July 26, 2017


Getting into the car Destiny turned it on before pulling out of the parking lot. Thinking about his question Destiny was quiet for a long moment just thinking. She hoped Jett would be able to pull himself out and stopped blaming himself.

   "Nope, it just takes some people longer. I think it's about time you stop being so hard on yourself. Whats done is done, not you learn and move on."

It didn't take long to get to the little ice cream shop and Destiny got out. Going over to his side of the car Destiny opened the door and waited for him. 

   "Well hurry up slow poke, its not every day someone is going to buy you ice cream."

Seeing that Alec was now coming around Misty looked to Carson and gave a small nod before coming closer and resting a hand on his arm, and then slowly with caution wrapping her arms around him and just held him tight.

    "It's ok...you are safe. I've got ya."

Looking to Carson again she tried to smile a little but there was so much emotion in her eyes. This was so hard. Even if she was happy they were there for Alec, it was still hard to watch him go through this.

    "Can you grab Alec something to drink and the ice pack from the freezer?"

If I really have to be...yes! I'll meet you outside in a sec.

Rolling out of bed Katie grabbed some clean clothing before heading to the bathroom and showering. It didn't take long and she decided to keep her hair in the messy look. Grabbing her hoodie and slipping it over her head as she exited the bunk.

   "Hey, Handsome! Waiting for someone important?"


“Mm... naps.” Mick sighed deeply as Rosetta cuddled into him and he closed his eyes. “Now that’s an old person habit I think I could learn to enjoy.” He turned to kiss her head before settling back into his pillow to try to sleep, and sleep he did… right through his alarm the next morning.

“Ohhh… not good.” Realizing it was forty-five minutes since he should have been in the barn, he tried to keep his eyes open as he rolled out of bed, throwing his half of the blanket up over Rosetta’s head. “You’re just too dang warm and comfortable,” he mumbled. Grabbing his jeans, he stumbled around, trying to get them on, then grabbed a not-so-clean shirt. He’d shower later. “Okay… I’m up… and going… chores… in the barn.” By the time he got to the front door to slip on his boots and hat, he was gaining alertness, but it was pretty obvious by his sleepy eyes that he’d just woken up as he trudged into the barn.

“Hey look!” Eric poked Trent’s arm. “He really is alive!”

“Oh hush.” Mick stifled a yawn. “It’s not my fault morning comes too soon.”

Trent gave him a wry grin. “Or that you were up too late last night?”

“It wasn’t too late. I refuse to be too old to enjoy bonfires.” Mick stopped in the barn aisle and looked around. “So what did I miss?”

“Um…” Eric came by and patted his shoulder. “Pretty much everything. It’s time for coffee now.”

“Right.” Mick set his hands on his hips and nodded. “I knew that. Good work, everyone. Thank you.”

Eric snickered and shook his head. “Since now you owe us one… if you take care of my part of evening chores, that would mean I could have a date night with Stacy.”

“I am in no position to argue,” Mick admitted ruefully. “Go and have a good time.”

Jeff slowly got dressed, feeling much more tired than he ought. He was bound and determined to get up and out of bed and to the main house for breakfast thought. Katie would only be here a couple more hours, and he could crash later. But he wasn’t going to miss out on spending the rest of the time he had with her just because of tiredness.

Finally ready for the day, he made it outside and to the main dining room, grabbing a cup of coffee and finding a spot a one of the corner tables. If Katie slept late, he wouldn’t wake her, but if she did come in for breakfast, he would be here.

Hey. You up?

Jason ran a comb through his hair after his shower and wandered back to his bedroom to get some shoes on. He’d convinced his family to come eat at the main house so he could say goodbye to the others, too. In spite of being up late, he felt refreshed and ready for the day. He didn’t want to go back to Nevada yet but… that was something they couldn’t avoid.

Unable to do anything but watch, Carson ran a hand over his face and tried to keep his own emotions in check. Seeing his brother suffering like this was… hard.

Alec groped for reality, trying to pull himself out of the nightmare that had taken over his mind as he’d slept. It finally registered that he was hearing Misty’s voice and not one of the men in the Agency lab. It was her. She was with him. He was in her house.

His eyes slowly lost their glazed look as he was able to focus on her face. Still struggling to breathe, he now spotted Carson too, and reality returned. He blinked and realized he was holding himself in a tight ball on the floor, still shaking uncontrollably in a sweaty mess. “S-sorry,” he managed to whisper, as his eyes fell closed again. His forehead was throbbing. Had he hit it on something? He sucked in a shallow breath. “I can’t… can’t stop sh-shaking.” 

Jett looked up quickly at the sound of Destiny’s voice. He was slouched in the chair - the picture of defeat. His eyes were red, proving he hadn’t been able to maintain his emotions, which left him feeling even more miserable.

At her offer for ice cream, he just nodded numbly. It wasn’t so much that the Elite had done any harm to him… it was that he’d been stupid enough to bring all of this on himself. He slowly rose and followed her out, his head hanging as they went. He didn’t make any eye contact as they made their way outside, and he was silent as he got into the jeep. All he could think about was her story of her family… Garret yelling at him… Dylan’s story… It all just shattered what he’d put so much hope into.

He leaned his head against the window and sighed deeply. “Are some people just born to never get it right?” he wondered aloud.

Wounded Soul

Rosetta couldn't help but laugh at Mick's comment as she nuzzled her face into his chest and just felt his arms around her. No matter what happened in life she always had him, and his arms, and his love, that was enough for me. Everything else in life was...an added bonus.

   "We are definitely not too old...not yet anyway. I think we just need more naps...in the day time...together. Yes, that is the cure."

Hearing the same noise Carson did and shooting up from the bed with him Misty wondered behind him, her own self-defense weapon with her. Staying cautious, and alert she slowly followed. Seeing some of the furniture in the house over turned caused her to worry even more on what was going on.

Seeing Alec on the floor her heart broke and she just watched for a long moment as Carson tried to calm him. Seeing it was only making it worse she stepped into the room and placed a hand on Carson shoulder.

   "Don't try and touch him, it will just make it worse at the moment. The best thing we can do it talk to him, let him know it's safe."

Slowly sitting down on the ground Misty crossed her legs and just sat there for a long moment. She just wanted to cry seeing Alec like this. Hadn't he been through enough aleady?

   "Hey, Alec...it's safe. You are at home with Carson and I. You can relax, no one has you, you are safe, you made it out. You are going to be ok."

Looking up once again Destiny smiled and nodded. It hadn't been the most comfortable of places to sit but she had sat in far worse rooms and just waited only having herself to entertain her. Time had seemed to slip by faster here and she just listened to the hustle of everyone. 

   "Ok, thanks, Eli."

Standing Destiny found her way around the floor and cubicles quite well having been there all too often for her own liking. Entering the room and seeing Jett she felt bad but tried to give a little smile. 

   "Hey...let's get out of here and get some ice cream. I hear its one of the best things for a wounded soul."



Mick eyes narrowed as he smirked at Rosetta, even though humor was in his gaze. “Go right ahead. I have no trouble shoving you out of the way.” After heading separate ways, it wasn’t long before he was finally coming to bed as promised.

Without trying to be quiet at all, he flopped down into the bed, making the whole mattress quake. “Miss me?” he teased. Rolling onto his side, he put his arm around Rosetta and pulled her close, nuzzling his face into her shoulder and sighing deeply. “Why’d you let me stay up so late?” he mumbled. “I’m getting too old for this.”

Carson loosened his hold so Misty could turn around, and his eyes filled with sympathetic concern. “Yeah, that’s fine if he uses the spare room. Actually at this point, I’d prefer it. I wouldn’t put it past the Agency to be looking for him, and I’d rather he was closeby.”

Hearing her theory about Alec’s memories, his eyes dimmed even more. He nodded though. “I can imagine… and my imagination doesn’t paint a very pretty picture.” He sighed and moved away to pour himself a glass of water. “To be honest, I’m surprised he’s functioning even this well. I’m glad you’re keeping a close eye on him.”

