... I didn't want to be the one to pull the trigger and... every time, it felt worse."

"Yet you didn't stop."

"I still agree with the whole point... these guys do deserve death. But..." Chance sucked in his breath. "...But it started getting to me and... and when I said something, I got reminded that I could be next. Or Destiny. So... I kept my mouth shut and... kept pulling the trigger."

Reese paced in a small circle. "Who is the Underground?"

Chance's eyes finally moved to look at him. "You know I can't tell you that."

"You can. And you will."

"These people are ruthless! They might have good intentions, but it's all about the end game! If they think hurting someone I care about will make me do what they want, they'll do it! I won't risk Destiny. I won't."

"Dang it, Chance! You are going to be tried for multiple counts of murder! Do you understand that? Destiny is the least of your worries! You have been killing people convicted of the same crime you just committed!"

Chance had no response.

Pete glanced at Ron before he sighed. "We need names..."

Chance remained silent.

Reese growled and gestured to Pete. "Take him down to one of the holding cells for now. I can't stand this any more today."

Being pulled into the hug Destiny just let the tears continue to come. She didn't understand why she couldn't be told and it bothered her to no end. She understood about this job and not being able to tell her but this was something more than that and she could feel it.

As he was about to tell her something the knock on the door startled her and then everything else just happened so fast. Looking between Pete, and the other guy Chance said was Ron and then back to Chance all her fears became so real. This was all happening all over again.

Having Pete pull all the weapons Chance had on him all Destiny could do was stair. She new he carried some but not that mean and she didn't understand why...why would he need that mean on him, and when he was with her. It was a world wind she was caught in as everything started spinning and the tears streamed down her face.

Chance was standing in front of her now and it felt like she could hardly breathe. She could hardly even make out the words he said.

   "I don't even know whats going on...I asked for the truth and you wouldn't give it to me."

Her voice was quiet but filled with so much emotion. She didn't know what to do at the moment or what to say. Feeling her knees get weak Destiny backed up a few feet and leaned aganst the wall sliding down to the ground. Looking up between Pete and Ron she didn't even try to stop crying as it felt her heart was being ripped from her chest.

   "I'd like to come with you guys to find out what's going on. Chance is the only person I have left in my life who isn't dead...please."

Ron looked at Destiny and his heart broke. He didn't know her story but he could see the pain. Looking back to Pete he gave a little nod.

   "If you are ok with him, I can drive her."

Just holding Hunter close she wished she could just wave a wand and make everything from yesterday go away. How easy that would be. Unfortunately, the world didn't work that way though and the price needed to be paid.

   "I wish it would be that easy."

Sliding down on the couch a little more she kept herself so she was facing Hunter but was even with him to see his face. Keeping her one arm under him and wrapped around him she brought her other hand to his face and ran her fingers alone his skin just making out his face. If anything she just hoped to bring him comfort.

   "Tomorrow will be a new day, another day to start forward again and I will be with you every step of the way. I'm not going anywhere...promise."

Hunter shook his head, then shrugged at Ryan's question. "I dunno," he responded quietly. "Maybe... but prolly not. They already knew my history so... they prolly wouldn't give me another chance."

His eyes looked at the television, but he didn't really focus on it. This was his own fault and he knew it. It was his own choice, his own decision. He'd decided to follow Jeb, and no one else was to blame. He understood the school's decision and wasn't even upset with them - if he was in charge, he would have done the very same thing. It was just painful to realize he'd been this stupid to jeopardize so much. What if the kids asked where he was? What if one of them found out he'd been seen getting drunk? Everything he'd taught about self-discipline and respect and self-worth would go right down the drain.

Rolling over, he curled in the opposite direction, he buried his face against Ryan. He felt awful again. His headache was back. His stomach hurt, too. It was nearing suppertime now and he'd promised to eat, but now he didn't even want to. It was more a mental game than a physical one at this point though. The depression from guilt was hitting him more quickly this time around, and he knew it would pass eventually, but in this moment... he just wanted it all to disappear.

"If I sleep hard enough," he mumbled into her, "will I wake up and find out it was all just a bad dream?"

Pete's sigh matched Ron's, and he nodded. "Alright... let's go." He got out and led the way to the door. Pausing for just a moment, he then rang the doorbell.

