June 30, 2017


Garret chuckled and nodded. "I'll let you come visit, and I'll definitely come back here too." 

As she had another coughing fit and Nate came to her, Garret's worry increased a little. He hadn't seen her sick before, and he didn't like it. He was sure she'd be fine, but still... Nate had told him even simple colds could be dangerous for her. After he'd left, Garret cocked his head at Maggie. "Maybe you should head to bed early tonight, huh? I'm pretty tired myself."

In the kitchen, Laura gave Nate an encouraging look, and rubbed his arm. "She'll be okay. If she's still coughing tomorrow when you come home, we can see if Rick will come over." She handed him the dishtowel as a means of distraction. "In the meantime... help me finish up here so we can go watch a movie before bed." 

Jamison swallowed hard, but shook his head. "I don't think telling Kirk about Hal would do anything but get one more person in trouble. We both know Hal won't talk, so it wouldn't do any good anyway as far as finding Katie and Jason. so really... there's no point in informing Kirk." If he could solve it with logic, maybe that would ease his conscience a little. 

He glanced at his watch and sighed. "I should probably get home. I got a few things I need to do before crashing. I'll see you at work tomorrow." He stood from the table, but paused. "Thanks... for coming here and telling me about all this. I was... pretty upset earlier but... I understand now and I'm okay. I just want to make sure I really am a part of the team." 

"...And so that's how you restock the shelves without getting yelled at about inventory." Jett rubbed his sore arm absentmindedly as he showed Hunter around the auto parts store.

Hunter nodded and set his hands on his hips, surveying the store. "I think I can handle it." He glanced down at Jett's arm. "How ya doing?"

"Oh, you know. I'm alive. Headache is finally gone at least." Jett shrugged. "Zan helped me get my pickup running last night, so at least I didn't destroy that completely either."

Hunter gave him a wry grin. "Well I don't know if anybody else said it, but a few of us were pretty worried about you."

"Eh..." Jett shook his head and aimed back for the front counter as a customer walked in. "The world can survive without one more me."

"Yeah, but why would we want to?" Hunter poked Jett's shoulder. "Don't be so hard on yourself."

Jett kept walking and rolled his eyes. "You talk with Zan or what?"

"No, why? He say the same thing?"

"Maybe." Jett went behind the counter and greeted the customer who was looking for a particular part.

Hunter grinned nodded to Jett. "I got this." He waved to the customer. "Come on. Let me show you what we've got."

Jett leaned on the counter and watched them go down one of the aisles before he took out his phone and opened his text messages. The man without a name had not been pleased he'd been a no-show the other day, but had given Jett one more chance since it was his accident that had prevented him from going anywhere. Last night they'd finally met, and Jett had recognized him as being an observer at the races lately, but still had not been given a name. Apparently that was normal procedure. Tonight he had his first assignment with a couple other guys, and if he did alright, he was in. He was excited and wanted to tell the others, but had been warned to keep it under wraps. This was important stuff that no one could know about.

"Hey, Speedy." Eli came up behind Ryan in the garage, grinning as he looked over her shoulder as she worked. He hadn't told her he was coming today. But he also knew she didn't have a lunch date since Hunter was working his new job today. "Brought my bike... wanna go out to lunch with big brother?" There was more than food on his mind today, and it had been the first real chance to talk to his sister alone... 

...Settling in on the park bench with their subs, Eli sat across from Ryan. They'd eaten a little before he finally brought up the whole purpose of lunch today. "So um... there's something I wanted to tell you." He set his sub down and took a deep breath. "I've been... working for the Elite. Undercover. For... quite a while now, actually." He paused, letting it sink in. "Mostly I've been eyes and ears. Nothing major. They tell me about whispers of things happening like drug deals or gangs... or Agency-related stuff. Then I just sniff around a bit and report back." 