…Alec rose to eat supper, enjoying the home cooked meal more than he could ever say. He’d missed Misty’s cooking something awful. Though tired and rather quiet, it felt so good just to be sitting her with both her and Carson.

By that evening, his body was way past ready to go to bed, and he was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow…

…Carson shot straight up in bed, not knowing if the scream he’d heard had been real or in his dreams. Hearing a commotion downstairs though, he was out of bed in an instant. His first thought was an Agency invasion, and before he even reached the stairs, he hand a handgun at the ready. “Alec?” he called cautiously. Then there was silence. He looked back over his shoulder at Misty and gave her a warning glance to stay behind him before he crept downstairs.

It was dark, and his foot caught a narrow table that had been knocked over in the hallway. Stepping over it, he also hit a picture frame that had been knocked off the wall. A quick look in the spare room proved it was empty. He made his way to the living room where everything was still quiet. He cautiously reached for the light switch and turned it on.

There was no intruder. All doors and windows were closed. But Alec was huddled in the corner of the living room. Setting his gun aside, Carson went to him and quickly knelt next to him. “Hey, Alec… Alec, are you okay?”

Alec hugged his knees tightly as he shook all over, sweat pouring down his face and soaking his hair. He shook uncontrollably, gasping for air as he hyperventilated.

“Alec,” Carson prompted more sternly. “Look at me.”

Alec’s eyes were staring into nothingness, and all that came out was a small whimper.

Carson reached out to touch him, but when Alec felt someone’s hand on him, he recoiled so sharply that he almost knocked over the bookcase next to him, then scrambled to get to his feet.

“Hey, hey, easy, easy.” Carson took hold of him to try and calm him down, but all that did was cause more panic.

“No!” Alec screamed. Tearing himself loose, he stumbled back to all fours, smacking his forehead on the coffee table.

Carson got to his feet again but kept his distance. Was Alec even awake? He was obviously terrified – did he even realize where he was? Carson looked back to Misty with wide eyes, not having a clue what to do.

Alec, stunned from hitting his head, remained on the floor and curled into a ball, his mind reeling with images that fed his terror. “Let me go,” he begged in a whispered. “Please… please… I can’t stay…” His eyes scrunched shut tightly. “Just let me go… I won’t do it… Just let me go.”

Dylan cocked his head as he listened to Destiny. “Oh… okay.” He had only met Jett that one night at the race, but didn’t think he was a bad guy. Crude maybe but Dylan wouldn’t have pegged him as being Agency. Then a new thought struck him that made his pulse quicken. Without saying anything more, he aimed back to the interrogation room, but stopped as he spotted Eli in the room next door, looking through the two-way mirror.


“Yeah. What’s up?”

Dylan looked into the other room as well, seeing Jett’s pitiful form. “This doesn’t have anything to do with me, does it?”

“What? No. Why would it?”

Dylan let out a breath of relief. “Just… seemed pretty coincidental that I arrive, meet a guy, then all of a sudden he’s running with the Agency. I guess I’ve just learned to be overly cautious.”

Eli shook his head. “Don’t worry. Nothing to do with you. A recruiter targeted and enticed Jett with some grand lies about being a part of something bigger. We caught him on surveillance with a couple guys ripping off a science lab. I convinced Reese not to arrest him, but give him a chance to give us all the information he had. Thankfully he was willing. The unfortunate part is, it’s really messing with his head. I can’t imagine how he feels, realizing how close he came to getting involved with something as vile as the Agency.”

Quite suddenly, a new feeling crept up on Dylan. One that made him frown as he continued to watch Jett. One that brought out emotions he’d rather not discuss. “Can I talk to him?”

Eli looked at him in surprise. Dylan hardly knew Jett. “I… don’t know if Reese would–”

“Just a couple minutes? He turned himself in, right? So he’s not a threat.”

Eli thought another moment and finally nodded. “Yeah, okay. Garret will be back soon, then you’ll need to leave.”

“Okay.” Dylan left, disappearing for a couple minutes before he slipped quietly into the interrogation room and set a bottle of water down in front of Jett before taking up a chair beside him.

Jett lifted his head, then recoiled in surprise. Hunter’s young friend he’d met at the race? His name was Dylan, right? “What… what are you doing here?”

Dylan shrugged. “I’m interning.” That was common knowledge.

Jett scoffed. “Go figure. Anybody else I know, know I’m here?”

“Eh…  I’d rather see you here than with the Agency.”

“That’s what people keep telling me.” Jett’s eyes became dark again. “Seems everybody on this planet knows better than dumb ol’ me.” He took the water and opened it to take a swig, grateful for the cool drink.

Dylan gave him a half smile. “I know the feeling.”


Dylan eyed Jett’s tattoos with interest. He hadn’t realized he had so many after their brief encounter in the desert. “You got some cool ink… is that a dragon?”

Jett quirked an eyebrow. “Yeah…” He gestured to the back of his neck. “Starts up here, then goes over my shoulder and wraps around my arm. There’s other stuff mixed in there too though.”

Dylan leaned closer to get a better look. “I like it. Is that Japanese lettering?”

Jett rolled his arm a little to look at it himself. “Oh yeah… means ‘fire and courage.’

“What was your first one?”

“Other arm.” Jett turned and pulled up his t-shirt sleeve a little more to reveal a tribal looking design that resembled a flying bird. “Phoenix.”

Dylan cocked his head. “Dragon, phoenix, fire and courage… you do have a theme, don’t you?”

Jett studied the young man for a couple moments. “Most people don’t notice.”

“I’ve pretty much figured out I’m not most people.”

Jett took another swig of water. “You said you knew the feeling about other people knowing better… what did you mean?”

Dylan sat back and sighed. “I guess I was just caught up in some stuff a while back and… pretty much felt like a loser all the time. Everybody else had all the answers and I was just the idiot with all the bad choices.”

How could he possibly understand? Especially at his age? Jett wondered. “Yeah well, you haven’t been running with a deadly criminal organization lately, have you?”

Dylan took his time with his answer, just taking Jett in. What a tired, beaten-up looking man. He looked absolutely miserable. “By the time I was fifteen, I was shooting myself up with drugs almost every day, sleeping around almost as often, and getting drunk at least once a week. That was besides petty theft, breaking and entering and a few auto thefts nobody found out about.”

Jett couldn’t help his eyebrows rising. “That’s… a lot for a fifteen year old.”

“That’s a lot for a forty year old,” he countered. He swallowed hard and scratched at a spot on the table with his thumbnail. “But that’s what happens when the Agency is involved.”

Jett continued to stare at him. “What?”

“Yeah. See, my family’s been targeted for years. Like back when my dad was my age and ever since. It’s all part of a weird scheme to torture people from a distance and treat them like lab rats.” Dylan smirked. “The torture part usually works. Worked big time when they got a hold of me. Got me addicted to drugs, then forced the rest on me, using the drugs as my reward to do whatever they wanted.”

“But… that wasn’t your fault.”

“Didn’t matter up here.” Dylan tapped his head. “I still kick myself for not standing up for myself. For not saying no when I could have. For not being stronger. And I’ve fallen off the wagon more than once since I got pulled out, and they weren’t forcing anything on me then.” He took another few moments to think. “The Agency is so powerful. And so good at what they do. They can make anyone feel any way they like at the drop of a hat. It’s what they do. It’s part of their method of torture – manipulating a person without that person even realizing it. I’ve got my own choices to make now, and if I fall off the wagon, that’s my own fault. But… I can’t forget that I was also manipulated. I was just a kid who didn’t see it coming and by the time I realized what was going on, it was too late. But even if I could have fought it… it wasn’t my fault they chose me and forced me into things I never should have even known about, let alone done.” He rolled his eyes. “Heck, I shouldn’t even know about them now.”

