June 5, 2017

Up to Speed

As he looked down into Destiny's eyes, Zan's thumb gently caressed her cheek. He didn't want to risk scaring her away... but he didn't want her not to realize how he felt about her either. He liked her, and he wanted to keep seeing her... as more than just a casual friend.

His pulse quickened, and the couple seconds of silent debate felt more like ten minutes. Finally making up his mind, he leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her lips, lingering for just a moment before drawing back. "Yes," he finally answered her question softly. He looked in her eyes again, searching for how she felt. "If... you still want to."

Garret took a moment to respond, still shocked by the mere suggestion of this whole thing. This wasn't the first time Reese had surprised him, and he was beginning to wonder if the man did a much better job of hiding his true feelings than Garret first assumed. 

He glanced at Dylan, back to Reese, then back to Nate. "That's certainly something I could do." He nodded. "I'd be happy to teach him some basics." 

"Good." Reese smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that because starting out, you'll actually have two students."

Garret's eyebrows arched again. "Who's... the second one?"

"You'll get acquainted when he comes at ten o'clock. Then they'll be yours for a full two hours. If it goes well, I want this to be a daily routine for an hour unless you have another suggestion based on your methods. Depending on how things progress, I may have you train more of our agents here. Most of them can handle themselves pretty well on the street, but it would be foolish not to take advantage of your expertise."

Garret immediately straightened just a little. Reese was really serious? He might have a regular task here? It was right up his alley... as long as he wouldn't get in any trouble for his methods. He'd have to tone it down from what he was used to. He finally nodded. "Yes, sir." 

"Alright. Well, I'm going to get Dylan settled for a while until it's your turn to have him." He motioned for Dylan to follow him, and both headed across the floor. 

Garret blinked and looked to Nate again, stunned. "Did... that just really happen?" 

"Jamie." Reese smiled as he came to her cubicle. "Have you two met?"

Dylan nodded. Pete had introduced them quickly. He caught sight of Con next door and tried not to grin at seeing just the big man's eyes and forehead as he obviously was keeping an eye on his wife. "Yeah." 

"Good." Reese nodded. "Jamie, I know you've got a ton of reports you've been trying to get sorted and filed before the move, and Dylan here has a good set of legs to go back and forth to the filing room."

Dylan quirked a wry smile. It hadn't taken but an hour to become the go-fer. He'd known that's what it would be though, so he would just roll with it, and he glanced to Jamie. "Apparently I've got about an hour til I'm Garret's. Then after that..." He looked back to Reese.

Reese nodded. "After that, after lunch, come back here."

"Got it." Left alone with Jamie, Dylan took a deep breath. "Okay... I guess I'm all yours."

Getting back to his own office, Reese sighed and ran a hand over his face. There was way too much to do, and he felt like he was starting to drown. But if he could get the others to share Dylan, that would be one less thing for him to worry about. What was next? He glanced at a sticky note on his desk. Oh yes. Aaron. Then a meeting with Kirk, Adison, Ron, Misty and Hal about the big move. If they lived through this, it would be a miracle. After that would be a sit-down discussion with Kirk and Adison, Ron and Sam about Jason and Katie. And that one... Reese was not looking forward to, and he would probably put off until tomorrow.

Aaron was a little slow to respond to Sam this morning, but he finally nodded. "Yeah... I guess so." His mood had plummeted, and now he wasn't even sure what he was going to say to Reese. He wanted out. That was it. He just wanted to get out of here. 

Sighing, he finally got himself back on his feet and took just the one crutch again, then waited for Sam to take the lead. He hobbled behind her down the hall, again wishing to just be able to walk straight and quickly. JT had mentioned letting him move to a cane instead of crutches, but Aaron wasn't so sure he liked that idea either. Making his way to Reese's office, he felt a lot of eyes on him, but ignored it. They could gawk all they wanted... hopefully soon they'd be rid of him. 

Getting into Reese's office, he gladly sank down into a chair, unwilling to say how much the short walk had hurt. Reese acknowledged them both and motioned for Sam to shut the door, then sit. "Okay. So... Sam, why don't you bring me up to speed?" He would hear Aaron, but he wanted to see what Sam would say, and what she'd share in front of Aaron as well.