He gave her a thin smile. "I've wanted to tell you since the beginning, but me keeping quiet was part of the deal. If anyone at all on the outside gets wind of my role, then it would completely destroy any future chances I have at gathering intel. Scarlet's the only one I was allowed to tell, and that was only after I hounded Reese because she was about ready to break up with me 'cause she knew I was keeping secrets." 

Pausing again, he took a deep breath. "Finally though, I've been given permission to tell whoever I want. But I have to be extremely careful, because if only one wrong person finds out, that's it. If my cover is compromised even once, the Elite will pull me permanently. Not to mention, bad timing could really put me in a dangerous position. You're the first, besides Scarlet, that I've told." He nodded. "So... there you have it. I'll probably tell Hunter and Tal, but that's it at least for now. I don't trust anyone else not to spill the beans, even by accident." Cocking his head, he studied his sister's face, hoping she wouldn't be too upset about not knowing until now.

In Time

Seeing Eric and Ashlee come closer Stacy smiled. The morning had come early, and she had gotten up a little earlier than the normal chore time to make sure Xander had made out ok last night. Making her own rounds to make sure everything was and still going smoothly she finally had made it to the dinning hall.

   "Hey, you two."

Returning the kiss to Eric and watching as he and Ashlee sat down she slid two more cups of coffee to them she had gotten since she was there first. 

   "Not yet..but then again I haven't really seen many people this morning yet. Maybe I should just flash my hand around more."

   "That's one reason I didn't want to tell you to start with, along with not feeling like it was my place. I didn't want you in this position, but now you are and now you have to choose what you do next."

Dalton was quiet for a second. He knew this was new to Jamison just like it was new to the rest of the FBI. They had always worked with gray, and the others it was always black and white.

   "Sooner or later we all have to trust Kirk, maybe seeing what he does about Katie and Jason will be the proof everyone needs. Other than that...I don't know. If you need to tell him about Hal I understand I just...I don know."

Listing to Garret again Maggie tried to understand. It was hard but she thought she got it a little. Her eyes were still sad though. She was going to miss having Garret around, being greeted by him after school and showing him what she did all day. It was going to be lonely.

   "Ok, but only if I can come and see you still and you come here too. I will miss you very much."

Maggie tried to give a smile before she started coughing again. Hearing her Nate came into the room with a bottle of medicine. The first time he had wondered if maybe she had just choked on some of her drink but hearing it this time he knew she was coming down with something and they needed to head it off while they could. 

   "Here Maggie, take this ok."


   "Maggie, you need to so you don't get any sicker...ok?"


Once Maggie had taken her medicine he disappeared into the kitchen again. Seeing Laura he let out a long sigh. Normally they could catch it before any symptoms showed of her being sick but it almost seemed like this popped up out of nowhere. 

   "I hope we got it in time. If she still has that cough tomorrow I'll have Rick come look at her."


Eric chuckled and put an arm around Ashlee's shoulders as he aimed for the barn door. "Well I certainly wouldn't want you to die." Walking with her to the main house, a smile remained on his lips. Once inside, it wasn't hard to find Stacy at one of the tables. Approaching, Eric leaned down to give her a kiss. "Good morning," he whispered. He pulled out a chair next to her and sat down, taking off his hat to run a hand through his hair. "So...." He glanced down at her hand and grinned. "Anybody notice yet?" He hadn't told anyone, just letting the news filter on its own.

Looking down at the table Jamison ran his fingers along his glass. "I hate this," he admitted. "Talking about Kirk this way, I mean." He sighed. "I've known him quite a while and... it just feels weird, ya know? Thinking of ways to keep information from him. Withholding. I just..." 

He finished off his iced tea and shrugged. "I guess it doesn't feel right. I'm not used to not trusting him to make the right decisions. And if I don't trust him now... how can I trust him later?" He glanced back up at Dalton. "Rules say we need to tell Kirk that Hal knows something so he can take that lead. But neither of us is gonna do that. So... where does that leave us with Kirk in the end? When this is over... how can we trust him, and how could he trust us?"