Jett’s brow furrowed. “You’re telling me it’s not my fault.”

Dylan gave him a partial wry grin. “See? Not so dumb. So you got duped. So what? They targeted you. And when the Agency targets someone, it’s a miracle if they don’t succeed. You’re a victim… just like I was… just like Destiny.”

“You know about all that, too?”

“Told you. Intern. I get to see all the files.”

“Right.” Jett smirked. He looked down at the water bottle to stare at the label. He knew what Dylan was trying to do. He understood. And in a way, he did feel better. But that didn’t fix what hurt the most. “I thought I’d finally found somewhere I was wanted,” he admitted softly. “I thought I’d finally found something I could do that would make me special instead of just the bumbling sidekick.”

Dylan arched one eyebrow. “Who else has a dragon the length of their arm and a super cool phoenix on the other side?” He squinted at Jett’s lower arm. “And a constellation?”

Jett snickered. “That doesn’t help. But yes, it’s a constellation. You won’t find it in a book though.”

“Why not?”

“’Cause it’s one I found and made up myself.”

“What’s it mean?”

Jett looked at the little pattern that was nestled under the dragon’s claw. “It was just a cluster I could see out the window when I was a kid. I didn’t have anything else to call my own so I claimed it.”

Dylan eyed him with deeper interest. “You don’t have family.”

Jett’s gaze shot back up and his jaw tightened. “Who told you?”

“Nobody. Just a lucky guess.”

Jett pursed his lips, not sure if he believed him or not, but he wouldn’t argue. “Yeah, well anyway, it’s about time for another tatt. Thinking maybe putting something else in one of the dragon wings, but you can’t see it unless I take my shirt off.”

Dylan started to grin. “That’s okay. Maybe sometime when we’re not sitting in the Elite interrogation room.”

Jett felt his lips start to curl and he shook his head. “Right.”

“Okay, you ready to finish up here?” Garret walked in with the paperwork in hand.

Dylan slowly got up to leave. “I better leave you two at it.”

“Yeah…” Jett watched him leave before looking back to Garret again and sighing. “So what happens when we’re done here?”

On the other side of the mirror, Justin had joined Eli right after Dylan had gone in with Jett. “Wow… Who is that?”

“Dylan Henson.”

“As in the Henson family? How old is he?”

“Eighteen going on forty.” Eli glanced at him. “Why?”

Justin shook his head. “Just… curious. He did an amazing job in there.”

Eli thought for a few moments. “I don’t think he was trying to do anything.”

“No, he wasn’t. That’s what makes it fascinating.” Justin aimed for the door. “Let me know if you want me to do anything.”

“Yeah… Thanks.”

It was at least another half hour later before Eli returned to the break room, tapping on the door to get Destiny’s attention. “Hey… hope you have been comfortable. Jett’s still in the other room but… we’re done with him. The car you saw was someone from here so you don’t have to worry about that. We’re also going to be keeping an eye on Jett for a while in case he gets any guff from the Agency for pulling out. He gave us all he knew though, so he’s not in any more trouble. He’ll just need to be careful about who he talks to or confides in about this experience.”

Back at the table, Jett sat alone. Defeated. Exhausted. All he wanted to do was get out of here.

July 25, 2017

To fast

Rosetta wrapped her arms around Mick after getting her kiss and just leaned her head into him for a long moment. Maybe he would be able to get through to Clint. She knew others had tried, and she was sure Wendy had tried as well but he did seem to be falling deeper into a pit. If he continued on that road she would hate to see what might happen.

   "Mmm...dodon't want to long or I might just sprawl out over the whole bed and you'd be stuck sleeping on the couch."

Looking up at him she smiled and her eyes twinkled. She'd never make him sleep on the couch without a good reason but it was nice to tease anyway.

   "I'll see you in a little bit."

Wondering into the kitchen and getting a glass of water Rosetta next stopped at BJ's room. Cracking the door open a little bit she looked in and seeing him all tucked into bed and sound asleep she smiled. He was growing so fast, maybe even too fast for her liking.

   "If we didn't stay at least for breakfast we would never live it down. So I am happy we can at least do that."

Walking with Jason Katie put her arm around him. If she was to go through a bunch of crap with anyone she wouldn't want it to be anyone other then Jason. Also of good and bad had happened, but a lot of growing had happened too and she felt it brought them even closer together now.

Well, he's not going to turn us in at least, so that's a good chunk right there. Have to say I am kind of surprised.

Hearing Dylan's voice this time Destiny looked up again and gave a small smile. She was seeing a lot of faces she new today. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not though honestly. Hearing Jett wasn't doing all that well she sank down in her chair a little. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but that's why she was here. He'd help pick up the pieces once they were done. Realizing she hadn't answered Dylan yet she gave a small smile.

   "He had a run in with the Agency and is them some information. He asked me to drive him so I did. Figured after he was going to need a friend."


"Definitely worth it." Travis smiled and leaned down to give Ashlee one last kiss before parting. He did glance over his shoulder once though as he headed for his own bunkhouse, a smile still on his lips.

Mick sighed a she stepped up on the porch and opened the door for Rosetta. "I know he snapped at Wes a while back but refused to talk about it. Not sure he'd talk to me either, but it might be worth a try. Maybe I'll see if I can catch him sometime tomorrow." 

Once inside, he stopped to give Rosetta a warm hug and a kiss. "I wanna check a few messages, then I'll come to bed." 

Clint was still on the couch when he heard the front door open and close. He knew he should have been at the bonfire, but he just... didn't have any motivation. He just felt... numb. And tired. Always tired. 

His eyes drifted shut again until he realized he'd dozed off for at least another fifteen minutes, and the house was quiet again. Sighing, he finally pulled himself up and trudged down the hall. After undressing, he slipped silently into bed with Wendy and stared up at the dark ceiling. Another day gone. That meant another day would come tomorrow. The same as every other day. Nothing ever changed.

 "Of course." Jason finally stood and offered Katie a hand up, too. He yawned, then picked up his guitar and slipped an arm around her shoulders to head back into the ranch yard. "Since we've got a flight back tomorrow, at least we can stick around long enough for breakfast and to say goodbye to anyone."

And by this time tomorrow... we'll know just where we really stand with Kirk.

Eli pursed his lips sadly and nodded. He wished Jett had never been approached, let alone sucked into this whole thing. But what was done was done, and all they could do was try to pull him out. 

Hearing about the black car, he quirked an eyebrow. "Hmm. Not sure. Reese said since we weren't sure what Jett was going to do that he might put someone on his tail to make sure he didn't run, but I don't know if that ever happened. I'll go ask though. I'm glad you noticed." He didn't want to waste any time either, and left to go straight to talk to Reese. 

In the interrogation room, Jett's eyes were glued to the table. "I told you," he repeated. "All I know is they called one of the guys Nick. But the other one didn't even use his name."

Garret set his hands on the table across from him and lowered himself until he was eye-level with Jett. "You know more than you're saying! Think!" he demanded.

"I am!" Jett fought back tears. Stupid tears. "I can't help it they didn't tell me any more than that!" 

"Yet you went with them anyway?!" Garret straightened and threw up his hands. "What part of suspicious do you not understand? I mean, seriously."

"I'm just dumb I guess, okay?!" Jett still refused to look up at him as his face grew hot. "The recruiter's name is Shawn but I don't know a last name. One guy was Nick - he's the blonde in the surveillance footage - and that's all I know." 

"Why did they want the intel that was stolen?"

"I don't know!" 

"You had to have heard someone talking!"

"I didn't!" Jett choked as he struggled not to let the tears fall. "Shawn said drive, so I did! He told me where and when to be, I showed up, the guys piled in, we went to the lab, they went in, came out, and I drove them back. That was it!" 

Garret sighed as he paced a small circle. "Did you ever once think things didn't feel quiet legit?"

"They... they told me it was all undercover. Like the military, only different. I... I... I thought I was helping with a good cause."

