April 30, 2017


Hal didn't even look up at Sam as he shook his head. No, he didn't want to tell her what happened. If he said it out loud... it would make it more real. He just toyed with his phone for a few minutes until eventually he found his voice. "Alison left me a message this morning," he explained softly. "She's moving to England with her mother and stepfather."

Tears sprang into his eyes, although he didn't allow them to fall, and he finally looked over at Sam. "My ex is taking my daughter to live in a different country and-" His voice cracked and he shook his head before he stood up again. "And I'm just awaiting the official word that there's nothing I can do about it." He left the room and went to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. He didn't know why. He really didn't want any. It was just something to keep himself busy. As he tried to pour the grounds into the filter though, his hand shook, making it a more difficult task than it should be.

Zan's eyes widened for a second before he started to laugh, and he shook his head. "Naw, nothing like that. I'll admit, I'd like to go beat him up - he's certainly asked for it. But no." His eyes twinkled with humor. "If I was gonna go punch him in the mouth, I probably wouldn't invite an audience." He tossed Destiny a wink.

"The guy who stopped me from trying to get a fight the other night? Eli? He has an idea about me and two other racers ganging up on Thunder during a race. Force him to lose, basically. And probably more than once, until he gets the idea he can't win, and he'll be forced to retreat. He's even been outdoing newbie racers lately and that is a big unwritten no-no. Once you race with the big boys, you can't compete with the little guys anymore. He's just doing it to show off and be king of the hill."

He smirked as he sipped his coffee. "He's just a big bully that needs to be knocked down a peg or two. As much as I'd like to put my fist to his jaw, Eli's plan is smarter and will get rid of him for good, rather than just rile him up. And... It'll save me from breaking my hand."

He gave her a crooked grin. "Having you on the sidelines would be a plus."


As the door opened Sam was about to say something but stopped seeing Hal's face. The smile she'd had on her face faded as he walked away. He looked horrible and the look that was in his eye was not a playful or happy one and it made her worry more.

Coming into the apartment and closing the door behind her Sam followed Hal into the living room. Just watching him for a long moment she sat down in the chair next to the couch not wanting to crowd him.

   "I got your message and I was worried. I would have called you back but I knew you would more than likely tell me not to come. Want to tell me what happened?"

    "Oh, well that certainly sounds exciting."

Destiny wasn't sure what he meant by teaching him a lesson but it couldn't be anything to, to bad right? Especially if he was inviting her along. 

   "You're not going to beat him up or anything are you? I want to say no that's not what you meant, but I just have to ask anyways because I don't think I could sit and watch that. but if that's not what you mean, I'd love to come again."

   "I think Rick is definitely a good option of someone to tell. Not to mention he is the one who knows us best and if we need help...he should know."

Just cuddling into Jason more to find shelter in his she took in his worried emotions and pushed back her own so he knew, he wasn't alone. Maybe things really would work out ok and they never would have to go into hiding. 

   "Maybe, Mick or Rosetta should know too? They had a lot of connections that could help."


The knock at the door almost didn't bring Hal out of his stupor. Blinking, it took him another few moments to gain back his senses, and another couple to finally get to his feet. Who would be here now? Nobody ever came. Shuffling to the door in his socks, he still held his phone. He'd been trying to get a hold of Michelle and Alison both since calling Sam, and had already had a brief conversation with his lawyer's office. For as short a length of time as it was, he was exhausted and distraught.  

Opening the door, he stopped in his tracks. Sam? Hadn't she gotten his message? Realization flickered in his eyes. Oh. That's why she was here. Not saying anything, he left the door open and just turned around, returning to the living room where he sank down on the couch and fiddled with his phone. 

Zan smiled his approval. "Sounds like a plan to me." He raised his coffee cup before taking another sip. "So, um... once my car's back up and running, we're gonna give ol' Thunder a taste of his own medicine. At least... we hope to. Me and the others." 

He glanced over at her again. "Thought maybe you'd like to come along again. See some real action. Hopefully without me crashing this time." 

Jason sighed deeply. He didn't like having to think like this. It was scary. For both of them. What if they really did have to go into hiding? What would that even mean? How would they survive?

He searched Katie's eyes, knowing she could feel his worry. He didn't try to stop it thought. He wanted her to know how he truly felt about all of it. He wasn't going to pretend. "If we can get this under control, and if we think we can trust Kirk and the others, it will just be business as usual, and we won't have to worry about any of this." That was best case scenario though, and he knew it. 

"I think... we should tell Rick what we're thinking, though. I can't blindside him like that, if things do turn ugly. Maybe he can be one person who would know where we went, if it came down to that."


Coming back into the bedroom after brushing her teeth Sam rolled her eyes seeing her phone flashing there was a missed call. Of course, there was, there always was when he didn't have it attached to her hip. Seeing it was Hal who called she raised an eyebrow before dialing the voicemail. Odd he would be calling.

Hearing the voicemail Sam's heartbeat started to race. Something wasn't right at all, Hal didn't sound good, he almost sounded frantic. She didn't know what was going on to cause him to cancel, but she couldn't just sit around and not know if he was ok or not.

Getting to Hal's place and going up to his apartment and to the door she just stood there for a long moment. She hadn't called, she just came, if she'd called Sam ha a feeling he would have told her not too. But she wanted to, to really make sure he was ok. Knocking on the door Sam waited going over in her head what she was going to say if he was upset she was there.

Katie thought for a long moment. She couldn't imagen leaving and not telling anywhere they were going. Her Dad not knowing where she was, and her Aunt, it would be hard but maybe it would be worth it so they wouldn't have to hide. 

I think having a game plan in case things go south is a good idea. 

Searching Jason's face she wondered what they would do, where would they go, who would know. It all seemed like something from a move.

   "We would only be able to tell one or two people. I think if there is even a chance that we wouldn't have to hide it would be worth it. As long as we are in this together."

 Destiny laughed at the comment about nothing scary and nodded her head in thanks. The scary movie hadn't been a bad thing but she wasn't sure if she could handle another one so soon. Taking another sip of her coffee she let out a content sigh.

   "You can definitely pick me up and I'll pack the food."


Zan chuckled. "I don't know how it works either, but I guess we'll find out, huh?" He took another sip of coffee and let his eyes roam Destiny's face, not caring if she noticed. "And if the movie is too bad, we'll leave and find something else. But not scary this time. Promise."

He grinned and leaned his head back against the wall. This... was nice. Just sitting here and...being. He liked hanging out with his other friends, and Jett, but sometimes it was nice to be away from the rowdies. He liked lurking in the corner of The Griller, but sometimes it was nice to have some quiet company. 

"I could pick you up... if you want?"

 Aaron didn't say much as Sam helped him further. He didn't know if he'd ever understand why she cared. But it was getting harder and harder to deny that she really did. He wished she didn't. It would be easier to deal with all this if he could have a reason to hate her. But... he couldn't. As the day went on, he remained in his room... and eventually started working on a lego set.

Hal fiddled with the lures in his tackle box, trying to decide what he might want to use today. The last couple days at the Elite had been rather uneventful, and he was glad - that meant that his plans with Sam shouldn't be interrupted with work. He could just go with worms again. But maybe they'd try something different this time. Or maybe they'd do both. Sam could decide, too. If she wanted to sit and just watch a bobber, she could. Or if she wanted to have fun casting and reeling, then she could do that, too.

Grinning a little to himself, he closed the box and wiped his hands on his pant legs. He got up from his chair and took his fishing poles to untangle the line and get them ready, too. He really was looking forward to going fishing today. Although this time... maybe it was more about spending time with Sam than it was the fishing itself. Was there... really something there? He knew good and well she'd been flirting with him but... did she really like him... like that? Or was he reading her wrong? He did find her very attractive in more ways than one. But was he even ready to try the dating game again? He sighed. He just wanted to enjoy the day. Hope was right... he just needed to relax and be himself and... he knew he'd have fun with Sam. Finally going to take a shower and get dressed for the day, he didn't hear a message come in on his computer...