Garret looked at Maggie with a little worry as she coughed, but then offered a gentle smile. "I love living here." He reached over and brushed some hair out of her face. "But a man's got to... well..." He sighed. How on earth did he explain it to her? 

"You know how you have your own room upstairs? It's kind of your own space, right? Well, I've got a room, but... sometimes it's better for someone like me to have my own space too. Like my own apartment." He cocked his head. "And you'll still see me. A lot. I promise, okay? Maybe I'll still come over for some meals." He regained his grin. "And you can come see my place too and help me decide where to hang your pictures."


Being handed the sheet of hay Ashlee laughed her smiled still spreading across her face and she eyes twinkled. She couldn't help but wonder if her, or her mom was more excited about this. It had just been the two of them for a long time but she was ready to finish the family and have the father she never knew, and two sisters she always secretly wanted. 

   "Maybe I will tell people just so I can be worked harder. You know that's not much of a threat to me...right?"

Chores went quickly and before she knew it they were done. Standing along the side where Eric was she smiled. She wasn't tired this morning but she was craving her coffee. 

   "So are you ready for coffee or what? I am dying here."

   "I'm honestly not sure where they would go. It wouldn't be there normal get away places. They are to smart and know that would be the first few places to be looked. My guess would be whoever is helping them gave them a place of there own to go and has told no one."

Leaning back in his chair and shaking his glass a little bit to get an ice cube free from the others Dalton grabbed it and munched on it. Giving a nod to Jamison.

   "I honestly don't know other than that where they would go, but like you said I kind of like it that way. Then when Kirk asks me I can honestly say I don't know and not have to lie to him."

Looking up at Garret Maggie cocked her head as he talked. He wanted to leave? Did they do something wrong that made him not want to stay. It confused her and mad her sad at the same time.

   "You don't like living with us anymore?"

She let her question hang in the air for a long moment. About to say something else she let out a loud cough that lasted a few seconds before finally continuing.

   "If you leave I won't see you anymore!"

June 29, 2017

Deep Sleep

Eric was almost knocked off balance by Ashlee's hug, and he tried not to flinch as his shoulder protested. He wouldn't have complained, but he grinned as she apologized. Shaking his head a little, he reached out to pull her close again. "My shoulder can handle a hug," he assured. Hugging her close, he kissed the top of her head. "I think we've got a good start at both of us learning how to be a family." 

Drawing back, his smile widened. She'd been like a daughter to him for a while already, but now... it was going to be official. Without warning, tears started to well up in his eyes and he blinked before swiping at them with the back of his hand. 

"Whoa, Eric, you alright?"

His head snapped around to see Jeff and his face flushed. "I'm fine." He grabbed a sheet of hay and shoved it at his brother. "Here. Make yourself useful." 

"Well but-"

"Go, go, go." Eric shooed him away before glancing back at Ashlee. He bit his lip before starting to laugh. "You tell anyone you saw me cry, and I'm gonna work your butt off next riding lesson." He handed her a sheet of hay too, his eyes still twinkling. "Help me finish up, and we'll go together to meet your mom for coffee, okay?"

Feeling less stressed than he had earlier, Jamison's stomach reminded him he hadn't eaten anything yet, and he stole a fry from Dalton's plate. Munching it thoughtfully, he squinted. "I'd be surprised if the Agency hadn't kept on experimenting, but maybe Jason and Katie were just the only success for some reason. Let's just hope they're the fluke. I'd hate for there to be Agency operatives out there with the same abilities." 

He licked some salt from his fingers, still thinking. "So... where would they go? I'd still bet they ran, because Jason's truck was abandoned - the Agency would have nabbed them somewhere else. And I agree about Hal by the way - I'm sure he was involved, and I'd be interested to find out who he was talking to, but as long as we don't know, we can't give Kirk the information." Not that he wanted to intentionally hide things from Kirk but... he didn't want to make things worse either.

