June 6, 2017


Hearing Aaron's words Sam let out a long sigh. She had no idea where this attitude came from she really didn't. If Aaron didn't want to talk though she couldn't make him. Sam had learned that a long time ago. Maybe he just needed time to think, or maybe he needed some alone time. 

   "Ok, I'll leave you alone for now, but you sure do think you know a lot for someone who doesn't. You didn't blow, just confused a bunch of people."

Turning Sam walked to the door again and opened it before stopping and turning back to Aaron again. Just watching him for a long second she let out a long sigh. She felt bad for Aaron she really did.

   "Your life is worth living, and you can tell me till you are blue in the face its not, but it is. You are the only one standing in your way on that."

Not saying anything else and leaving the door open Sam left the room. She was hurting but not for herself she was hurting for Aaron. His freedom was so close and yet, he just let it all slip away.

   "Would you stop complaining my goodness. We are going to lunch now even if it is a little late Jamison. We had to wait for Scott to get back to me on if he was going to come or not. I'm still not even sure if he is coming."

Dalton laughed as he gave Jamison a push out the door. Getting into the sunshine He stopped and just soaked it in for a long moment. Looking to the left at the sound of a noise and seeing the young man he had been introduced to earlier he wondered what he was doing up here alone.

   "Hey...Dylan right? I definitely wouldn't eat that sandwich if I were you. Last time Nate attempted it..he was sick for days. Want to come with us for Chinese? I can guarantee its better than that."

  "Mmm...we can dream together then."

Backing away from Zan Destiny continued to smile. Feeling Zan's hand on her cheek she leaned into it a little and smiled. Even if she woke in the morning and this was a dream at least she had, had this moment now and for that, she would cherish forever.

    "I guess I should let you. I'll see you tomorrow!"

Taking a break to eat a quick sandwhich she had packed herself this morning Ryan pulled out her phone hearing it vibrates. A smile spread on her face as she saw it was Hunter. Laning on her car and taking a bite of her food she read the text before setting her food down to reply.

You got the job? Congrats!
I'm happy for you but sad I
won't see you as much. We 
will just have to find waysto make up lost time.