Destiny's tears cut Chance to the quick. His own eyes reflected his fear... fear that she was slipping from his grasp. "I can't tell you everything," he whispered hoarsely. "It's my job... I can't talk about classified cases... you just... you have to trust me and... and..." Before he could stop it, tears flooded his own eyes. He'd been playing this game so long that it was finally getting to him. At least with Destiny. She was his world, and lying to her was like holding a knife to his heart and slowly pressing it further in, day after day, until finally it punctured something vital.

He pulled her into a hug and held her tight, closing his eyes just as tightly. She knew he was lying to her, and as desperately as he was trying to hold this whole thing together, his wall was crumbling down around him. "The truth is too ugly to face... I don't want it to exist... it can't... I can't lose you..." His mind reeled. "I've been-" His sentence was cut off by the doorbell, and he jerked away from Destiny to whirl around. She never had any random visitors. He knew that. His reddened eyes darted back at her, and the silence in the air was so thick, it could have been cut with a knife. The doorbell rang again, and Chance didn't let her go first. Instead, he led and went cautiously to the door. Opening it just as crack, then wider, he stepped back in surprise. His guard had been too far down moments before to get it back up in time, and all he could do was stare and try to compose himself. "Pete... Ron... what... what are you guys doing here?"

Pete stepped inside with Ron and looked at Chance grimly. "You need to come with us." His eyes traveled to Destiny with a silent apology. He felt so badly for her. Did she even know anything was going on? He doubted it.

Chance took a step back. "Why? What for? I called in today." He forced a dry laugh. "Reese get antsy or something?"

Pete shook his head. "I think you know what this is about. We can talk about it here... or privately, back at headquarters."

Chance's face was starting to pale. "Come on, guys. I was just in the middle of starting a date. Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow morning."

"No... it can't." Pete thumbed to the door. "Let's go."

Chance shifted, his hand moving towards his back.

Pete saw it, and immediately knew. And in that split second, everything was confirmed. And it hurt just as badly as he knew it would. Moving quickly, he grabbed Chance's arm. "Don't do this Chance. Not here. Not in front of Destiny."

The tears were back, even if they didn't overflow. No matter how hard Chance fought... he couldn't keep his mask on.

Pete felt him relax, and lifting up the back of Chance's jacket, he pulled out the two knives from their sheath and handed them to Ron. He reached around his side and pulled out his small handgun, then patted down his legs to find another knife near his ankle, and another small handgun, all of which he gave to Ron. "Anything else?"

Chance swallowed hard, but his eyes betrayed him.

Pete reached up his sleeve to pull out another, narrower knife. "Alright. We need to go."

"Just give me two minutes," Chance begged. "Please."

"What? So you'll go running out the back?" Pete shook his head. "We've played this game with you before... you need to come. Now."

Chance's fear turned into agitation and he held up his hands, backing up another step. "It can wait!" he raised his voice. "I won't run. Don't do this to me!"

"To you?!" Pete's tone raised to match. "You have betrayed us all!" Without waiting any longer, he moved fast - he knew he had to with Chance - to grab his arm and crank it around and pushed him up against the wall to cuff his hands behind his back.

"Two minutes!" Chance begged again. "Please!"

Pete loosened his grip, but didn't remove the cuffs. "You have two minutes, starting now. But we're not turning our backs."

One of Chance's tears finally escaped to run down his face, followed quickly by another. He turned to look at Destiny, his gaze full of so many emotions, it was hard to sort through them. "I love you," he choked. "Please don't stop loving me." Several more tears fell. "I've been involved in some really bad stuff and... and lying to the Elite, but... but don't hate me... please... I can't live with myself when you're not there..."

   "You did do something stupid, but it wasn't something unforgivable."

Even in this moment with Hunter still recovering from last night Ryan was happy to have him in her life and she was happy to help him. He was special to her, and just because he had a problem didn't mean she was going to cut and run. He wanted help he was willing to take her help and that was what mattered to her.

About to say more Ryan stopped as Hunter's phone rang. Just going back to the tv and what was on Ryan tried her best not to ease drop on Hunter's conversation. It was hard though since she was right next to him and something told her the news was not good.

As he hung up and put his head in her lap Ryan couldn't help but be surprised and saddened about the news. She understood why it had happened and it was Hunter's own fault but she felt so bad for him. She knew no matter what he did love his job and he had loved working with those kids.