"I'd say they went to Texas but... that's the first place anybody would look, and they'd know that. Did they have any other places they liked to go or find safety?"

Garret knelt on the floor next to Maggie at the coffee table as he watched her color a picture, complimenting her and laughing with her as she'd make funny designs. Laura and Nate were busy washing dishes in the kitchen after supper, making it a quiet evening. 

Taking a deep breath, Garret let it out slowly and sat back to lean back against the couch. "Um... Mags, I... wanted to talk to you about something." He tried to keep his expression a happy one so she'd know this was a good thing. "I really like living here with you guys, you know? But, um... well, sometimes it's good for someone like me to have his own place, too. I've been thinking about finding my own apartment. Somewhere nearby," he added. 

“Hey there, son, you look like you could use some help.”

Alec swallowed hard, his jaw still swollen and sore. It hurt to nod, but he did, grateful the truck driver had pulled his semi over on the highway in response to his hitchhiking thumb. He squinted up into the cab, his one eye still having trouble seeing, though at least he could open it now. “Can I…” He tried to clear his slurred speech. “Can I ride for a while?”

“Hop in.”

Alec slowly climbed up into the cab, gingerly settling into the passenger seat. Everything hurt. He’d been running on foot for he didn’t know how long, and his body was beyond ready to give out – adrenaline was the only thing keeping him going at this point. The sun was setting, and it was getting cold, making this truck cab all the more appealing.

The trucker started forward again, but it wasn’t long before he was glancing at his new passenger. “You in some sort of trouble?”

Alec managed a faint, grin. “Do I look like it?”

“Naw, you just look like you’ve been run over by a herd of cattle, that’s all.”

Alec nodded. “Feels like it.” He studied the trucker for a moment, too tired to be on guard, which he knew was dangerous, but he was simply too weary. He could only hope he’d stumbled onto someone he could trust. “Did you ever make a wrong step for all the right reasons, but…wound up with the short end of the stick anyway?”

The trucker was silent for several moments as he kept his eyes on the road. He eventually reached down by his seat and pulled up an insulated bag. “There’s a sandwich in here and some water. Help yourself.”

Maybe, just maybe, a prayer had finally been answered. It was difficult to chew, but Alec couldn’t resist his stomach’s urges any longer, and bottled water had never tasted so good.

“You need medical attention?”

The question broke Alec’s thoughts as he finished the meager meal for which he was so grateful. “Um. No. I mean…I’ll be alright.”

The trucker quirked an eyebrow. The bruises on Alec’s face were pretty fresh, and the way he was hunched over in the seat suggested he was in pain elsewhere, too. Dried blood stained his tattered jeans and what was left of an old jacket, and the skinned knuckles hadn’t escaped the driver’s eyes either. “Must have been quite a fight.”

Alec’s mind churned with images he’d rather forget…and some he already had. Leaning over to the side, he protected his ribs with an arm while resting his head against the cool window. “You should see the other guy.”

The trucker chuckled. “Son…I wish I could….”

…Alec couldn’t remember when he’d fallen asleep or how long it had been, but the lurch of the cab woke him with a start. It was a frightening few seconds before he gained his bearings again, realizing he was still in the truck. They were at a gas station along the highway.

“Just entered Nevada,” the trucker commented as he cut the engine. “Where’d you say you were headed?”

“I...didn’t.” Alec squinted out the window to the lit pumps. It was dark. He must have slept for several hours. “Nevada? But… you were headed south… I thought.”

“So I was. Gotta turn west sometime though, right?” The trucker descended from the cab. “You just sit tight. This’ll only take a few minutes.”

Alec’s mind felt like it was in a dense fog. He couldn’t think straight. Nothing was making any sense. His head was pounding, and all of his aching muscles seemed to have broken through the adrenaline to release even more pain. He felt…weak…and cold. He shivered. Hadn’t he started out in Wyoming? South… why had they turned west? Wasn’t there a New Mexico license plate on this truck? They couldn’t be in Nevada already anyway…they hadn’t been driving long enough.

