June 5, 2017


As Aaron talked Sam couldn't help the look of surprise on her face. She didn't understand what was going on. Aaron had completely changed from yesterday to today and she had no idea why.  Just sitting in the chair for a long moment Sam looked to Reese and nodded at his comment. 

   "I guess I miss understood our conversation yesterday. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

Letting out a long sigh and standing Sam slowly left the room. Getting to the hallway she just stood there for a long moment as she leaned against the wall. She just didn't get it.

Walking to the break room Sam grabbed an ice pack before go back to Aaron's room. About to knock on the door she hesitated for a long moment. For some reason, things felt awkward like they had when she first started visiting with Aaron. What had happened?

Finally letting out a long sigh she knocked before slowly opening the door.  Stepping in she took note to of the broken lamp but ignored it. Bring the ice pack she set it down on the little end table along with a few pain pills and some water. 

   "I figured you could use that. Feel like talking at all about what happened between yesterday and today?"

Nate gave a nod to Garret. He knew he was worried, but Nate had faith in him and knew he would do ok. Maybe he would need a little bit of direction but he knew he would be ok.

   "If you need anything give a yell."

As Zan held her Destiny couldn't deny the warmth she felt. She felt safe with his arms around her and she liked it very much. There was just something about Zan that just drew her in. Never would she have imagined herself with someone like this but she honestly enjoyed being around him. 

   "I had to make sure you were real, and I wasn't dreaming."