...Sitting at his desk and putting on his sneakers a while later, Hal hit the play button to watch the video message Alison had sent him. It wasn't unusual - it was her habit to send him a message if she was going to miss their skype date.

"Hi, Dad... I hope you're having a good day. I, um... I'm kind of glad I had to leave a message since this is a little hard for me to say."

Hal sat up straighter and turned quickly to look at the screen that showed Alison sitting on the edge of her bed, leaning forward towards her computer. Something wasn't right.

Alison forced a smile. "Mom wanted me to wait until we'd left but... I wanted to tell you first. We, um... we're moving." A nervous laugh surfaced. "To England, actually. Mom's job offered her a position in London and... Trevor has found work too. The school over there is super cool and it's gonna be really good for me and I can attend a university there after I graduate." She paused and bit her lip. "Mom... said you'd probably be upset but... please don't be. I wish we weren't so far apart but... I really am excited about this. And we can still stay in touch just like always." She smiled again. "We're moving next week. I love you... and I'll talk to you again soon."

As the video stopped, Hal's hands started to tremble. His blood had run cold, and he stared at the screen as a mix of anguish and anger surfaced. No... no, Michelle couldn't do this to him. She'd already taken his daughter across the country, he couldn't let her take Alison across the ocean too...

...It was an hour later. Hal was pacing his apartment, worked up, still hurting and angry. All desires for fishing had fled completely. He'd already had one shouting match over the phone with Michelle, and now he'd be busy making more phone calls to lawyers. But the first call was to Sam...

After dialing, he waited for her to answer, trying to get himself under control. It was her voicemail he reached though. "Hey, Sam? It's... It's Hal." He continued to pace his living room, his mind going a hundred miles per hour as he tried to control his voice. "Look, um... I'm sorry. Something's come up and... I'm gonna have to postpone our fishing. I can't..." He swallowed hard and ran a hand over his face. "I can't make it today." He just left it at that and ended the call. Pacing several more minutes, he ended up on the living room floor, phone in hand, simply trying to figure out what to do next.

"I'm tired of hiding, too." Jason stroked Katie's arm absentmindedly as he kept her in his lap. "What if... once we figure out some better control... we also figure out how to convince Reese to let the new team members in on what's been going on? But... before we do that... we need to have a plan in case they betray us to the FBI." 

He lifted his hand and brushed her cheek lightly.
We'd have to run. Disappear. 
"We might not even be able to tell our families where we were. Not until we knew the FBI weren't looking for us any more." 

He searched her eyes. "Is that worth it to you?"

Old and Boring

Destiny could help but be a little surprised. She had asked Zan if he wanted to go and hoped he would but in the back of her mind, she knew this really wasn't Zan's thing either. Knowing he was willing to do it with her though made her feel good. 

   "I think they are doing it all day. I've never been to an event like this so I don't know how it works really. We could always go to the five o'clock one."

Smiling her eyes twinkled as she took another sip of her coffee. This was a whole new adventure for her and so far she was really enjoying it. It was nice to that Zan didn't want to just do what he wanted to do but also was up for doing what she like.

   "Also I have no idea what movie they are showing, so if it's old and boring I'm sorry ahead of time."

Tucked in close to Hunter Ryan rested her head on his arm that was under her as she watched the movie. She really didn't know what all was going on though as she was just soaking in the affection from Hunter. 

Feeling the kiss on her cheek Ryan turned her head to give Hunter a returned kiss the best she could at the angle she was at before resting her head on his arm and giving a content sigh.

   "I'm happy he's not too. Love him to death, but it's kinda nice just being me and you."

Slowly walking Sam just let Aaron take his own pace. She knew he hated the face he couldn't walk very well and it broke her heart. She wished there was more they could do then what they were doing, but she new it just wasn't. They could keep just exercising it and letting it heal in time. 

Just watching him for a long moment Sam gave a small smile. She would get them to go to the late, just let Reese know, and they should be ok. She had to work on getting Aaron out of this slump she just had too.

Leaving the room she went and got some pain killers along with an ice pack for his knee she returned. Leaving again she kept the door open before heading to Reese's office to let him know what she would be doing next with Aaron this time she just wanted it to be them. She be armed and prepared like before but she wanted it to just be them. 

Next stop back to the security office where she would finish out her day. It felt like it had been a long one but really it hadn't been. 

Already Know

Tomorrow? Zan quirked an eyebrow. She was instigating them seeing each other again. That was a good thing, right? It made him feel good at least, and he smiled. It wasn't something he would have thought of doing himself, but with Destiny? He didn't want to turn that down. 

"What time is it?" He assumed later in the day, since the movie would have to be after dark. "I work until two tomorrow." He had been planning to work on his car the rest of the day again, but... he didn't want to pass up spending more time with Destiny. His car could wait another day. "So if that's not to late... I would love to go with you."

Hunter chuckled and nodded. "Okay. Your place." Did she really mean it? That she didn't care where they were as long as she was with him? Was it... really real? His heart was slowly slipping into a place he'd determined it wouldn't go. Could he really allow it to? He let his fingers run gently down the side of her face before finally letting her go. "You lead the way..." 

...It was a couple hours later, and Hunter was in his favorite position. Curled on his side with Ryan tucked in front of him, his arm around her holding her close. It was warm. It was comfortable. And he was happy. The movie playing didn't really matter all that much, and he leaned forward a little to kiss her cheek. "I'm glad Eli's not here," he whispered before chuckling and giving her a squeeze.

Aaron gave a low growl of frustration, but let Sam help him. "Let's just... go back to my room," He was disappointed though. The walk had started out well enough. Was it too much to hope that he'd ever walk straight again? 

Leaning just as heavily on Sam as his crutch, he let her steer him back to his room, which took several minutes at their slow pace. Once there, he had her help him to his bed where he could finally sit. He wiped some sweat from his brow, and sighed. "Last time JT was here, he was trying not to tell me something... but I think I already know." 

He looked up at Sam and just shook his head. "Go on... I can manage now." He mustered up something close to a smile, in spite of his pain. "Let me know if we actually get to go to the lake."


Destiny chuckled at the comment about her being ready for bed. Was it really that obvious that she had been? She hoped she didn't look that terrible, but maybe she did. Zan had already said she looked lovely though.

   "Like I said it was a boring day. But don't say you are sorry because I'm not. I'd much rather be here."

Taking a sip of her coffee Destiny sighed with satisfaction. It really did taste good tonight or maybe it was just the good company too, maybe it was a combination of both.  Either way, it was nice. 

   "So...what are your plans for tomorrow? If you don't have anything going on in the afternoon but in the park they are doing a picnic and movie type thing. I'm not sure what the movie is but it..night be fun?"

Feeling Hunter's breath on her ear Ryan felt goose bumps form on her arm and a small giggle came out. She didn't shy away though, she liked the affection, and she enjoyed even more that it came from Hunter. 

   "Let's go to my place tonight. I don't think Eli is gonna be home tonight, and I think we popcorn for later. As long as I am with you...I don't care where we are."

Seeing Aaron have a hard time Sam moved quickly and put his arm over her shoulder so he could lean on her too and she could help him. Just moving slowly she wasn't sure if he wanted to go back to his room or not.

   "Did you want to go back, or did you just want to relax down here. I have time for either, its up to you."

April 29, 2017

Perfectly Content

Aaron blinked, and retreated slightly. "Serious? You'd... actually take me there?" He'd thought for sure that would be over the line. That she'd never go for it. It made his inner war even more intense. Was he being brainwashed? Was he being manipulated without even realizing it? Everything about Sam said no. Surely she wasn't that good of a liar that he wouldn't be able to see through it. 