His eyes slowly fell shut once more, his head returning to the window. It didn’t make sense. Nothing did. It felt all wrong. But he just couldn’t open his eyes again. All strength was gone…

…The rumbling motion of the truck brought Alec’s mind into the state of awareness once more. But something had changed. He was lying down with a pillow under his head. He was covered in several thick blankets, though he still felt terribly cold as his whole body shivered. That same feeling of something not being right had returned. Yet he couldn’t fight. It was as if something gently held him down, not allowing him to move, and lulling his mind back into a deep sleep. But not before he questioned why he was in the sleeper of the truck, and how he’d gotten there. Strangely enough though, despite his confusion, he felt no fear…

… “Can you hear me? Alec?”

Alec’s pupils finally moved to indicate life, but all he saw was a bright pen light shining in his eyes. “What?” he mumbled. He was still lying down. He was vulnerable. What was going on? “Where…” He found it difficult to form words. “…am I?”

“You’re going to be okay.”

He was being moved. Whose voice was that? His eyes fell shut, but he pried them open again. He couldn’t sleep. He was in danger. He had to move. Panic set in and he sat up straight, fists flying at the first figure he could make out in this strange world of darkness and blurred lights.

“Whoa, whoa, take it easy. Settle down. Alec, lie still. You’re okay. You’re safe.”

“No! Let me go!” Alec fought against the arms that were now holding him down. He couldn’t focus. He couldn’t see his attackers. What was happening to him? “No!”

The prick of a needle was the last thing he felt before his muscles were forcibly relaxed. That strange voice was the last he heard before his mind once more left the realm of reality.

“He’s in bad shape. Get him into the ER…”

Gonna Take

Ashlee searched Eric's face as he talked. She searched his eyes the most just trying to read him, and make sure he was telling the truth. She didn't think Eric would ever hurt her mom, but she had to ask anyway to put her own mind at rest.

Finally, Ashlee couldn't contain it any longer as a smile spread across her face. Not wasting much time she moved forward and wrapped her arms around Eric's neck. Remembering quickly about his shoulder she stepped back quickly.

   "Oops, forgot about your shoulder, sorry."

Grinning she couldn't contain how happy she really was. Eric made her mom happy, and he mad her happy too. She couldn't think of anyone better to be her dad.

   "I promise as long as you promise to be patient with me too. I've never had a dad before, so its gonna take some getting use too on my part too."

   "That's what Kirk thinks happened. It's just hard to believe that unless Katie and Jason really were worried he was going to tell the FBI. If they did then they needed help too and since you over heard Hal, he more than liked did along with someone else on the outside. Which could get him in some serous hot water too."

Dalton gave a nod as he took another bite of his hamburger. He trusted Jamison and believed him when he said the secret was safe with him. Why he hadn't earlier was his own stupidity and fear. But now he was happy Jamison new.

   "I can't imagen how this must feel to them honestly. If they did leave, how lonely not being able to tell anyone, never seeing family or friends again. If they were taken by the Agency, well...thats not something I dont want to think about."

Popping another fry in his mouth Dalton set his napkin down on his plate. He still had a little food left but he was full for now. Taking a sip of his drink he nodded. 

   "As far as we know Jason and Katie are the only two like this. At least we havent run into anyone else. As far as the Agency know there experiment failed, hopfully it will stay that way too." 


Eric was cutting open some hay bales and trying to lift with on arm, busy enough that he didn't notice when Ashlee approached. Hearing her voice, he turned quickly, his eyebrows rising. He was taken just a little off guard - maybe he'd expected more excitement, and hadn't thought she'd take this angle. He couldn't blame her though. Not with her own past experience.