   "Hunter...I am so sorry. I know what working there meant to you. Is there any way you can tell them you are working on it and maybe they would let you back later on?"

Destiny's eyes just searched Chance's face. She wanted to believe him so bad and just brush everything under the rug but that was not the kind of person she was. What kind of relationship would that be?

   "If you don't want to lose me then why are you lying to me? All I have every wanted Chance was the truth, that's all I ever asked for."

You're giving me a million reasons to let you go
You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show
You're givin' me a million reasons
Give me a million reasons
Givin' me a million reasons
About a million reasons

If I had a highway, I would run for the hills
If you could find a dry way, I'd forever be still
But you're giving me a million reasons
Give me a million reasons
Givin' me a million reasons
About a million reasons

I bow down to pray
I try to make the worse seem better
Lord, show me the way
To cut through all his worn out leather
I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away

But baby, I just need one good one to stay

Tears formed in Destiny's eyes. She loved him more than anyone would ever know. More than maybe even he new. Chance was all she had left and the last thing she wanted to do was lose him too. But if he couldn't tell her the truth he would.

   "Please Chance...just tell me what is going on. I'd rather know the truth and be upset then lose you all together."

Head stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stare
It's like that I've stopped breathing, but completely aware
'Cause you've given me a million reasons
Give me a million reasons
Giving me a million reasons
About a million reasons

And if you say something that you might even mean
It's hard to even fathom which parts I should believe
'Cause you've given me a million reasons
Give me a million reasons
Givin' me a million reasons

About a million reasons

I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away
But baby, I just need one good one, good one
Tell me that you'll be the good one, good one

Baby, I just need one good one to stay

Ron let out a long sigh. He was really hoping Chance wouldn't be at his girlfriends. He didn't know her but this would be hard on anyone and hearing Pete say she had already been though so much just made his gut twist even more.

   "I'm not sure if I'd ever be ready. Going after our own is a new one for me."

Letting out a sigh again Ron new it was now or never and this couldn't just keep going on this way. Getting out of the car he looked at Pete and gave a nod.

   "Lets get this over with."

There was a part of Hunter that automatically thought he shouldn't trust Ryan's words. He'd been told by others that they cared about him, then had still turned from him. But as he looked up into her eyes, he couldn't help but believe her. She really did want to be here...with him.

Grinning a little, he rolled his eyes. "Isn't something really really stupid what I just did?" He sighed and shook his head slightly. "I... didn't expect anything either. When Eli first came to me, I just figured I could help out a little. I wasn't looking for a relationship either, nor did I really want one." He paused, still searching her eyes. "Then I woke up with my arms around you..." His voice grew quieter. "And I didn't wanna let go."

His eyes closed as he just enjoyed her fingers in his hair. There was something about her touch that simply soothed his soul. "I'm glad you're here... even if I do feel like an idiot." A little smile tugged at the corners of his mouth before he opened his eyes again. He brought her free hand to his lips and gave it a soft kiss. "I know I already said thank you but... thank you."

His phone buzzed on the coffee table, making him jump. Not moving, but reaching for it, he squinted at the number. "Sorry... hang on a sec." Sitting up too quickly, he grimaced, but went ahead and answered the call. "Hello? ... Yeah, hi.... Um..." His brow furrowed. "Well, I..." He slouched to lean his elbows on his knees as his voice changed to a tone of sadness mixed with desperation. "I can't... it... yes..." His shoulders dropped. "Yes it was. I'm very sorry and I have no excuse. It won't happen again and..." He swallowed hard. "No, that's... I understand... Yeah, I'll come pick up my stuff tomorrow.... yeah, me too... Okay... bye."

Ending the call, he just remained still for several long, silent minutes until he finally set his phone back on the table. Lowering himself to lie with his head in Ryan's lap again, he turned on his side with his face away from her and curled into a tighter position in a subconscious effort to comfort himself. "That was the karate school," he finally explained. "A student's parent saw me last night and complained, so..." He sighed deeply. "They have strict rules about being good examples to the kids and... I failed. So I can't work there any more." It had just been a few hours a week anyway. And it wasn't like he craved being a teacher. And the classes sometimes interfered with other stuff he wanted to do. But no matter how much he wanted to justify not being upset... it did hurt. He knew it was his own fault but... he'd gotten to know some of the kids and was proud to be helping them improve their skills, and they always made him smile. Now, because he'd been stupid, it was over.