"By breaking an entering and stealing?" 

"They said the company who owned the lab were doing illegal things."

"And you just believed them?"

Jett bit his lip. 

Garret rolled his eyes. "What about now? Are you finally convinced?"

"I don't know what to think." Jett swiped at his eyes. "Can I go now?" 

"Not until we have a signed testimony from you about what happened." Garret aimed for the door. "I'll get the form. Don't leave." He left the door open as he went to Susanne's office.

Left alone, Jett folded his arms on the table and leaned forward to rest his head on them, hiding his face.  

Dylan did a double-take as he saw Destiny in the break room, and stopped his route in order to slip in and see her. "Destiny...?" He furrowed his brow and thumbed into the hall. "I just saw Jett in the interrogation room... he looks horrible. What happened? I mean, what are you guys doing here?"

Any Luck

Standing with Travis at the bunk Ashlee smiled though she was in a sleepy state. She always liked spending time with Travis and she could feel herself wanting to spend more time with him. Was this what love was about? Is that really what this was? Travis meant a lot to her and the more time they spent together the closer they got.

   "With any luck, we will get what..five hours of sleep? It was worth it though! Sleep well, Travis."

Walking into the Elite Destiny always had a strange feeling in her stomach. It was a place that helped her but yet, it held so many bad memories. From her parents to Chance, to the Agency in general. Seeing Garret she smiled a little and nodded.

   "I won't be far, if you need me, Jett, just let them know and I'll come. ok?"

Just sitting in the break room and thumbing through her phone Destiny looked up hearing Eli's voice and smiled. Thinking for a long second her smiled faded a little as she sat up. 

   "He's...not well but trying to have in there the best he can. In time I think he will be ok but...its going to be a little bit to get there."

Silent for a second Destiny just thought about the whole day and something worried her. Maybe it was nothing, or maybe it was something. At this point, she was more worried about Jett them herself and his safety is what really mattered to her. 

   "Hey Eli, Last night and this morning there has been a black car that's been following Jett. I didn't draw attachen to it because I didn't want to freak him out but I am pretty sure Jett noticed it too. I mentioned it because I didn't know if it was one of your guys, or  if it was in fact Agency, could just be someone Jett ticked off too but I thought it was at least worth a mention."

Getting to the house Rosetta looked to where Mick was looking and saw Wendy walking back to the house alone. Letting out a small sigh she felt bad for Wendy, and bad for Clint too not know what to do to help.

   "I think it is. I hardly see Wendy smile anymore and I know Jade helps with the kids a lot but...I don't think Clint does much. Its a rarity to see him anywhere but home and the shop."

I think I'll go see if my old bunk it free. That way I am by dad so in the morning I can say goodbye.

There was a small sadness to her statement but she knew they did have to go. She also knew that would be back soon too it was just always hard to say goodbye. 

   "Thanks for taking the detour to come. Coming back soon would be nice."


Travis chuckled and gave Ashlee a little squeeze. "Okay... I'll try not to move." 

Nearby, Eric glanced at the two of them before nudging Stacy with an elbow and nodding at them and grinning. He liked keeping a close eye on Travis when he was around Ashlee, but it was cute, seeing them together like this. And in a way, he was glad Ashlee had someone to keep her company. It wasn't easy, spending almost your entire time on the ranch without others to interact with.

Eventually, the fire began to burn low, and one by one, tired souls made their way to their own bunks or houses for the night...

...Travis stopped at the foot of the bunkhouse porch, his hand still in Ashlee's. "Well... guess I gotta wait a few hours 'til I see you again," he teased. "Sleep good, 'kay?" 

...Jason still sat with Katie until they were the only ones left, and the fire was but a small pile of smoldering ashes. "Sorry we can't stay longer," he apologized. "This has been really relaxing." He slid an arm around her and kissed her head. "Maybe after things settle down with us back at the Elite, we can request a week. I know we haven't been around there much lately, but... I'd rather take time to regenerate before we both crash after all this craziness." 

He sighed, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed, but equally as much, wanting nothing more than to just stay here. 

Guess I'll bunk down at Mom and Wes' again tonight. You're more than welcome to come too, or find an empty bunk. 

...Mick walked slowly back to the house with Rosetta, thankful that Jade had taken BJ earlier to get him in bed at an acceptable time. She was nothing but helpful around here, and he couldn't imagine if she was gone. 

Looking a ways away, he saw Wendy walking home as well, and he sighed. "I was surprised Clint didn't join us tonight. Not that he's been socializing much lately but... I thought he'd at least show up since Jason and Katie are here." He shook his head as his pace slowed. "Last time I saw him happy was when Ryan was here to help him in the shop. Thought maybe he'd pulled out of his slump but I guess not." He stopped at the porch and continued to look towards the other house the short distance away. "Is it just me or is it getting worse, and is it affecting Wendy and the kids?" 

Jett sat quietly for a few more moments, staring down at his hands in his lap. How on earth had he gotten himself into this mess in the first place? Why was he always making the wrong move? The wrong choices? "Maybe I deserve to be behind bars," he muttered. "Then at least I won't keep proving I'm an idiot." He shook his head and sighed. "Just... let's go before I lose my nerve again." 

It wasn't a long enough drive to the Elite, and Jett felt ill-prepared to be here. What if he couldn't give them what they wanted? What if he didn't have enough information? What if...? 

He didn't like going inside, even if Destiny was with him, and looking around the large floor with more cubicles than people, it was different than he'd expected. He'd been in a few police stations, and this was definitely not the same. 

"You finally came." Garret had spotted them right off, and had wandered close. "Thought maybe we'd have to come looking for you." 

Jett swallowed hard, his face paling slightly. 

Garret nodded to Destiny, assuming she was here for some sort of stability for the terrified man. "I'm going to take him to the interrogation room. You're welcome to stay in the break room if you'd like." He motioned to Jett. "Come on."

Interrogation room? Jett shifted his weight nervously, but nodded, and followed Garret to the hallway, then down to an open room with a table and chairs. Sitting down, he stared at the table. 

"Sit tight," Garret directed. "I'll be back." In truth, he wanted to give Jett a little more time to squirm, while also making a phone call. 

Eli's jaw dropped at Scarlet's comment, and Dylan snickered. "Right. I'm gonna need your number." 

"Hey," Eli growled. "I'm not sure I like that idea." 

Dylan withheld another laugh, and grabbed his menu to concentrate very hard on what was listed.

Eli scooted in closer to Scarlet, pushing her all the way to the wall. "I'm having food. Lots of food... 'cause I'm starving...." 

It was a fun meal. Even though it wasn't just Eli and Scarlet on a date, Dylan was good company, and Eli really did like the young man. He was quiet for sure, but very smart, and he had a great sense of humor if he'd just learn to let it out a little more. 

They were just finishing up their food when Eli's cell phone buzzed. He rolled his eyes but after seeing the number, answered it. "Yeah? He did? Great. Thanks. I'll be there in just a few minutes." He ended the call and looked to Dylan. "I gotta get back to the office." Turning, he gave Scarlet one last kiss. "Sorry. Duty calls. We'll catch up later." He'd tell her all about it then - grateful that she trusted him when he had to leave her hanging for a while.

Realizing he was talking about the Elite, Dylan stuffed the last few french fries in his mouth and slid from the booth before waving at Scarlet. "Hate to eat and run."

"But we gotta run," Eli finished, also rising and setting some money on the table to pay for all three of them. 

It was a faster ride back to the Elite, which... Dylan didn't mind at all, rather enjoying the fast ride on the back of the motorcycle. Once they were back, he went his own way, not sure what was really going on, but knowing it was none of his business. 

By now, Garret was back in the interrogation room with Jett, questioning him. Eli still didn't think it was a good idea to tell Jett about his own involvement with the Elite, but he wanted to be close in case anything went south. Jett was still his friend, after all. For now though, he stopped by the break room to greet Destiny. "Heard you brought Jett. Thanks." He leaned on the back of a chair. "How's he doing? I didn't think he'd show after not hearing anything all day yesterday." 