Stopping what he was doing, he put a foot up on one of the hay bales and bent to rest his arms on his leg to be eye-level with her. He'd much rather let his own excitement and happiness show, but he kept himself in check for the moment, remaining serious. "I'm gonna make mistakes," he warned. "No family is perfect, and there are gonna be days that are hard. So I can't promise I'm not gonna accidentally hurt your feelings at some point. But I promise to love your mom - and you - as long as I'm alive. I promise to be there for you both always... and I promise I will never abandon either of you no matter how hard the road is." He looked her square in the eye. "Are you willing to help me be a dad? 'Cause I don't have much practice and you might just have to be patient with me sometimes."

As Dalton joined him at the table, Jamison remained relatively quiet. Receiving the apology, he didn't say anything but just nodded a little, still listening. He wished whatever this was hadn't interfered with their friendship at all, but if the apology was sincere, he'd be able to get over it. 

Simply listening to the whole story, it was longer than Jamison expected, and quite different. He'd figured the Agency had something to do with all this, but never would have guessed the truth. A million and one questions raced through his mind, but he held back for now, trying to process the whole thing. It wasn't easy. It wasn't even easy to believe, let alone try to understand. A special connection between Jason and Katie? Special abilities? What was this, a super hero movie? 

Silence fell over the table and he looked down into his half-gone iced tea before taking his straw and swirling it around the almost-melted ice cubes. "So the way Kirk was asking about them today, I'm assuming the general thought is that Jason and Katie disappeared on purpose." He looked back up at Dalton, his mind still working overtime. "Now they're in danger from the Agency, and from Kirk telling the FBI." If Barnes ever got wind of this, Jason and Katie's lives would never be their own again. Even Jamison knew that. 

He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Thank you for telling me. I understand now why it was such a big secret, but it's safe with me... really." There was no way he'd ever breathe one one of this outside the Elite circle. "I... think it's safe with Kirk too... he just takes longer to compare facts in light of protocol but he'd never purposely destroy someone's life. I really don't think he's going to tell the FBI." He knew it didn't seem like it at the moment. Kirk was pretty bold, stubborn, and he did things by the book. But he also had a good heart. "But I know Jason and Katie can't bet their lives on that either," he admitted. 

Leaning back in his seat, he shook his head. "Never would have guessed any of this in a million years. They really are the only two like this?"


It was early and her mom has caught her before she had left for the morning chores. Now she had a little spring in her step and she wanted to find Eric. Entering the barn and scanning the area Ashlee spotted Eric and wondered over to him. Not saying anything she just watched him for a long moment. 

   "You promise to love my mom forever...and never hurt us?"

Ashlee knew what the answer was but she wanted to hear Eric say it anyways. She wanted to see the look in his eye and know he meant it. She didn't want to let someone completely into there life only to have them get hurt.

As Kirk came back Adison turned to look at him and frowned a little. She didn't like that he hadn't caught Jamison in time but hoped by tomorrow he will have cooled down and they could talk to him a little more about everything.

Seeing the look in Kirks eye she knew he didn't want to call it a night yet and honestly she didn't want to either. She missing just being out with him not having to much.

   "Lets play some more pool. See if maybe you can beat me this time."

Getting Jamison's text Dalton was happy he agreed to meet him. He'd felt bad about how he had treated his friend this afternoon and it really was bothering him. Getting up and putting his shoes and jacket on Dalton left and made his way to the burger shack. 

It didn't take long  to get there and walking inside Dalton scanned the area. Seeing Jamison he nodded and went to the counter to order his food. Once finshed he walked over to the table as sat down.

   "Hey Thanks for meeting me."

Offering a small smile he looked down at is napkin for a moment before looking up again and searching Jamison's face. 

   "I want to start off by saying I am really sorry about this afternoon. You are my friend and it was wrong of me to keep you in the dark, even if its what most people would want. You are part of our team and I don't think things should be kept from you. I messed up and I am sorry about that."

Letting out a long sigh he paused again before leaning forward on the table. 