He started forward again, still using the single crutch and trying to put more weight on his knee. "That... sounds nice, actually." Maybe... if he really did have any hope at all, he did need to just behave. At least he'd get some sunshine this way. Oh, to just sit in the sun.

Another step and his knee gave out. Muttering a curse as he almost fell, he leaned on the wall again. Sweat trickled down the back of his neck as he withheld groaning from the excruciating pain.

"I think..." Hunter rocked Ryan back and forth a little as they stood together. "That is the perfect idea. Especially the cuddle part."

He grinned before stealing an extra kiss. "That only leaves one question..." Gripping her tighter, he buried his face against her neck, kissing it before whispering in her ear. "Your place or mine?" 

Drawing back, he gave her a silly smile. He really didn't care. And if all they did was curl up on the couch and fall asleep, he would be perfectly content. 

Zan's eyes widened slightly at Destiny's comment, and he couldn't help his chuckle. He shook his head, his eyes twinkling. "I'm not sure I ever met a woman who liked it before. Tolerated it maybe but..." He gave her a teasing look before picking up another sugar packets to fidget with.

Her blushing cheeks just made her look cute, which just made his smile remain. "Well you should feel good, 'cause I never lie."

After their order came, he sipped his coffee drink slowly and sighed. "Mm... I didn't used to be a coffee drinker," he admitted. "Now there's never a bad time of day for a cup." He shifted in the booth to sit sideways, and scooted back so he could stretch out his legs... which were long enough that his feet still hung over the edge. Glancing back over at Destiny, he took note again that her hair hadn't been quite dry when she'd arrived. "You were... on your way to bed before I texted you... weren't you?"


Sam thought for a long moment about the lake Aaron was talking about. It would be a nice time and peaceful. Continuing to walk she was quiet as she thought. Maybe it could just be herself and Aaron this time. She would let someone else know where they were going but not come with them.

Stopping when Aaron stopped Sam just watched him for a long moment. She could see the fog lift for a long second and then settle again. 

   "I think that might be doable. Maybe we could have a picnic with us?"

   "I bet you would be just as good as me."

Being pulled into Hunter Ryan buried her face into his chest and took a long deep inhale. She loved how Hunter always smelled. There was just something about it that was...comfortable.

   "Mmmm...I could just let you."

Pulling away and feeling Hunter's lips press against her own Ryan's eyes closed as she was just soaked in the moment. Letting her return kiss deepen. Time passed, and she didn't care it was just about her and Hunter at the moment an that was all she ever cared about.

   "I'm not the only amazing one, you are pretty amazing too."

Just looking up at Hunter and searching his face she smiled. She had been lucky to have Hunter into her life, she never would of guess it would have happened, or didn't even expect it but she wouldn't want to trade it for anything.

   "How about we grab some dinner, and have a cuddle session while watching a movie?"

   "I'm happy you got help on your car. That's really great. They must really miss you out there to do that."

Smiling and giving the nod at the mention of coffee Destiny told the waitress who came over what she wanted also ordering a scone they could both share. It was late, but at least it was something light they could both just munch on.

   "I don't think you are a filthy bum. You are a hard working man, and that is something to be proud of honestly. Not to mention...I gotta be honest with myself, I kinda like the smell of the shop on you."

Color came to her cheeks as she looked down for a second and then back up at Zan. Hearing him call her lovely her cheeks just turned a little more red. She had to admit though it made her feel nice.

   "Thank you. You sure do know how to make me feel good."

Absolutely Lovely

Aaron could suggest where they went? He gave Sam a sidelong glance as he hobbled forward. Really? Or was she just trying to make him feel better? He shrugged and remained quiet for a few minutes as he thought.

"I... heard there's a lake... about a half hour away?" He stopped in the hall and leaned against the wall for support as he rested his knee. His eyes found their way too Sam's. And like dissipating smoke, the darkness faded, exposing a light... a light that was surprisingly warm. Then it was gone, just as quickly, and the darkness was back. "Or... would that be too far and too out in the open?"

Hunter chuckled and shook his head. "I dunno... you've done a good job being a passenger but I'm not sure I'd be quite as good a company as you." Smiling, he pulled her tighter and just hugged her close. "Mm... I could just hold you all day long," he murmured. 

Pulling back, he put his lips to hers and kissed her slowly with a warm passion, fully aware they were completely alone out here in the middle of nowhere... and fully content with that. One hand remained on her hip, while the other cradled the side of her face gently. He didn't know how much time had passed, nor did he care, when he finally drew back. His eyes searched hers as his thumb ran along her cheek. The same tingle returned to his spine. "I keep thinking you can't get any more amazing," he whispered. "But you keep proving me wrong."

Zan had been so lost in his thoughts, that Destiny's voice made him jump. He turned to see her face inches from his, the sweet smell of almonds reaching his senses and causing him to smile. He chuckled and glanced down at the sugar packets. "I guess I am a sorry sight, aren't I?" 

He looked across the table at her as she sat down, and suddenly felt sorry for not having gone home first to clean up. She was absolutely perfect, and here he was, still with shop grease under his nails and in need of a shower. His eyes roamed her face, wondering what was different about her tonight. Was it a lack of makeup? The more casual clothes? Whatever it was, it suited her well.

Realizing he was staring, he shoved the packets to the side in a heap and shook his head, still smiling. "My day was spent working on my poor baby. But... got some unexpected help from some other racers and... looks like it's not gonna take nearly as long to be up and running again." He gave her a bit of a sheepish look. "I, um... prolly woulda texted you yesterday but I was working in the garage super late and... didn't want you to think I was... too anxious." A little bit of color crept into his face. "And now you probably think I'm a filthy bum anyway." He looked down at his hands and grimaced. "No matter how much you scrub, the grease just doesn't want to come out." His eyes glanced back up again. "You, on the other hand... are absolutely lovely."

A grin returned to his lips and he looked over at the counter. "Can I get you a coffee?" 

We don't

Walking with Aaron Sam let him take his own pace. Just watching him as he walked something was different than before. He seemed....sad almost. Maybe that's just how it was after having a session with Justin. It could be good, it could be bad.

   "If we went out again, where would you want to go, and do?"

Sam really did want to know what was something Aaron would like to do? Maybe it would help him if he got to choose what it was they did. To see he did have a choice to an extent. Just drawing silent Sam continued to walk waiting for Aaron's reply.

Looking up again at Hunter Ryan gave a reassuring smile. They'd make their relationship work with racing. She really wasn't willing to give up what they had together. It was special to her.

   "Maybe we don't have to be in separate cars. Maybe one the days I race I can ride with you, and on the days I race you can ride with me."

She didn't know if it would work, or if Hunter would even like the idea, but it was worth a shot to see. 

Getting dressed again in fresh clothing she had in the dryer Destiny also pulled her wet hair back in a ponytail. She didn't bother putting on any more makeup. It was late and she just didn't feel like doing it again.

It didn't take long to get to the coffee bean. Getting inside and looking around she saw Zan with his back to her. Wondering over she leaned down over his shoulder a little to look at he was doing.

   "You are so sad about your car you are making sugar packets look like it now. We need to get this thing fixed fast."

Giving him a little hug from behind Destiny retreated and sat across from him and smiled. She might have been a little tired but now that she was here she really didn't feel it at all.

   "I wasn't sure when I would hear from you again. I'm happy I did tonight. It was a boring day. How was yours?"

April 28, 2017

Sad Part

Since Justin's little visit, Aaron had honestly forgotten  about Sam's offer to go for a walk. And in all reality, even if he had remembered... doubts were creeping back into his mind about her intentions. Justin couldn't be right... It just didn't make sense at all.