Chance followed destiny to the kitchen, his jacket still on. He leaned on the counter and watched as she put the flowers in a vase, pleased that she seemed to like them. As she questioned him though, he straightened as his pulse quickened. Where had he messed up? What had he missed? Had he been that careless? He swallowed hard. "Well I... Why would I hide anything from you?" He shook his head and reached out to put his hands on her shoulders.

"I've got a million and one things running through my head all the time... I get my schedule mixed up sometimes." He shrugged. "I got busy, had my phone silenced and Reese overreacted, that's all." Even though his lips curled, his eyes weren't smiling. They were sad. Worried. Scared. His hands came up to cradle the sides of her face as his thumbs caressed her cheeks. "I don't want to lose you," he almost whispered. "I can't. No matter what happens... I don't know how I'd live without you."

Outside, Pete pulled his car up to the curb across the street from Destiny's house. Chance's car hadn't been there the last two times they'd driven by, but now it was. Cutting the engine, Pete sighed deeply. "I was hoping we could do this when Destiny wasn't around. She's been through hell and back enough the way it is." Chance wasn't given them much of a choice though.

Pete glanced over at Ron. Since they'd gone back over the evidence, it had become so obvious that Chance was the agent they were looking for, and more than likely... the sniper himself. They had no idea why or who he was working with, but with his history, it could be anything. "Ready to go get him?"

Hearing Chance knocking and looking up to see him Destiny smiled a little seeing the flowers. It was very sweet of him to get them for her. She couldn't help but wonder if it was because he was in trouble or not.

   "Hey! Thank you. These are lovely."

Turning and going into the kitchen she new Chance would follow her. Grabbing her favorite vase that had belonged to her mother Destiny out the flowers in it and added some water.

Just looking at them for a long moment she finally looked at Chance. She just had to ask and get it over with. With any luck he'd tell her the truth, a good explanation and be done with it.

   "Look Chance I have to just come out and ask. Why did you tell me you worked today and than Reese called and said you had off. Things haven't been right lately and I can't help but feel you are hiding something. I was despritly to be wrong but I've got to know the truth."

Looking down at Hunter as he rolled over and continuing to run her fingers through his hair Ryan smiled. Listen to what he said she gave a thoughtful nod.

   "I guess you are just stuck with me now."

Ryan really hadn't expected any of this herself. From friendship, to dating, to seeing each other every day. It really had come unexpected.

   "You know to be honest, I really didn't expect any of this. I didn't expect a friendship let a lone a relationship. That being said I'm happy it happened."

Still looking down at Hunter her eyes twinkled. Maybe everything did happen for a reason, maybe this all really was part of a bigger plan.

   "I love spending time with you, being around you, lazing about and just being with you. It's...Quite different from my last relationship and that's a good thing, so to answer your question yes,you are wrong and yes you are stuck with me...Unless you go do something really really stupid."

Maybe Ryan was right. Maybe they both really were stronger than they each thought. And maybe... they were meant to lean on each other. Maybe... since she'd actually stayed... He interrupted his own thoughts, and went back to his soup and sandwich, eating as much as he felt was safe at this point, and promising to eat some supper later. His head hurt too much to think of much else.

After they'd finished eating, and he'd helped as much as he could to clean up, he went back to bed for a while as his body continued to sleep off the hangover. He woke once just long enough for Ryan to tell him she was going to the store, then finally that evening he was up again, functioning a little better.

Lying on the couch as they watched tv, Hunter had his head in Ryan's lap, dozing every now and then. Her fingers in his hair helped him relax and even helped soothe his throbbing head. As the show ended, he rolled over on his back and looked up at Ryan, just studying her face. His earlier thoughts returned.

"You know... when... we were in Texas... I was pretty sure you wanted me around just because I was helping you out. And... then when we came back, I really expected you to go your own way." One of his hands found hers, and he toyed with her fingers. "But you didn't... even after all this and me being stupid... you're still here." He gave her kind of a sorry smile. "Does... this mean I was wrong about you?"

Pete had come to the same conclusion as Ron. As he stood, he ran a hand over his face, before shaking his head. "We can try calling him but I doubt he'll answer." He grabbed his jacket too, aiming for the door with Ron. "I'll drive." As they walked, he dialed Chance but got his voicemail. "Yo, Chance, it's Pete... need you for a case. Call me back." Just as expected.