   "Katie and Jason were affected by the Agency...it started when they were babys..."

Dalton went into detail about Katie and Jason's family and how the Agency had done an experiment on them that they assumed didn't work. He told him about how later on the element started to show itself and brought Katie and Jason together. He was his lifeline, and he was her. He explained how their powers worked. 

He kept his voice down while talking not knowing who could be listing and only paused when his food came. He didn't know if Jamison believed him or not but he at least was telling him the whole truth now.

   "...So that brings us to now. Word is Kirk demanded to know what was going on with Katie and Jason and Reese was hesitant to tell him. If information on Katie and Jason got into the wrong hands they could possibly never have a life again and if the Agency found out...they would be as good as dead."

Taking another french fry and munching on it Dalton chewed and then continued.

   "I guess Kirk forced Reese to tell him, he can decied if he wants to tell the FBI or not and Katie and Jason are not missing. Now you know everything that is going on."


June 28, 2017


Jamison slid in behind the wheel of his car and shut the door... hard, still steamed about Kirk's response - or lack thereof. How on earth was he supposed to be a team player when he couldn't even know what was really going on? It made no sense, and he was seriously rethinking his decision to join the Elite. He'd thought everything was great. But today he'd found out jut where he stood - on the outside. And he couldn't do his job from the outside. 

He was almost ready to start his car when he received Dalton's text message. Reading it a couple times over, he leaned his head back in his seat, just thinking. He wasn't hungry. And Dalton could shove it. 

He turned on the ignition and buckled his seat belt. At least Dalton had apologized. But for what exactly? And why should Jamison listen to him now? It was pretty obvious it was an afterthought - a reaction to feeling guilty. Jamison didn't like feeling this way. He liked Dalton very much and they'd become good friends during the last couple months. Didn't he at least owe him a chance to explain? He was upset, but he didn't want to miss a chance to make things right. Finally, he sent a response. 


It was getting late in the evening. He might not be hungry, but he was sure Dalton was, so they needed somewhere with more than coffee.

I'm 5 min from Burger Shack. 
Meet you there. 

It did only take him a few minutes, and arriving first, he picked a table off in a quiet corner. Still not hungry, he just ordered an iced tea and waited, trying to get his mind to stop theorizing about what was really happening with Jason and Katie. 

Kirk sighed but nodded to Adison. "Yeah... maybe we created a monster." He rolled his eyes. "This whole thing has got to end." He set down his cue and aimed for the exit. "I'll try to stop him and we can talk." 

Reaching the parking lot though, he was just in time to see Jamison's car pulling away. Great. Well... maybe by tomorrow, Jamison will have cooled down and it would be a better time to talk anyway. Kirk went back inside, finding Adison right before she paid.

"Hey... I missed him. I think I'm just gonna let him cool off. You wanna stick around or go somewhere else?" He gave her a bit of a pleading look. "I'm not ready to go home yet."

Eric reluctantly turned, letting Stacy go, and heading to his own bunk. He picked up his pace though, as the crying got louder. It sounded like Melody, which made him worry just a little. There were signs she was getting sick... again. It seemed she picked up every little germ and was rarely able to fight it off without Angel's help. 

Sure enough, it was her, and after changing and feeding, she refused to be put down, forcing Eric to fall asleep in the chair with her. By then, he was tired enough to make it possible, but it felt like no sooner had he closed his eyes, and his alarm was going off. He had mornings down pat now at least - get up, shower, dress, get the girls packed up, take them to the main house to hand them off to Jade, then head for the barn. Today he was just yawning more than normal. On the inside though, he kept replaying the night before, and couldn't wait to see Stacy again... and Ashlee, to see what she thought as well. As he started chores though, he didn't mention anything to the other guys... not yet anyway.

Grab a Bite

    "Yeah that more than likely wouldn't be a good thing. Even if it is innocent I still don't want it to look bad to her...once we are married though, we can cuddle all we want."