Aaron looked up from the bed more dimly than earlier. It was obvious his mood had changed. And maybe his knee hurt too much to go for a walk now. His eyes met Sam's. But... maybe he'd humor her and walk anyway...

"Yeah okay." Standing up, he adjusted his knee brace and went to the crutches, but hesitated. This time, he only grabbed one. He'd rather have none but then they'd be walking for an hour and only make it down the hall. He sighed and nodded, signalling he was ready, and she could take the lead.

He was quiet as he limped slowly beside her, his insides still churning a bit from his earlier session. Eventually his voice finally surfaced. "Can we go out again sometime soon?" He winced as a sharp pain shot through his knee, but he kept going. "I don't care where or if a babysitter needs to tag along just..."

His voice had suddenly grown quieter... defeated. "Just get me out of here for a while again... could you?"

Hunter got out of his car to meet Ryan and chuckled as he slipped his hands around her waist. "Good. The races have missed you too. But..."

He leaned his head down closer. "I've miss you more..." His lips brushed against hers, and he grinned, his eyes inches from her own. The setting sun sent a glow into her face, and a little chill ran down his spine. He searched her eyes as he bit his lower lip. "Only sad part is being in separate cars."

Getting Destiny's response, Zan smiled.
Coffee Bean is still open.

He didn't know where she lived, but at least knew she had to be on that end of town if she'd been walking around The Griller.
See you there :)

It only took him a few minutes to get there, get inside and grab a small table in the corner. While waiting, he started fiddling with sugar packets, which evolved into something resembling a castle. Or a squarish car. Maybe.


   "Total research, I'll definitely have to keep in mind about this room though for sure."

Standing Sam gave a chuckle as a little color came to her cheeks again. She couldn't believe Hal had just said that or that she had herself. It kind of felt nice to get flirting back from him though. Grabbing her report and shaking her head she glanced back at Hal before leaving the security room. 

Getting to Kirk and Adison's desk and not seeing them there Sam rolled her eyes before setting the paper down on his desk. When he got back he could look it over. There was no way she was going to go hunt them down.

Making her next route to Aaron's room she tapped on the door. Poking her head in she smiled figuring it was ok since the door was still open. 

   "Hey Hey, ready to take that walk?"

Pulling out her phone and smiling seeing it was Hunter answering it she tried to catch her breath as she laughed and her eyes twinkled. Hunter always made her feel so good. 

   "You give me the strength to be good."

Hanging up the phone and getting out of her car she waited for Hunter to join her again. Drawing closer and wrapping her arms around his neck she just looked up into his eyes. The deep pools she would never get tired of looking at. 

   "It felt great, I really have missed going fast."

Finishing up brushing her teeth and hearing her phone go off Destiny wondered over to her nightstand and picked up her phone. Seeing it was Zan a smile spread across her face. Sitting down on the bed cross-legged Destiny read the message. 

Not sending a text back right away Destiny looked down for a second. She was already dressed in her PJs and ready for bed, but going out for coffee sounded much better to her honestly. Finally hitting the reply she just grinned at her phone.  

Coffee sounds great. Give me about 10?
Did you have a place in mind?

Sitting down under the tree with Jason Katie leaned her head on his shoulder. The situation they were in was different from most and while she was scared of what might happen, she was also tired of hiding. It was so tiring just doing that alone.

   "I don't think I want to hide anymore. As much as I don't want to be a lab rat, it's so tiring just watching what we have to do."

Letting out a sigh she wondered if they really could trust Kirk and Adison. They seemed ok but were by the book. Did that mean they would turn them into a science experiment? She would like to think they wouldn't but was that a risk?

   "I guess we don't really know and it's a risk we are willing to take. Is it really worth it?"


Sam's remark made Hal's eyes widen and he almost spit out the pop he was drinking. Taking a moment to get it down gave him a split second to recover, and he laughed, shaking his head. "Uh-huh. Research... or recreation?" He bit his lip to keep his smile from widening too much. "You do realize... this right here is about the only room without a camera in it. I mean... if ever there was a place for research..."

He took another swig of his coke and turned back to his computer. Hope said to relax, but maybe he was too relaxed. "Go take your report to Kirk," he ordered. "You're distracting me."

Following a safe distance behind Ryan, Hunter mirrored her maneuvers. He'd never driven behind her without it being in a race before and... this was much more fun. He could tell every time she got a little braver from her speed to how tightly she took the turns. Just keeping his distance, he kept a close eye on her to make sure nothing went wrong, but it looked like she had a handle on it. 

As she slid to a halt, he came to a fast stop beside her car and flashed her a smile. He grabbed his phone and dialed her so they could talk. "You still got it... no doubt. You're looking awesome." 

He cocked his head. "Well..." He looked at her through the windows, squinting a little. "You always look awesome." He smiled again. "How'd it feel?"

Zan yawned and flipped the lights off in the garage. It had been another long day. He really was surprised at how far the little group had gotten on his car. Maybe Eli was right... maybe it really would just be days until it was race-worthy again, instead of weeks.

Wandering to his borrowed car he got in and was just about to start the engine, when he pulled out his phone instead. It had been almost forty-eight hours since he'd talked to Destiny... Was that long enough?

He glanced at the clock. Almost nine. Too late? If it was, then she just wouldn't answer him, right? So it couldn't really hurt to text her. Or should he wait to hear from her? He didn't want her to think he was being overbearing...

He rolled his eyes at himself. He was overthinking things again.
Know it's late but...
wanna grab coffee?
Or something?

"I know." Jason sighed as they walked. Coming up on a large tree, he lowered himself down to sit in the grass, and pulled Katie down to sit sideways in his lap, wrapping his arms around her. "Maybe... we can trust those who are at the Elite?" 

He really wasn't sure. He knew they were all part of the same team now but... what if someone slipped? What if word really did get out that something strange was going on? There was no doubt that Jason and Katie would have to go into hiding. "I dunno... I know Reese still has his reservations... Ron isn't FBI, and Pete seems to trust him. Hal's been working pretty close with Sam, so he'd be able to tell if our secret would be safe with her. The other two?" Kirk and Adison. "I don't know. Kirk likes playing things by the book, and that means reporting everything. I just..." 

He sighed again and leaned his head on top of Katie's. "I don't think it's going to be possible to hide it from anybody on the inside. Whether we use the element while we're on cases or not... it's going to show up. I just don't know how to ensure word won't spread to the wrong people."


Ryan returned the kiss before nodding to Hunter. Going around and getting into her car and smiled before starting her up. Pulling forward she started out slow kind of just making zig zag patterns, testing the sand and seeing how it felt under her car. After a few more moments of just messing around it all came back to her. Though she wasn't completely confident she remembered a few different things to do like it was riding a bike.

Shifting the car Ryan started to move faster, before shifting again and again till she was at max to what she was comfortable with. Taking a sharp turn she just let herself slide in the sand, and then again before taking off with a squeal. Another sharp turn and another slide Ryan hit the breaks to go ever further before coming to a dead stop just sitting there for a long moment. She missed the sand, and she had missed going fast.

As Hal left Hope just smiled and chuckled to herself. She'd felt strange around Scott before but some people were just better at hiding the awkwardness. She hoped he'd been a help to Hal though and he'd get through with what he was dealing with. 

As Hal came back into the security room Sam was about to stand and say something before going to hand in her report to Kirk when she stopped. Hearing what he said color came to her cheeks again as she chuckled. 

   "Good...maybe it knocked some sense into them."

Looking down at her paper and then giving Hal a sidelong glance she smiled just a little. 

   "We really should see what the big deal with the file room is. You know...just research sake and all."

Looking up at Jason Katie couldn't help but let her smile grow. Through everything, all that they had been through it really had made them stronger together. It showed them a lot about themselves and about each other that maybe other people would never experience.