As Travis licked her finger Ashlee laughed again before giving him a little shove. She hadn't expected him to do that so it made her giggle a little more as she finger tingled. Hearing his comment she could feel a little color come to her cheeks.

    "Mmmm...I can be sweet just, don't take a bite out of me."

Leaning into him as he put his arm around her Ashlee felt so warm and cozy she could feel her eyes start to grow heavy. She was just so comfortable right there. In a sleepy voice, she mumbled.

   "You make a comfortable pillow, don't move a muscle."

Getting back into the car with Jett Destiny thought for a long moment. She really didn't know the Elite all that well but as far as she did know they didn't make empty threats. Looking at Jett She could see the worry on her friends face and she hated it, but there was no point in beating around the bush either.

   "I don't think they would just be bluffing honestly. The Elite does a lot of good, and helps a lot of people who have been miss lead, but they also don't mess around either. It's either you help them and they help you, or you go to jail."

Putting her key in the ignition she started her jeep so she could turn the AC on at least while they sat there. 

   "I don't know about you but I kinda don't want to have to visit my friend behind bars. Still want to go?"

Seeing Dylan and Eli come into the little diner Scarlet gave a wave. Seeing them joking around she smiled. It was nice to see Dylan had made some friends while being here and she didn't mind he joined them at all.

Returning Eli's kiss she smiled at him before looking to Dylan and leaning into the table a little bit.

   "He is pushy...with other people. He knows better than to be pushy with me. Next time he gets under your skin just threaten him that you are going to tell me. "

Looking to Eli again Scarlett grinned a little bigger before looking down at the menu quickly.

   "So what are we having today?"

Seeing Carson come in Misty smiled and gave him a little wave as she finished cutting the french bread for garlic toast. As Carson came up behind her Misty leaned into him and looked over her shoulder giving him a kiss.

    "He's been asleep for a little bit now. I figured I would just let him till dinner was ready. He probably hasn't had a peaceful night sleep in a long time. I sensed he didn't want to be alone yet. I hope you don't mine I told him he could use the spare room."

Misty turned to look at Carson and give a smile leaning aganst the counter. She really did hope he didn't mind at all.

   "I think its going to take him a little bit before things are normal again for him. He says he can't remember what happened but...I think his mind is just blocking the memories to protect him. I cant imagen what he went through and I just want to make it as easy as I can for him and as safe as possible."

July 24, 2017


Alec just nodded numbly and followed Misty to the kitchen. "Not watching tv for three months kinda curbs that appetite," he admitted ruefully. He leaned on the doorway and just watched her for a few moments. Had it really been that long? Would he ever get his head wrapped around the fact that he was home now and that time really had passed?...

..."Honey, I'm home!" Carson hung his hat on the hall rack and kicked off his shoes before wandering all the way into the house. He stopped short thought, when he realized Alec was asleep on the couch, and his eyes widened. Slipping into the kitchen, he bit his lip. "Oops," he spoke quietly, "didn't know he'd be sleeping." He wandered up behind Misty to look over her shoulder at what she was fixing, and slid his arms around her waist before kissing her neck teasingly. "Something smells amazing, and I know it's not me, 'cause I reek of pizza grease."

In the living room, Alec cracked his eyes open. It took him a moment to gain his bearings and realize where he was. He hadn't intended on falling asleep earlier, but after he'd sat down, his body must have just finally given out. Now he was curled on his side with a throw pillow, more comfortable than he had been in... well, a very long time. It was warm here. Safe. Peaceful. Everything the Agency was not.

He yawned and stretched before realizing he heard Carson's voice. Even that was... nice. His eyes fell shut again. Maybe he'd just stay here... a few more minutes... until supper was ready.


Dylan looked up from the break room table where he'd just bit into an apple. "What?"

Eli smirked. "Tell me that's not your lunch."

"I brought some celery and peanut butter," Dylan defended. "Fruit, veggies and nuts - I've had far worse."

"After the workout Garret just gave us, you and I deserve some real protein." Eli motioned him into the hall. "Come on."

Dylan blinked. "What? Where?"

"Come on!" Eli repeated. "I haven't got all day."

Dylan shrugged and abandoned his meager meal, following Eli through the building and outside. "You gonna tell me where we're going?"

"Hello... Food." Eli grabbed the extra helmet off his motorcycle, and handed it to him. "This should fit well enough. Ever been on the back of a bike?"

Dylan bit his lip to hide his grin. Eli was really going to give him a ride? "Just a couple times."

"Okay. Then you know not to scream or pull me off." Eli donned his own helmet and fingerless gloves before mounting up and bringing the engine to life. "Hop on." He thumbed to the back.

Dylan hesitated just a moment before climbing on. Eli had said he needed to come back to the office, so at least he wasn't going out of his way. And no one here would even notice he was gone probably.

It only took about ten minutes before they were parked again and walking into the little diner. Spotting Scarlet, Eli grinned and sauntered over to the table. "Hey... hope you don't mind, I brought a stray along with me."

Dylan smirked. "I'm not a stray, and you practically dragged me out of the break room." He glanced at Scarlet. "Is he always this pushy?"

Eli gave him a teasing shove into the booth before he slid in next to Scarlet and gave her a quick but meaningful kiss on the lips. "I'm not pushy, am I?"

In spite of being occupied with looking for apartments, the longer the day went on, the more anxious Jett grew. He'd seen that black car two more times now, making this whole thing even worse on the nerves. He hadn't mentioned it to Destiny though. He didn't want her to think he was an entire basket case. Although... on the inside, that's sure what it felt like. 

Getting back in the car after checking out another apartment, he glanced at the clock, then over to Destiny. "Do I... I mean... Do you really think I'll get arrested if I don't talk to the Elite? I... I mean... what I'd they just hold it all against me anyway?"

Jason smiled as he continued to play and hum. 

Maybe I do this every night and you just don't know about it.

He pushed some teasing emotions in Katie's direction, giving her leg a little nudge. Actually his music had take  a back seat lately, which he didn't like. 

Turning and looking almost cross-eyed at the chocolate, Travis grinned. "Uh-huh." He took her hand before she could pull away, and licked the chocolate off her thumb. Laughing, he slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close. "You're sweet enough for me though."


   "You are very welcome Alec. I new how special it was to you."

Though there were still a few tears Misty smiled. It was mostly happy tears that he really was there. She just felt like she needed to keep reaching out and touching Alec to make sure he really was there. 

Wondering back into the house she made sure Alec was still following. She would make something special for herself, Carson and Alec tonight. She knew Carson wouldn't mind Alec being there too.

   "Of course he won't mind, and you are never in the way Alec. You never have been. Make yourself at home. You are welcome to anything you want to eat, drink or watch on TV."

Holding her coffee and just listing to Jason play Katie felt content. Two people, she loved dearly on either side of her, the breeze, the warmth of the fire, laughing and joking...sharing stories it was a nice way to end the night.

Mmmmm....it really is. I've missed hearing you play you know. You should do it more.

Looking at her dad she smiled taking his hands in hers and holding it just being there with him was one of the best things ever. It never had to be fancy. Looking back to Jason she smiled. He looked relaxed, more so than he had in a long time. This place was magical...it always had been. It could take the most restless of souls and ease them.

Sitting with Travis leaning against the log Ashlee rested her head on his shoulder. After their ride today this was a nice way to relax. Doing nothing, and everything at the same time. Looking at Travis and seeing a little chocolate on his cheek she laughed before taking her thumb and wiping it off. Holding it for him she see she grinned. 

   "Saving this for later are we?"

In the Way

Being drawn into Misty's hug, Alec hadn't expected it, but he found himself wrapping his arms around her, too. It sounded weird in his own mind, but honestly, just to be touched or held without risk of being stuck with a needle, cut with a knife or hit with a fist had never felt so... good. 