He led the way out to his convertible and put on his sunglasses. "Let's check his normal spots. We'll swing by his girlfriend's place too..."

Five o'clock on the nose, Chance arrived at Destiny's. He'd called the Elite office once and talked to Susanne, avoiding talking to anyone else, but this way at least he could say he'd called. It actually was his day off anyway.

Letting himself in after knocking, he smiled when he saw Destiny. "Hey!" He presented her with a small bouquet of flowers. "These jumped out at me today and I couldn't resist."

Admit it
   "My place it is then. Five works great for me. I'll see you than."

Hanging up the phone Destiny leaned her head back. Something was very wrong and she could feel it. Was Chance in trouble? Was he protecting her or someone else. Why was he lying? All she new was tonight she would get answers.

   "As long as I'm your Angel I can be."

Ryan smiled as he tasted the soup.it was only from a can but she'd added some spice, and cream to it just to make it a little better. It seemed Hunter liked it so really that's all that mattered to her.

Finishing everything up and getting it played Ryan sat with Hunter. Taking a bite of her grilled cheese first she nodded with satisfaction. It ha been a long time since had a good grilled cheese.

Hearing Hunter's comment Ryan gave a little smile. If this was his worse and they were not working on fixing it she could definitely deal.

   "I guess we are even now. I've seen you at your worst, and you have seen me. Seems we both are a little stronger than we think."

Hearing what Reese said Ron stiffened a little. He had his own thought about Chance and how easy he would fit into this all. He had hoped he was wrong but now it was becoming clearer and clearer that things were pointing in this direction and he hated it.

   "Alright let's see what we can find."

Ron got to work right away as he flipped through files the minutes passes and finally he closed the last files and looked at Pete. He had no smile, no joking look. He hated this, but it was his job.

   "All the cases where people died Chance was either no where to be found or had an excuse why he was last."

Letting out a long sigh Ron stood and grabbed his jacket. He really was sorry to be doing this.

   "I don't like admiting it but everything right now is pointing to Chance. We better bring him in before anything else happens. Any ideas where he might be?"

Hunter managed a little smile as Ryan retreated from her kiss, and wandered over next to her at the stove. "I... think I could eat a little," he admitted. "But if I throw up, no offence." He smirked a little at himself, still feeling miserable and stupid for what he'd done to himself. He reached over her shoulder and dipped his finger in the soup before licking it off. "Mm... and I didn't think I had anything worth eating around here. You sure you're not that angel I saw?"

Feeling his legs start to weaken, he moved to the table to sit down before he fell down, and stayed until they were eating. He ate slowly, and not much, but he did try. He knew in the long run, it was best, not to mention, he didn't fancy an argument with Ryan.

"Um... thank you..." His eyes fell to study the table. "For... not tucking tail and running... now that you've seen me at my worst."

It wasn't long after hanging up the phone with Destiny, that Reese received another call. One that made his mind race with theories he didn't like at all. In spite of the gut-wrenching thought, he got up and immediately went to the meeting room where he knew Ron and Pete were. His grim tone matched his face. "There's been another assassination. This morning. It was a man in transport again - someone who'd been convicted for killing three people and found to have Agency ties." Reese paused, gritting his teeth. "You need to find Chance O'Mally and find him quick. He made a mistake this morning by not answering his phone when I called."

Pete's eyes widened, and he immediately recalled Ron's reservations after their session with Chance. "You don't think..."

Reese shook his head. "I don't want to. But if you look back over the cases... I have a feeling you'll find he's the only agent unaccounted for, or not present when there's been a killing."

"Chance couldn't possibly-"

"Find him," Reese ordered, and spun on his heel to leave.

Pete swallowed hard and looked back to Ron, worry in his eye. "I guess we better go... I'd feel better if we had some evidence though." He couldn't believe they were going to directly investigate Chance. "Let's go over things one more time to be sure he's our man."

"Umm... let's do your place. It's cleaner." Chance laughed as he drove, heading to the edge of town as he talked with Destiny. There was something in her tone that worried him, but he tried​ to ignore it. "Wanna say... Five o'clock?"

Mine or Yours?
Seeing Chance's number Destiny let out a long sigh and tried to steady her voice from being shaky. She didn't like thinking about Chance lying to her but something told her he would this time too.

   "Hey Chance."