   "I think that sounds like its doable. I'm just...not looking forward to going home and having to hide around the FBI."

April 27, 2017

Filing Drawer

Justin nodded and got up from the chair. "Okay. I'd still say still be careful, but I know you will be."

He turned to leave, then paused. "I can see a difference in him... You're doing a good job, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes. He has a hard time trusting because of what's been done to him but... he needs to find someone he does trust... and when he does, he'll be loyal. Of that, I'm certain." Leaving Sam be, he aimed for the infirmary where his next job awaited. 

Even more heat crept up the back of Hal's neck, and his eyes darted to the floor. He chuckled nervously and shook his head. "That obvious, huh?" He groaned. "I really am an idiot." He hoped it at least wasn't too obvious who he was having difficulty communicating with. "But at least you think I'm normal." 

Smirking, he glanced back up at Hope again. "Thanks... I might be back to bang my head on the wall a few times." A little grin escaped before he turned around and left, sighing as he went. He nodded to Justin as they passed in the hall, and he returned to the security room. 

Flopping down in his chair, he spun around to reach into the small fridge, and pulled out two cokes, handing one to Sam. "Stopped by the filing room when I left Susanne's office," he mused. "Reached around the corner and turned the light on before I left... I think I heard someone's head hit an open filing drawer."

"How are you feeling today?" Justin straddled a chair backward in the infirmary, addressing Chance.

Chance sat cross-legged on the bed, his fingers picking at the blanket. "Um... okay." He wasn't curled up and unresponsive, so... that was better, right?

Justin cocked his head. "Not in such a dark place?"

Chance shrugged then shook his head. "Not... as much... maybe." 

"Good." The medication Justin and Misty had agreed on seemed to be helping - it at least had taken the edge off. "So, um... we haven't talked for several days now... think we could discuss a few things?"

Chance kept toying with the blanket. "I suppose," he answered quietly. 

Justin took a few seconds, and started out gently. "Can you tell me how long you've been working for the Underground?"

Chance swallowed hard. His eyes remained down. "A...a while." 

"How did they convince you to go back to them?"

Chance shrugged. 

Justin waited. "Did they force your hand somehow? Blackmail you? Threaten someone?"

Chance shook his head. He continued to pick at a loose thread. "N-no... I-I-I just... I just..." 

Justin tried to be patient. "Did you... want to go back to them?" 

Tears welled up in Chance's eyes as he nodded. It took several long moments before he could speak. "I knew I shouldn't... I... I just... I felt like... like I was missing... something."

Justin's brow furrowed. He really hadn't thought Chance would actually choose that path of his own free will. "Was it the adrenaline rush you wanted?" 

"I dunno."

"Was it... the excitement of being a double-agent?"

"Maybe." Chance scrunched his eyes shut tight. "They... they knew I wanted it... they knew I hadn't told the Elite everything the first time... I... I couldn't say no. It was like... like..." 

"Like you were... addicted?"

Chance sniffed and finally nodded. "I couldn't help myself," he whimpered. 

"But you knew you were betraying the Elite."

He nodded again. "I thought..." He sniffed and drew in a ragged breath. "I thought in the end it was justified. That... that the people deserved to die 'cause..." He swallowed again. "They needed to pay for their crimes." 

Justin sighed. "Did killing them give you the adrenaline you needed?"

Chance shook his head and pulled his knees up to hug his legs. "I had nightmares," he admitted softly as another tear rolled down his cheek. "But... but I was in too deep and... and I... I didn't want out."

"Without that conflict... you didn't know what to do with yourself... did you?" Justin's question was more of his own realization than a request for an answer. He wasn't surprised when Chance didn't respond. Seeing he'd withdrawn, he decided the short conversation would be enough for the day, and he stood. Chance had a bigger problem than he thought, and this was going to take time.

"You'll be fine," Hunter assured. He set a hand on Ryan's shoulder before leaning in and kissing her lips gently. "I have complete faith in you." Drawing back, he smiled. "Alright. Lead the way."

Getting into his own car, he started the engine and waited for Ryan. He'd follow, and he wouldn't push. He'd go her speed and just let her do whatever she needed to in order to be comfortable out here again. 

Jason chuckled and started walking again. "I'm not sure I know what it means exactly either. But I think it means... just not fighting it. Not just now, getting through this, but from here on out. When something happens... when we get sick or... or when I erupt... it means letting go and letting it evolve the way it wants. I don't think it has to be a disadvantage. I think it can make us stronger." 

He tightened his grip on her hand. "It already has." Glancing down at her, he smiled. "And I don't think journaling this is silly at all."

Socially Inept

Jason's eyes widened as Katie got a head start on him. "Oh no you don't." Sprinting after her, he laughed as they made it outdoors.

Cindy was just coming in from the laundry room  basket in hand, as she saw the front door fall shut. "What on earth was that?"

"Jay," Kaylee mumbled with her mouth full.

Rick smirked at her and reached over to wipe some jelly off her fingers. "Jason and Katie are feeling good today so they went for a walk."

"Well shouldn't they eat? Why didn't they at least stay? How are they really?"

Rick looked up at Cindy and sighed. "They ate. And they didn't stay because they're tired of everyone hovering over them."


Rick shook his head and spoke quietly. "Cindy... you need to let them go."

Tears sprang into her eyes and she set the basket down before going to the counter to make herself some lunch too. "How can I do that?" she whispered. "He's my son."

Rick got up from the table and went to her, putting his arm around her shoulders. "I don't know. But you must. He and Katie... have a unique path to walk, and they have to walk it alone, whether we like it or not. All we can do... is be their assurance that they're loved and cared for." He gave her a little squeeze. "And worrying does nothing but make you sick."

Outside after chasing each other around, Jason held Katie's hand, leading the way to the trail by a roundabout way to avoid anyone else for now. Walking through the tall grass, Jason sighed deeply. The air here was sweet... the sunshine was warm... it was a piece of heaven here.

We need to come back here more often. Relax. Maybe some regular vacations would help us recharge when we need to.

He looked down at her and stopped, cocking his head thoughtfully. "Maybe we need to pay more attention to our triggers... what drains or energizes us. I mean... We always just took it as it came but... what if we were more proactive this time?" He shrugged. "We need to figure out how to control the whole glowing eyes thing anyway. Maybe... we need to... I dunno... embrace it."

I hear you’ve had a few outings.” Justin sat in Aaron’s room, arms folded across his chest as he studied the man’s body language.

Aaron was sitting up in bed with his legs stretched out – his bad knee propped up with a pillow. He eyed Justin with little interest. “So?”

“How’d it feel?”

“Oh, it felt awesome. Liberating. I mean, for a few minutes, I was a part of a new team and making new friends.”

Justin cocked his head. “Really?”

Aaron’s gaze turned into half a glare. “Of course not. I’m a prisoner remember? How is it supposed to feel?”

“I dunno. Just thought maybe you would have realized the people here aren’t all that bad. That maybe they really are trying to give you a new life, not imprison you.”

“So I could just walk out of here right now, huh? Just waltz right on out the front door? Oh wait… no, I’d be brought back in with a gun pointed at my head.” Aaron rolled his eyes. “We’ve been over this how many times? I wish you’d quit trying to convince me the people here really care.”

Justin remained calm. “What about Sam?” He caught a new flash in Aaron’s eyes. Interesting. “You trust her, don’t you?”

Aaron fiddled with a lego piece that belonged to the set he’d been working on. “Trust is a strong word.” He looked down at the lego, recalling the things Sam had done for him. The food once in a while. The outing. The trip to the rooftop. The legos. The company. “But she’s been the most civil to me,” he concluded.

Justin nodded slowly. “If you could go free… where would you go?”

Aaron shrugged. “I dunno. Prolly somewhere I could make contact with the Agency.”