Seeing her tears threw him just a little though. Even though he felt like crying himself, why was she? It made him feel bad for all that had happened. His fault or not, he loved Misty and didn't like seeing her hurting. 

It took him a moment to get his mind back on track and he glanced back out the glass to see just the edge of the black tarp sticking out from behind the shed. "Thanks... for taking care of it for me." It was odd to think she kept it, even when he was supposedly gone forever. But he was glad she had.

"Um..." He swallowed hard and looked around the living room again. "I think... just for the time being, I'll um... I'll stay in the house. Just 'til I get my bearings again." He didn't want to be alone out in the shed. Not yet. The thought alone made him feel too vulnerable. "If you think that will be okay with Carson. I know you guys are trying to help but I don't wanna be in the way or anything."

Garret recoiled slightly at Nate's gentle rebuke, and he wasn't quite sure what to do with it. At least he was being allowed to go, although he still wasn't convinced Reese would be happy if he found out about it. Or Kirk for that matter. But since Nate was still in charge of him, he'd bank on that. 

"Okay... thanks. And yeah, I can go through those files. I gotta work on a few things with Sapphire this morning, then I've got my session with Eli and Dylan... then I can do those. I'll stay as long as it takes to get them done." 

"Hiding out never sounded better," Jeff agreed. "As long as it's not my bunkhouse, I'm happy. I've seen enough of those four walls to last a lifetime." 

Walking with Katie a while longer, Jeff knew he'd had enough, even if he wanted to keep going. He wasn't recuperating as quickly as he - or Angel - liked, and he didn't want to make it any slower by overdoing it. At least he could still spend time with Katie while she was here, even if it was sitting in the living room - which they did to each lunch, followed by a card game, followed by a movie, during which he dozed off a few times, but insisted on not going back to his bunkhouse. 

By that evening, the suggestion of a bonfire had spread throughout the ranch, and it was agreed as a good idea, not just because Katie and Jason were there, but because it had been a while since they'd built a fire. When darkness came, the flames lit up the back edge of the ranch, and the air was filled with chatter, laughter, and the sweet sounds of music as Jason played his acoustic guitar and sang. He sat by Katie - the first time they'd actually been together all day - but right on her other side was Jeff, leaned back against the log as he sat on the ground, enjoying the warmth of the flames... and the warmth in his heart. 

Hot chocolate and coffee were enjoyed, as was the making s'mores. Everyone was able to relax and have fun - even Eric had been able to put the girls down early and come with his monitor so he could leave quickly if need be. But at least he got to sit with Stacy for a while. Even Jim had come - albeit reluctantly - and sat off to the side with Becky, quiet but present. The only one missing from the entire group was Clint... but no one asked. Jade had convinced Wendy to come, offering help with the little ones so she could at least enjoy the company and the treats. 

This... is nice. 

Jason strummed out a few cords and hummed a softer tune, loud enough for others to hear, but quiet enough to just add background atmosphere. 

I'm glad you wanted to come.

He glanced over to where his mom sat with Wes, and Kaylee was on his lap again, struggling to stay awake. And he smiled. Family. It meant more to him now than it had before.

Just Because

   "I didn't think you would at all. I was just wondering Garret. Stop thinking everyone asks because they think something is going to go wrong with you. Sometimes...people just want to know."

Nate studied Garret for a long moment. His friend still had ways to go on learning how people acte sometimes. He was getting there slowly and that made Nate happy but there was still more to learn. Even he himself didn't always have it all figured out. He did trust Garret though.

    "You should be fine to go, I don't see a problem and you are you own man. Can you just work an hour late today for me to try and get these files in order? I'd rather have them done and finished instead of just sitting."

Giving Garret a smile it was nice he told him so at least if someone did ask where Garret was he could at least tell them he had a personal matter and not know at all. That was better then nothing.

   "Thank you for letting me know Garret!"

Misty smiled as she just watched Alec. She could almost read his mind with the emotions in his eyes. Maybe because she had been there too, and for a while, she had hated this house, no one had known but after she and Jason broke up she had spent several nights at the office just so she wouldn't be here alone. Sometimes memories were just too hard to handle when they looked at you on every corner. 

   "I never changed anything out there. I just...couldnt. Maybe even if I had known you were gone, a part of me hoped you'd come back if I just left it. I guess in a way now, that's a good thing. You don't have to sleep out here though if you dont want...you are more then welcome to stay in the house with us. The extra room is all yours."

Reaching out Misty pulled Alec into a hug as some tears fell from her eyes. So many emotions were mixed with this whole experience. Happy Alec was alive, sad they didn't know sooner. Happy he was here, but sad it was so hard for him.

As he asked about the bike she backed away slowly and smiled with a nod. She never could have given that away. She had thought about giving it to Ryan but then thought better of it. By the time she had been doing better Misty just couldn't part with it. 

   "It's around the back of the shed with the black tarp over it. I...didn't want it to get damaged from the rain."

   "Maybe both!"

Ashlee laughed as she took another sip of her coffee and her eyes twinkled. Riding would be a nice break up to her day for sure, and spending time with Travis even better.

   "We have time, we will think of somewhere to ride. At least the company will be the best part!"

Katie laughed at her dad. At least he still had his sense of humor through everything and for that she was grateful. He'd had a pretty bad hand in life too but was happy he was in a good place now, with people who cared...even if he did get scolded a lot. 

   "Want to grab some lunch? We can hide out in the back room of the dinning hall."


Garret didn't answer right away as his eyes studied Nate's face. "It's personal," he finally replied. "There's something of mine I need to go pick up, but it'll take a couple days there and back." He paused, looking Nate square in the eye. "You have my word, I'm not going to cause any trouble or hurt anyone or do anything that would come back on the Elite." 

He stopped talking as someone walked by, then resumed. "I just need to take the Elite vehicle Reese has let me use. That's it. I'll work today, then take the next couple days, and you'll be the first to know when I'm back in town." He wondered if Nate would really let him go without telling him everything. No one else would. But Nate trusted him more than anyone else, too. 


He turned just before he got to his office, to see Kirk. "Yes?" 

"I need to talk to you." Kirk had his arms full of papers from last night that were starting to slip from his grasp. His partially glazed eyes perhaps gave away that he was running on caffeine and adrenaline this morning after getting hardly any sleep at all last night. 

Reese nodded. "I wanted to talk to you too. I was up half the night with Angelica, discussing how to save the Elite."

Kirk's eyes widened. "Me too." 

"You were up with Angelica?"

"What? No! Just half the night. I mean with Adison." Kirk shook his head and readjusted the files before he dropped all of them. "The answer is the building. We can -"

"Have sections no one else knows about," Reese interrupted. "So we can run without-"

"The FBI knowing about it." 

"Right." Reese's mind started working overtime again. "We'd have to be partially underground again but-"

"Everybody around here's been through it before," Kirk concluded. "The hard part will be the-"

"Training." Reese nodded. "I know. That's going to be tough."

Kirk stopped and blinked before gaining a crooked grin. "You know, maybe if we would have put our heads together in the first place, we both would have gotten more sleep last night."

Reese chuckled and nodded. "Probably. Come in my office. I wanna hear what your plans are and see if they're similar to mine."

Alec just focused on his hamburger again, falling quiet once more. Did he used to talk more? He thought so. But it was hard to remember.

He managed to finish most of his hamburger, and most of his fries, making him more full than he had felt in... a very long time. He didn't feel sick though, which was an added bonus. What he did feel was very tired, and he was glad when they finally left to go... home.

Arriving at the house, his walk was hesitant. This was where he'd been most comfortable before, and today... it felt... out of sync somehow. Like he was walking into the past, but it wasn't. It was now. But months had vanished. Getting inside, it smelled and felt the same, and his body started to automatically relax. The only thing different now were signs that Carson was living here again. Which made Alec glad. He knew his brother and Misty had to be so much happier now that they were back together. They had always just... completed each other.