Hearing what he said to say she shook her head as a tear ran down her cheek. She really though they were over this whole lying thing. Why couldn't he just be honest with her about what was going on.

   "Yeah dinner sounds great. My place or yours?"

Hearing Hunter's voice Ryan turned and smiled at him. She was happy to see he was up. Even if he still had the hang over look in his eye he was moving around a few that was a good thing.

   "An Angel huh? I think that's a first."

Ryan smiled wondering over to him and giving him a soft kiss before going back to the stove.

   "You didn't have much here but I managed to find stuff to make grilled cheese and tomato soup. I don't know about you but I am starving."

As Ryan left, Eli flopped back down in his chair. He hoped Hunter would be alright. At least the man wasn't proud of his binge, and was admitting his problem. If he would have just brushed the whole thing off, then Eli would have been more upset. As it was, he was simply concerned for a friend. It couldn't be easy to live with an addiction like that, and Eli didn't want to make it even harder by rejecting him. As long as Hunter was actually trying to get his act together, Eli could be supportive.

Lost in sleep, Hunter felt the kiss to his forehead, and relaxed under the soothing touch of Ryan's fingers in his hair. Too quickly it was gone though, and he didn't yet have the gumption to open his eyes. It wasn't long, though, when his senses finally roused him. He lay for a few minutes, listening and wondering what Ryan was doing. He still felt half in a daze, and even this morning's events were a little foggy. But he clearly remembered Ryan's lack of judgment... and the fact that she hadn't walked away. Perhaps she was even more amazing than he'd thought. After all this... after seeing him in this state... she still wanted to be with him? Did that mean...

His fingers fiddled with a corner of the bedsheet as his insecurities tried to convince him she'd still wind up ditching him at some point. But... but what if that wasn't really true? What if... this whole thing proved how much she did want to stay with him?

Shaking those thoughts from his mind, he finally rolled out of bed and stood. As he did, he cringed and put a hand to his head. If he could just survive today, it would get better. He slowly shuffled to the kitchen where he leaned on the doorway just watching Ryan for a few minutes. Food didn't seem quite as repulsive right now, and whatever she was making actually smelled kind of good.

He opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came until he cleared his throat. "You might wanna come do a sweep of the bedroom..." He bit his lip. "'Cause I think there was an angel in there earlier."

"Destiny, hey!" To Chance's dismay, he'd missed her call ten minutes ago. He'd been ignoring Reese's, and should have known he'd call Destiny. Now she knew it was his day off, too, but he hoped maybe she'd forget he talked about having to work. "Sorry I missed ya earlier."

He took off his gloves and put them in the trunk of a car that was not his, before closing it and going to the driver's side to get in behind the wheel. "I wound up following a lead on a case this morning, but didn't want to bother Reese with it - I didn't think he'd be trying to get a hold of me. Sorry about that." He paused as he started the engine. "Listen, glad you called though 'cause I was thinking we could order pizza and wings tonight. How's that strike you?"

As her brother stood and went to the kitchen Ryan followed him. Watching him pour out the bottle of whiskey she smiled. She really was happy that Eli was willing to help her and didn't think any different of Hunter.

   "Maybe Scarlet will let you keep it at her place."

Walking closer to her brother she poked his belly with a finger at his mention of a beer belly before laughing.

   "You are getting a little chunky in the middle there."

Just letting her eyes twinkle Ryan gave a small nod before turning again. She didn't want to leave Hunter alone for to long right now. Though his hangover would more than likely keep him immobile she just wanted to make sure she was there for him.

   "Truly though Thank you. I'm just going to grab a few things and then head out again. If I end up needing any help I'll let you know."

Once again it didn't take Ryan long to grab a bag for a few days, call work and use a little of her vacation time, and get back to Hunters. Letting herself inside she wondered to living room to put her bag and grab some clean clothing. Going in and checking on Hunter she smiled seeing him sleeping again.

Coming closer and leaning down she gave him a kiss on the forehead running her hand through his hair for a second. Leaving him be for now Ryan went to the bathroom and took a quick shower changing in to clean clothing herself.

Wondering around Hunter's house again it was different being there while he slept. She really didn't mind. She just looked at stuff that hung on the walls, and the few pictures she had found. Finally she found herself in the kitchen again. Looking to see what he had to eat she found some soup and crackers setting to work to cook for them.