“Even knowing they don’t care about you?” Justin’s brow furrowed. “Use logic, Aaron. If you were a prisoner of the Agency, would you have a room like this? Good food? Even going out to play darts? You figured out tactical strategies for Agency missions. Figure this one out. What’s your best move?”

Aaron’s eyes remained down. He couldn’t think logically with this one. “Nothing makes sense anymore,” he growled. “I can’t figure anything out when nobody plays by the rules.”

“What rules?”

“The rules that say how people are supposed to act. Everybody is predictable. Everybody. But…”

“But what?”

“Here, you’re all just…” Aaron shook his head. “You’re just all a bunch of idiots, running on emotions instead of logic, and nothing you do makes a lick of sense.”

Justin grinned a little. “You mean… we care.”

“Nobody cares.” Aaron gritted his teeth. “Never have, never will.”

“So… you’d still return to the Agency?”

Aaron paused. “I could just go my own way. Disappear.”

“Then what? Get a new name? Find a wife? Some job at a super market somewhere?” Justin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “You’re a soldier… and you’re a good one. You try to integrate yourself into a normal life, and you’re gonna be miserable – not to mention, you know the Agency will find you. You stay here and let us help you find your way, and you’ll survive… and you’ll have a team behind you when you need it.”

Aaron continued to refuse looking up at him. “Why? Why should I even believe anything you say? If my own mother didn’t even care about me, why in the world would I even begin to think that a lot like you actually cared about my wellbeing?”

Justin’s heart twisted just a little. Did everyone in the Agency have parent issues? Maybe that’s who the Agency preyed on the most, because they had no loving families. “Because we’re not your mother,” he answered calmly. “Not everybody is the same. You should know that.”

“I do. And so far, there hasn’t been one person who hasn’t betrayed me.”


Aaron’s eyes finally shot upward. “N-no… Not yet anyway. One of these days though, I’ll find out why she’s being so nice. It’s all a ploy. I know it.”

“Well… I guess you’re in for a big surprise, because she’s not playing you. Nobody here is.”

Justin spent just a little while longer with him before leaving, keeping the door open when he left. He wandered down to the control room where he found Sam. Ambling inside, he eased down in an extra chair. “He is… a tough one.” He sighed and swiveled back and forth. “He is so sure that nobody on earth would ever do anything to help him without it being some form of manipulation. Although that also proves he’s convinced the Agency screwed him over, and that’s not a bad thing. He says he’d run back to them but… he has enough doubt now that I’m pretty sure he won’t do that. He’d try to disappear before that.” Pausing, he looked to Sam as he thought. “He trusts you though. He won’t admit it, but… I think he’d be pretty upset if something happened to you.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “He needs something to do though. Some kind of purpose. Otherwise I’m afraid his depression is going to worsen and he’ll lose all motivation for anything. Unfortunately… I’m not sure what to have him do, since getting him involved here is just going to look like a ploy to him.”

Hal was headed back to the security room, when he passed by Hope's open office door. He paused. Kept walking. Stopped. Turned. Paused. Turned again, then finally went back.

Stepping inside, he sighed and just looked at Hope for a second. His stomach turned. He felt funny being here. Silly, actually. But...

"Have you ever had one person you just can't ever seem to talk to right? I mean... Like sometimes it's great, then other times, you're just all tongue-tied and make a fool out of yourself?" He rolled his eyes. "Probably not but... but why do I do that?"

His frustration was obvious... even if he wasn't going to tell her who he was talking about. "I mean, I'm fine and then just... Am I just that socially inept?"

Hunter leaned back against the hood of his car and looked out at the desert. The sun was shining, and it was a beautiful afternoon. He glanced over to Ryan and her car. He’d been at the junkyard with Zan all morning until Ryan had gotten off work, and had met her here in the hopes of taking a drive. A fast one. 

“Well… whad’ya say?” Hunter meandered over and nudged her with an elbow. “Wanna go for a spin? I’ll even let you lead.”

Rotten Egg

   "We will...promise."

Katie grabbed the sandwich and thanked Rick before turning to Jason her eyes twinkling while she took another bite.

I think you are right. At least postpone the smothering a little while longer.

Grabbing a few more chip Katie put the bag back before making her way to the door. She loved their parents dearly but now that they were feeling better all she really wanted to do was just enjoy it with Jason before they had to see the worried looks and questions again.

First one to the trial out back is a rotten egg!


Jess soaked in the kiss. She would always cherish these moments with Axel. Just soaking in his love, she could never get enough of it. He was one of the most important people in her life and for that reason, she wouldn't take him for granted.

   "I love you to the moon and back, and even then it's not big enough."

Hearing Hal's comment Sam's eyes went slightly wide and color came to her cheeks. As he left the room Sam shook her head. So what if in a way she was a little jealous of Kirk and Adison. Her time would come sooner or later. Going back to her report she started as the tie slowly slipped away. 

April 26, 2017

Go Find Out

Axel knew he didn't deserve a woman like Jess. She was so caring and supportive... It made all this just a little less hard. "Thank you... You always know how to encourage me."

Leaning in close, he let his lips press against hers, and slowly deepened his kiss. Sliding down  on his back, he pulled her on top of him, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close as he kissed her. "I love you," he whispered as he took a breath. "More and more every day."

Hal was busy contemplating Aaron, when Sam's comment about Kirk and Adison made his eyes snap back over to her. He snorted. "I dunno. 'Cause filing cabinets are exciting?" He shrugged. "Maybe we ought to go find out what's​ so intriguing about it."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he felt the heat rush into his face. Turning, he grabbed some papers and stood. "I, um, need to go get these to Susanne." He cleared his throat. "I'll...be back."

"Alone time?" Rick smirked. "You two have been like magnets the last five days. I'd think you'd be sick of each other by now." He paused and looked at them, then rolled his eyes. "No... I suppose it's gonna take longer than that to wear off." He slid another plate with a sandwich on it towards Jason. "Eat."

Jason grinned and saluted. "Yes, Sir." He grabbed a chip from Katie first though and munched on it. "So it's okay if we take a walk?"

"I'm not your babysitter." Rick started putting everything at. "Just come back if you don't feel well, that's all I ask."

Jason took a bite of his sandwich and smiled at Katie.
I think we should get out of here before our parents find and attack us.


Just listing to Axel Jess' heart broke for him. She knew how much working at the shop meant to him and how much harder this had to be. Seeing the tear in his eyes even though he turned his head away Jess gently took him in her arms and pulled him close to her. Just letting her hand gently run through his hair.

   "You won't lose your apartment. I'll make sure of that, and you won't complain because we are in this together. You take care of me, and I take care of you."

Pulling pack and looking at Axel again Jess smiled. She new Axel wanted more for her, but she was happy and content even if he was leaving his job. It was for a good reason.

   "I like how things are, I never want anything more but just you. As long as I got you we can conquer anything."

   "I guess that dark look is the realization that you're really not a part of something great when for so long you believed you were. Guess in a way I feel bad. He lived his life for so long being part of the Agency, thinking he had a place."

Letting out a sign again and leaning forward Sam thought for a moment before starting her report. She hoped Aaron would pull himself out of this depression he was in. She'd done a lot to help and it was getting to the point he needed to start helping himself too.

   "I don't know what's so great about the file room with Kirk and Adison. Why did they decide that's where they wanted to suck face."

As the sandwich was held out to her Katie laughed and took a small bite before giving a nod.

   "Mmm...you sure are a good sandwich maker."

Standing up again as Kaylee got down and went to the table she just smiled watching her lost in thought for a long moment. She'd never really given much thought to kids before but for a moment the thought had entered her mind as she just watched the little one.

Realizing Rick had told her where the chips were Katie shook the feeling she had and walked over to where he said grabbing the back. Opening it she put just a few on the plate for Kaylee and then went back to where Jason was and grabbed one eating it.