After setting his sack down, Alec wandered to the back sliding doors and looked out at the little shed that he'd made into his own living space. And all of a sudden, his palms started to sweat again. He turned around to look at Misty, his eyes full of more emotions than even he himself could figure out. "Um... where..." Wouldn't it be too awkward for Misty and Carson if he bunked down in the living room? He didn't want to ask. Instead, he changed his sentence completely. "You said you still had my bike, huh?"

"Mmm..." Travis took a sip of coffee, always enjoying their morning routine. Neither ever forgot, and he didn't want to trade it. 

"Nope, no idea where to ride," he admitted.  "But..." He lowered his voice. "Anywhere with you is always fun." He covered up his grin with another sip of coffee. "I'll work on my tasks so I can get most of it out of the way beforehand so then we can take our time." He rolled his eyes. "Dad is giving me a new list every day - I don't know if he's trying to just keep me out of trouble or kill me, but I'm gonna be an expert at hauling manure in no time."

"Eh..." Jeff slid his arm around Katie's shoulders and gave her a squeeze. "You were caught in the middle of a lot of hard stuff. I know Jay doesn't blame you. He knows he was wrong about a lot of things too."

Falling quiet for a few minutes, he eventually took a deep breath and stood up again. "Okay... heart's pumping again. I can walk a few more feet." He tossed her a wink. "Let's make some tracks before someone realizes I'm out and about."


Driving to the park it was quiet once again but like before Misty didn't mind. She didn't want to push Alec more than he already had with going to the restaurant. Every once in a while she would just glance out of the corner of her eye at him just to make sure he was going ok.

Finding a nice spot away from a lot of people Misty was ready to eat as her stomach growled at her. Taking a bite of her chicken sandwich Misty nodded with satisfaction. It tasted even better than she had hoped. Looking over at Alec she smiled and gave a little nod swallowing her bite.

   "I'm happy I still can, makes me feel good knowing that."

Setting her sandwich down for a second Misty leaned against the tree and looked at Alec for a long moment. He at least had more color than when he was in the hospital so that was good. Now to just get over the other hurdles.

Bumping Travis' shoulder Ashlee smiled and pushed his cup of coffee towards him. This had become normal. If they didn't do chores together in the morning, they would meet here. It was always a good start to the morning and something Ashlee looked forward too.

   "Good Morning Handsome!"

Taking a sip of her coffee she gave a nod. If she could get all her work done she should be free.

   "I should have time around two or three. I have some school I need to finish up but after that, I am all yours. A ride with you would be a nice reward for my hard work. Have any ideas where you want to ride too?"

Looking up at Garret Nate cocked his head. He trusted him, but he wondered what business he had to take care of. It just seemed a little odd. Turning he leaned back in his chair and just tapped his pen on his knee for a long moment.

   "I don't think anyone would mind. Can I ask what you need to take care of though? One I am interested and two at least I can tell someone I know you are not causing trouble in case they ask."

Katie let out a long sigh at the mention of Jay. The last time they had talked things had been ok, but they sure did have a rough patch there for a long second. She knew things were a little strange now and in a way she knew it was hard. That wasn't anyone's fault though.

   "Next time you talk to him, tell him to call you. He was always my dad too no matter what you both are. You have nothing to feel bad about, and he has nothing to feel bad. If anyone it should be me for the hard time I gave him."

A Couple Days

Alec glanced at Misty, fully expecting her to address the obvious - he had a problem. But he was surprised when she didn't. Maybe he shouldn't be though. She'd obviously had not lost her soft touch.

He took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah... yeah, I preferred a picnic, I just... thought I'd make a scene so I didn't have to say so." He was in no frame of mind to be able to laugh about it, but he did give her a little smirk before heading back to the car. She was a good sport at least... he'd get over this whole new panic thing, right? A couple more day's rest and he'd be good as new... right? 

Doubts clouded his mind as he buckled himself in, and he fell quiet once more. What if this didn't really go away? What if the Agency really had won, in that he'd never be able to overcome this whole new set of insecurities? He hated the way he felt. Weak. Vulnerable. 

He closed his eyes, trying to block those thoughts and the emotions that accompanied them. At least by the time they reached the park, his heart rate had slowed back to normal and his hands had quit trembling. Finding a nice, shady, quiet table to sit at with Misty, Alec really did feel much better out here than he had in the restaurant. There were still people, traffic and noises, but there were also plenty of escape routes, which made him less tense. 

He ate slowly, still needing to take it easy for his stomach's sake, but the hamburger tasted far better than it normally would, simply because it wasn't Agency or hospital food. Eventually he did look across at Misty, giving her an apologetic look. "Thanks, by the way... for bringing me out here. I, um..." He shrugged as his eyes dropped again. "You always did know how to make me feel better."

Ashlee's news came as little surprise to Dylan. He knew she was a good student and wanted to be done with school. He'd wondered if she'd try to graduate early.

Nope, you hadn't told me.
Not surprised tho. For you?
Piece of cake. 

Enjoy breakfast. I should
head inside myself. 
Have a good one. 

Finally standing up, he gave a little yawn. Now that he'd sat down for a while, his body wanted to relax instead of get to work. But he'd just seen several more cars pull up and knew he should get inside...

"Hey, Nate?" Garret leaned on the cubicle wall, his expression a thoughtful one. It was early yet, but he wanted to broach this subject before he forgot. The day before, he'd found a suitable apartment not too far from Nate's own house, and was just waiting to hear back about it. Even though he wasn't technically an Elite agent, the reference helped, making the deal just a little ironic. He'd been thinking about it ever since though, and had one more thing he wanted to put in place for his own peace of mind. 

"Um... I know I'm not in Elite custody anymore but... I didn't want to just disappear without warning. Do you think anybody would have a problem if I was out of town for just a couple days? There's... some business I need to go take care of." 

Seeing Ashlee, Travis grinned and headed her direction as he took off his work gloves. "Hey there." Instead of sitting across from her, he chose a seat next to her so he could be closer. It hadn't escaped his notice that she'd been texting again. He certainly didn't care - it was just... odd for her, that was all. It was none of his business though. 

Leaning over, he gave her cheek a kiss, not caring they weren't alone. He'd get a real kiss later. His eyes twinkled as he held his smile. "Busy all day, or got time this afternoon for a ride? Eric suggested I give Casper some exercise and... riding alone just isn't any fun at all."

Jeff gave Katie's hand a squeeze and he smiled. "Ya know... I'm not sure how I got so lucky. With all my stupid decisions, I never should have had the privilege of having you in my life at all... yet here we are." He sighed deeply. "I love you too, Katie... And I guess I'm glad things were tough there for a while... otherwise I might never had had the guts to tell you who you really were."

He fell quiet for a few moments as he continued to think. "Jay asks about you pretty regularly, ya know. He doesn't contact you directly 'cause he doesn't want to bother you or he thinks it's weird for you, even though I tell him it would be fine."

He glanced at Katie and searched her face. "As much as I love having you in my life as my daughter, I can't help but feel a little guilty, too. I know you guys had your differences, but... sometimes I feel like I stole you from him after all he did for the two of us when you were a baby."

Alright. I'll put a bug in Wes and mom's ears to see if they'd be up for the bonfire idea. You gonna eat lunch at the main house or hide away with your dad?


Jason's thoughts to Katie were cut short as a teddy bear hit him in the face. Scrunching up his nose, he smirked at his little sister. "Did you just do that on purpose?" 

Kaylee gigged and pointed at Wes.

"Oh no." Jason shook his head. "You can't blame it on him. His aim isn't that good." 

Even though she didn't get the joke, Kaylee laughed anyway and buried her face into Wes again.

July 23, 2017

Sooner Then I...