   "Having a little alone time would be nice."


Axel's eyes roamed Jess' face, and he gave her a faint smile. "Yeah... yeah, things went okay. Got a lot done. Well..." He smirked a little. "All I did was stand around and give my two or three cents worth." He flexed his hand where she could see it. "Couldn't even hold a wrench today." 

His attention drifted back to the movie, then returned to Jess. "Which... helped me make a decision." He swallowed hard, and let a finger on his good hand trail down the side of her face. "I... I've decided to give my notice to Darrel." His own emotions caught him off guard, as suddenly tears appeared in his eyes. He turned his face away, even though his focus wasn't on the television. It took him several long moments to regain control. He didn't like being emotional in front of Jess. Not like this. "So anyway... yeah. I'll be out of a job and... possibly this apartment." 

He was finally brave enough to look back at her again. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I wanted things to be more stable for you."

"Yeah..." Hal nodded. His mind had perhaps been changed about Aaron as he'd watched Sam work with him. He had little mercy - and he admitted it. But he'd witnessed Aaron slowly morph into a human being. The question was... would it last? And was it genuine? 

"He really does seem to think everything is a tactic. I guess... maybe that's what the Agency does. When you've been manipulated all your life... how can you trust anybody ever again?" He pursed his lips as he thought. "He's still depressed, isn't he? I see him seemingly having a good time but... I see him on camera and, I dunno..." He shrugged before throwing Sam a sheepish look. Maybe he was getting too soft. "His eyes look dark."

Ha! No kidding. The doctor has a heart. Fancy that.
Jason grinned and just shook his head. He knew Rick had a good heart - he'd always known that. But they did give him an awfully hard time, and he did a good job at covering up his feelings with a rough exterior. 

Kaylee shrieked and squirmed under Katie's tickling before she started giggling. "Ahhh! Stop t'kle!" She latched onto Rick's waist, using his arm as a shield.

Rick chuckled and gave her a squeeze. "Hey. Aren't you gonna make her sandwich?"

"Uh-uh." Kaylee shook her head. "Too h'ngry." She threw a grin at Katie before picking up the sandwich they'd just made and taking a bite. Another giggle surfaced and she held it out to Katie.

Rick smirked. "I think she wants her own, darlin'. Come on... sit at the table." He helped her down off the chair and coaxed her to the table with her own sandwich before he returned to the counter and started making another one, much more quickly this time. "Chips on top of the fridge," he mentioned to Katie. "Not the most nourishing meal, but I'm glad you're hungry." He eyed her and Jason for a moment. "You don't look as tired either."

"We're not." Jason poured some coffee into their mugs. "Things are... better. Much better."

Rick's eyebrows rose with hope. "Really?"

"Mmhmm. We're balanced again. At least for the moment." 

Rick breathed a sigh of relief and almost dropped the knife he was using. "Good... good. I'm glad." He finished up Katie's sandwich. "I'll want to take some blood samples from you guys later, but if you're feeling alright, I promise I won't follow you around the rest of the day."

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Axel gave Ryan another small smile, and nodded. "I won't do that. I'd like to," he admitted. It would be easier for him. "But I won't." He gave her shoulder a little squeeze before his hand dropped, letting her go. He was glad she was doing so much better now - that helped. But he'd still miss her.

The revving of Hunter's motorcycle caught his attention, and he threw Ryan a smirk. "You better get going so your boyfriend there doesn't get too antsy."

Nearby, Hunter waited on his bike, ready to follow Ryan home so they could take off together. The sun was setting, and it would be perfect for an evening ride.

Axel gave Ryan one last nod before he turned and headed for Eli's car. This whole thing caused mixed feelings, and he didn't really like it. But then... life wasn't meant to be easy...

...It was a couple hours later. Axel was snuggled on his couch with Jess, watching a movie after they'd shared a milkshake. They were supposed to be at her place, but since his car was out of commission, she'd been nice enough to come to him instead. He'd been a little more quiet than normal tonight as his thoughts still lingered on his job and what he might do once this was over. He had to find something. Something he could do with one good hand. Something to provide for Jess. He couldn't be thinking of starting a future with her and just... have nothing to give.

Lying on his back with her using him as a body pillow, he abandoned focus on the movie and brushed some hair behind her ear. He locked his leg around her to hold her closer, and sighed deeply. The words didn't want to come.

Hal nodded thoughtfully. "He really has come a long way. You know... at some point, they're gonna expect him to willingly give up some Agency information. Do you think he's to that spot yet?"

He himself had his doubts. "I mean... I know he's doubting whether the Agency would kill him on sight now, but still..."

Jason chuckled and lifted his face again. "Yeah, okay." Finally getting out of bed once more, he waited for Katie, then wandered to the kitchen.

Rick was standing at the counter with Kaylee, who was standing on a chair next to him. They had bread and peanut butter and jelly strewn out, along with some paper plates. Rick had his arm around her and was guiding her hand to help her spread the peanut butter into a slice of bread. "There, see? All nice and smooth."

Kaylee giggled. "Corner," she pointed out.

"Oh, right right." Rick helped her spread the peanut butter all the way into the corners.

Jason grinned and threw a wink at Katie.
Looks like somebody found out Rick has a soft spot after all.
He cleared his throat.

Rick looked quickly over his shoulder, and relief swept though his eyes. "Hey, guys."

"See?" Kaylee scrunched her nose. "Tol' you awake."

Rick quirked an eyebrow at her. "Okay, okay, I believe you." He looked back at Katie and Jason, pleased to see bright eyes and faces with color in them. "How you two feeling?"

"Hungry." Jason went to make some coffee. "And in need of caffeine​."

Rick grinned a little, as he helped Kaylee finish her sandwich. "Katie? How about you?"

Without You

As Kaylee came in Katie couldn't help but laugh. Using her free hand to ruffle the young girl's hair. She had grown so far is was hard to believe how much time had gone by. She was already getting face expressions that reminded her of Jason. There was no doubt there were brother and sister.

When Kaylee ran out of the room Katie laughed as she felt filled with joy. It was always adorable watching them both laugh and mess around. Holding Jason just a little tighter Katie let out a content sigh.

Just means we are going to have to find a more private place on our walk to make out! But for now, let's get that coffee and make sure Kaylee eats before she withers away.

   "I'm not one hundred percent sure actually. I'd like the goal to be that sooner or later Aaron will be able to actually have a life, and be able to co-exist in the world. 

Sam leaned back in her chair and thought for a second. She really did believe Aaron was capable of so much if he just had a little faith in himself. 

   "I just hope that the others will see that too. Aaron has come a long way already."

As Axel stopped her Ryan just stood there. She wasn't sure what to say honestly. She was upset, but she didn't want to make Axel feel worse than he already did. Ryan tried to smile the best she could.

   "You better come visit. It's going to be way to lonely at the shop without you, you know."

Ryan was thankful for her friendship with Axel and what they had built over the time they had worked together. Giving a nod she thought again for a second before talking again.

   "I know Jess with support you, she's good like that and she loves you a lot. Yes definitely let me know. I don't want to wake up one day and your just not coming to work anymore."

April 25, 2017

Blown Cover

"Uh-uh." Jason shook his head. "You have to be awake so you can kiss me back." He slid his arm across her and leaned back down to kiss her again, just letting it linger even longer this time as his emotions flowed freely. "Mm... maybe getting up was a bad idea," he mumbled.


Jason jumped and propped himself up on his arms, half over Katie, as his eyes shot to the doorway.

Kaylee giggled and trotted inside, her pigtails bouncing. She flopped her arms on the bed and grinned at both of them. "Up! I's hung'y!"

Jason smirked. "So go get something to eat, ya doofus."