As Alec got up and left Misty didn't try and stop him. She couldn't image how he must be feeling. As the water came over and asked if everything was ok she confirmed it was and just asked if they could get their stuff to go. Waiting for the waiter to come back with their items in a bag she paid and headed outside to find Alec.

Seeing him over on the side she gave a soft smile and walked over to him. She knew this must be embarrassing for him and she didn't want to draw attachen to that and make him feel worse.

   "Hey, I got our order. Ready for our picnic?"

Ashlee couldn't help but laugh as she was about to put the phone in her pocket. Getting another text though she looked again and smiled. Even if she did miss her friend she was happy he was doing well and enjoying himself. 

Good, I'm happy you are learning lots, 
and doing well. Just don't let that Agency
guy beat you up too much. 

Sending the text she saw Travis come in the and waved before sending another quick text before slipping her phone in her pocket.

Well, I better eat breakfast so I can
finish working and then get some 
school work done.  I don't know if 
I told you, but I am going to continue
right through the summer so I can try
and graduate early.

Katie laughed and leaned into Jeff a little bit before joining him on the stump he sat down on. Just closing her eyes for a long second she felt the cool breeze run over her skin, Opening her eyes and looking at Jeff again she raised an eyebrow.

   "I'm not so sure I want to stand in Angel's way. Don't tell her but...she is kinda scary."

Leaning back and resting her head on her dad's shoulder she listened to him while listening to Jason too. She'd gotten good at having two conversations at once.

I think a bonfire sounds perfect. It's been a long time since I have been able to enjoy one. 

Turning to her dad finally she smiled at him. She didn't want him to feel bad, she never did.

   "What really is normal ya know? For us this is normal and I really couldn't think of it being any other way."

Taking her dad's hand in her own she held it. She knew he hated not being able to do things like most people but she was never sorry or wished for something more. Only that he would be happy.

   "You are enough, and even more. I do wish we could spend more time together, and the only reason I hate you worrying is because I don't want to lose you sooner than I have too. I love you dad, and I could never ask for someone better."

Irrational Fear

Alec's eyes remained on the table as Misty took his trembling hand. At her words of encouragement, he could feel his emotions start to churn, and his eyes started to burn. It didn't feel okay to not be okay. He managed to nod numbly at her suggestion of taking their food to the park though. He really was hungry, and at least then they'd be outside in the fresh air where –

Another clatter from the kitchen, followed by a round of laughter from a nearby table sent Alec over the edge. Standing abruptly, he said nothing, but aimed for the door. Once outside, he put his hands to his head and leaned back against the building, trying just to breathe. He wasn't sure he'd ever experienced anything like this before... but he definitely didn't like it. He felt as if he had no control over his emotions, which right now included a very large dose of irrational fear and claustrophobia, topped with embarrassment.

He slowly lowered his hands as he took in his surroundings. There were plenty of people out here too, but at least he was in the open where he could move and think straight. A car backfiring made his whole body lurch. He'd never felt so jumpy in his entire life. It was ridiculous. And yet, for right now, he couldn't help it.

Dylan grinned again at Ashlee's messages. Was she hinting she missed him? He tucked the comment about pizza in the back of his mind before replying. Spy stuff? 

If I told you, I'd have to 
kill you... lol... 

Actually I've been learning 
a lot. I get to learn self-
defense from an ex Agency
operative who could scare 
the pee out of a someone just 
by looking at them. He's rough 
- I've got the bruises to 
prove it - but he's a good 

He leaned his head back against the wall and thought some more. He talked to Hunter a little bit about what he was doing here, but it was different telling Ashlee. To her, it was... new. He couldn't help enjoying it just a bit. 

I get to make lots of copies
every day - that's exciting
lol... I help file things. 
Remember Con? I get to help
his wife with filing stuff. 
I'm learning how things run 
and it's pretty cool. I like 
it here.

After sending it, he considered that last line. Yes, he did like it here. And no matter how unsettled - or homesick - he felt at the moment... he was in this for as long as he'd committed. As long as the Elite wasn't shut down before then, he'd stay his three months. 

Jeff chuckled and nodded as he tucked his hands in his denim jacket pockets. "Yeah. She can run faster than me at the moment so I'd never be able to get away. I hear you're a pretty sharp bodyguard though." He nudged Katie with his shoulder as they walked. "I'm proud of you, ya know. I worry about what you do every day with the Elite... but I'm proud of you for doing what you love and what you believe in."

He slowed even more and eased down to sit on an old log that was alongside the pasture fence. His breathing had become just a little too labored for comfort. "I worry about the whole thing with you and Jason too. I know it's the Agency's doing, but if I'd never happened to take that medication in the first place... you'd be living a healthy, normal life." He gave her a sidelong glance along with a little grin. "Although I'm sure there's parts of being connected with Jason that you enjoy." It didn't take a genius to realize there were probably plenty of perks along with the negative side effects. 

Sighing, he leaned back against the fence post and patted her leg lovingly. "I'm sorry if I get upset over it too often though. I know you've accepted it, and I need to, too. I just... don't ever want to regret not spending enough time with you or... regret not doing enough or being enough for you."

Oh they're all good. Kaylee's being a pickle, but that's nothing new. 

Jason settled back and closed his eyes, simply enjoying the fact that he could relax without fear. 

Since we're only here for today, maybe we should get them to have a bonfire tonight to make sure we get to see everyone. Not that we're that important, but everybody likes s'mores, right?

Ok Not Ok

Walking slowly with her dad Katie didn't mind. The Air felt good, and honestly not having to hurry off somewhere felt nice too. Looking at her Dad she hoped he was doing ok and if he needed to sit or rest he would.

   "So far no sign of Angel so that's good...right?"

Feeling Jason Katie's smile grew a little more. It was rare to be apart, especially going through something like this but then again...they never really were alone.

I'm hanging in there. Dad is doing ok, at the moment we are just walking, trying to dodge Angel. How is your mom, Wes, and Kaylee?

Sitting with Jett and ordering Destiny didn't mind the slightly awkward silence. She new it was probably strange for Jett to be here with her so she wasn't going to push it. Small steps and she didn't mind that.

   "I highly doubt Zan would do that. He trusts you and me."

Getting her coffee and putting some cream in it Destiny took a sip closing her eyes for a second. The warm liquid felt good. Looking at Jett across the table she cocked her head for a moment just thinking.

   "So...I was figuring we would eat, apartment hunt, go to the Elite, apt hunt a little more and then have lunch. Sound ok?"

Seven is a good horse and I think he knows the
puppy dog look for me to give him treats -.-

Ashlee laughed as she sent the text and got inside. Looking around she didn't see Travis yet and wondered if he was running late. Going to the kitchen she grabbed to cups of coffee and found there normal table sitting down she pulled her phone out again. 

They eat a lot of pizza there? Oh man
if there is one thing I miss its some
good pizza for sure.

Sending the message and taking a sip of her coffee she thought for a second before sending another text.

I'm happy you are having a good time.
It feels like you have been gone longer
then you have too. I don't like it!
Are you learning cool spy stuff?

   "Of course I am buying....you don't have to worry about money right now. We have you covered...it's just nice having you with us again."

Misty put her arm around Alec's shoulders softly and gave him a gentle hug as they walked. The drive to the dinner was quiet and Misty didn't mind. She new Alec had a lot to take in again. He had been gone for quite a while. 

Getting settled Misty just watched Alec and took not to when he flinched and jumped. It broke her heart to see that. She knew it was going to be a long road for Alec, and she could also see he was trying so hard.

Reaching her hand across the table and taking his in her own she gave him a soft smile. Everyone just needed to be patient with him, and he needed to do the same with himself. 

   "Hey Hey...its ok and its ok to not be ok. It's more than likely going to take a little bit for things to get back to normal but it will come in time."

Grabbing her napkin and helping clean up the water she stopped for a second just thinking. Maybe she shouldn't have pushed to bring him to a noisy place right away. 

   "Want to grab our stuff to go and we can go to the park where it is a little quieter?"