Kaylee returned his smirk. "Mama said..." She paused, hunting for the right words. "Wait fer you." She pointed at Katie. "An' you toos."

"Too," Jason corrected. He slid down so he was lying perpendicular to Katie, using her as a pillow now, with his arm around her waist. His face was inches from his sister's. "What if we're not hungry?"

Hearing one of their stomachs growl, if not both, Kaylee giggled again. "You lie."

Jason couldn't help his laugh. "Maybe. Does Mom know you're in here?"

She looked down and toyed with the blanket. "Uh-huh..."

Jason waited until she looked at him again, and he shook his head. "Now you lie." He sighed. "How you gonna get us up anyway?"

Kaylee pulled his arm out from under Katie so she could latch onto his hand, and started walking away. "C'm on," she grunted.

He had no trouble resisting her lightweight efforts, even with one arm, and he chuckled. "Okay, big shot. Let go, and go tell Mom we'll be there in a couple minutes."

Kaylee looked over her shoulder. "Why no now?"

"Because you interrupted us," Jason stated matter-of-factly.

Kaylee frowned. "Inner... tup..ed..." She brow furrowed even more. "Wha?"

Jason just laughed. "Go!" he ordered, and pointed to the door. "Before I come grab you."

Giving a shriek, she sped out of the room and down the hall.

Jason nuzzled his face down into Katie to hide his laughter, but his emotions betrayed him.
So much for making out. Our cover's been blown.

"Wow, really?" Hal looked to Sam in surprise. "That's... certainly an improvement."

He leaned back in his chair and smiled. "See? You are making progress." Thinking a moment, he pursed his lips. "Any hints as to what Reese or Kirk plan to do with him? I mean... send him out on his own, or try to get intel from him or anything?"

Hunter laughed and looked down at himself. "As if I smell any better. I think we make the perfect pair." He took the rag from his pocket and wiped some grease off her cheek as he grinned. "Just so long as I can still kiss you, we're good." He wanted to say more to reassure her about Axel, but he could tell she didn't want to talk about it, so he let it drop.

After a couple more hours, it was mutually decided to call it a day. Zan was going to stay a bit longer, but Eli would take Axel back to his own place so Ryan could drop off her car and go for a ride with Hunter. As they started to go their separate ways, Axel caught Ryan alone for just a moment outside the garage. 

"Hey..." He bit the inside of his lip. He knew she was upset, and he didn't want to make things worse, but he didn't want to just walk away either. He was a man of few words - it didn't take a genius to figure that out, but when he had something to say, he said it. "I'm sorry I sprung that on you earlier. I haven't even told Jess yet - that's what I'm gonna do tonight. I... hope you know, I'll still be around. I don't know what I'll be doing but... I won't be able to keep myself from at least visiting." He tried a small smile. "I value your friendship, and once that happens... you can't get rid of me."

Reaching out, he set a hand on her shoulder. For him, that was a rare occurrence. "I'll let you know when I give my notice to Darrel, okay?"


Looking up as Hunter came over Ryan gave him a small smile and leaned into him. She wanted to just be alone, but she was very thankful for his company and if anyone was to be near her, she would want it to be him. He just...had a way of calming her.

   "He's one of my only friends ya know...he leaves and..it will just be lonely."

Taking her wrench and tighten a few things she felt bad being upset. She didn't want Zan to feel unwelcome, or Axel to feel bad he was leaving it just..hurt that was all. Hearing Hunter's offer of a night ride she looked at him and smile again.

   "I think that sounds perfect as long as you don't mind a smell like grease."

Sam rolled her eyes as she sat down at the table and pulled a few things out from her bag. Letting out a small sigh she looked at her notebook. She hated writing reports but knew she had too. Looking to Hal again she cocked her head a bit. 

   "Actually...surprisingly enough he was waiting for me this morning to tell me sorry. Just about gave me a heart attack, but I'm pleased."

Jumping at the jolt Katie couldn't help the smile on her face as Jason pulled the covers down. She felt good today, she felt happy. Not like something horrible was hanging over their heads. It felt nice...just her and Jason, and there emotions.

   "If I am say I am not awake yet...will you kiss me more?"

Always Exciting

Axel watched Ryan as she went back to the car, and his eyes lowered. He glanced at Eli, who returned just a sad look - which was for both Ryan and Axel. 

Hunter quickly finished his pizza and wandered over to the car next to Ryan. He slipped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a little squeeze before retreating and grabbing the tool he'd been using. "I think we oughtta go for an evening bike ride tonight... what do you say?" 

Zan cleared his throat and glanced at Ryan again, then back to Axel. "Well, I'm sorry about your situation. But if you think I'd be a good fit for J&J's, I'd be happy to give it a shot, just to get back in a garage again."

"You'll give the others a run for their money, I guarantee it." Axel had watched Zan and had taken note of everything - and he was witness to the fact that he was a very good mechanic. 

Zan grinned. "Except Ryan... I think she's got us all beat."

Axel chuckled. "I won't argue with you there." He glanced back over to Ryan, still feeling badly. He wished there was another option for him, but at this point... there didn't seem to be any. He finished his slice of pizza and sighed before standing up. "Okay... I got a little more time, but I do have a movie date tonight, so let's get moving again." 

Aaron managed a little smile as Sam left. He sat for a long time, just looking at the open door. Freedom. So close. And yet so far away. He'd enjoyed himself last night. Sam made him smile. He had a little bit of hope. But... what did it really matter?

He finally laid on his back and simply remained still. He knew if he wandered around alone, nobody else would tolerate it. He'd get in trouble just for being there, and then he'd be locked up again. Was this just... his lot? The end? This was it? If it wasn't, when would they let him go? What would it take? Or was Sam wrong, and would they really end up throwing him in prison anyway?

Looking up quickly as Sam entered the office, Hal chuckled at her greeting. "Nothing more exciting than Wyatt tripping over an extension cord, which was pretty funny, Susanne giving Pete whatfor, for his sloppy handwriting on a report, and Kirk and Adison's brief meeting in the filing room." 

He smirked and swiveled around in his chair to glance at the monitors. "Otherwise... nope." He paused. "Well, you're here. That's always exciting." He threw a look over his shoulder just for a second. "How's our resident doing this morning?" 

Jason laughed at Katie and rolled his eyes. "Okay. Don't go anywhere." He was quick to take a shower, and felt even better by the time he returned - better than he had in a very long time, actually. Coming back into the bedroom, he had on clean clothes, and his hair was still damp. Seeing Katie was still under the covers, he threw a playful jolt her direction before flopping down on the bed right next to her, jostling the bed. "Hey. I want coffee, but I'm too scared to go to the kitchen by myself."

He pulled the blanket down to uncover her face, and grinned before leaning in and giving her lips a long, tender kiss. "You awake yet?"


Just listing to Axel continue to talk Ryan picked at her food. She understood why he was leaving but that didn't mean she liked it. Axel was one of the very few close friends she had. Even if they didn't talk much he always had her back and she always knew he was there if she needed help.

   "Yeah, I guess."

Setting her plate aside with the half eaten slice of pizza Ryan let out a long sigh. Standing and tucking her hands in her pockets she tried to smile the best she could.

   "I'm gonna go work on the car more."

She wasn't mad at Axel but she was upset and hurt. She'd rather just keep her mind busy at the moment while she tried to process everything. She'd be ok...it was just going to be hard.

Katie smiled nodded. Coffee did really sound good. Leaning back in the bed again she just looked at Jason from under the covers and smiled pushing more emotions his way now that she could more.

   "I'll wait for you. The bed is too comfortable to get up yet."

   'I'll be back then."

Giving a nod and a smile to Aaron Sam left the room and made her way to the security office. Entering and seeing Hal her smile grew just a little more. 

   "Morning Sunshine! Anything exciting happening?"