Hearing the babies start to cry, Stacy couldn't help but laugh a little bit. She missed the sound of a crying baby as strange as that sounds.  She actually was excited to look after them on a more full time. She really did miss being a mom to a younger child again.

   "I'm looking forward to it. See you in a few hours."

Dalton let out a long sigh as he sat back in his chair and ran a hand over his face. This was more stressful than it needed to be. He did think everyone needed to know but it was not his place to tell people. 

   "If I hear anything I'll let you know."

...A few hours later Dalton sat on his couch just watching the tv but not really paying attachen. His mind was still on the whole Jamison thing that has happened earlier. Maybe he should have just told him. Pulling out his phone he opened a text.

Hey Jamison, I'm sorry about earlier today. 
Wanna grab a bite to eat and I'll tell you
whats going on?

Adison leaned on her pool que as Jamison talked to. She raised her eyebrow before looking to Kirk and then Jamison again. He has a valid point on wanting to know what was going on and she didn't blame him really. 

As Jasmison walked away Adison looked to Kirk and let out a long sigh. So much for relaxing tonight. This was more important though and she new that. Jamison was an important part of the team too.

   "I dont know if he would or not but he sure has learned to stand up for himself. I say go after him. I'll finsih everything up here and pay."

Just a Little Hurt

Eric laughed and shook his head. "Probably not. You know I ain't very good at keeping secrets." He gave her hand a squeeze as they walked, perfectly content to continue their evening together, and not in the least bit tired anymore. He really didn't know now what the future looked like. Even though they'd added a new room onto his bunkhouse for the twins, it wasn't big enough to house five people. He couldn't afford to buy a house somewhere else, nor could the ranch really afford to help him build here. Even so... he knew somehow, they'd work something out, and he knew Stacy would be with him all the way.

One more walk around the ranch, and Eric knew it was finally time to turn in, even if he felt like he could stay up all night. They hadn't talked an awful lot, but had stopped just once or twice to simply be affectionate. Now stopping in front of Stacy and Ashlee's bunk, he sighed. Turning to face her, he took both her hands. "I, um... was gonna see if you wanted to come over and curl up on the couch with me since we only have a few hours left anyway but..." He bit his lip, grinning sheepishly. "I suppose if Ashlee woke up alone, she might get the wrong impression." He leaned in to give her a last kiss on the lips, interrupted by the sound of crying. It was the long distance monitor in his back pocket that Travis had helped him set up so he could hear the babies even if he was out here working. "And... there goes the moment." 

He chuckled and finally released Stacy. "A foretelling of the future?" He brushed her cheek with his hand. "See you later for coffee."

Jamison thought for a moment, his shoulders sinking slightly. "So that's it, huh? That's... all I get." He looked at Dalton, and to Dylan again, who also remained silent. "Okay then." He got up from his chair as he shut off his computer. "It's after five. I'm gonna go. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Saying no more, he simply left, closing the door behind him once again. 

Dylan eyes retraced their route to Dalton. "Well... if you hear anything... could you text me or something? I know I won't be allowed to help or do anything, I just want to know if Jason and Katie are okay or not." 

It was a couple hours later, and Kirk was trying to relax with Adison at the club. It was just as noisy as always, but it provided enough of a distraction to get his mind off work for a while... which was a good thing. Watching Adison take her shot, he grinned and rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna use the excuse that my mind is elsewhere tonight." She was creaming him. He took a sip of his soda and wandered back to the pool table, chalking the end of his cue before he bent to take aim. 

"Kirk, I need answers." 

Kirk flinched as he shot, sending the eight ball right into the far pocket. He blinked and straightened up slowly, his face unamused as he looked at Jamison. "You also owe Adison five bucks since you just lost the game for me." 

Jamison ignored the complaint and came closer, fiddling with his car keys. "I want to know about Jason and Katie." 

Kirk leaned on the cue stick. "How'd you know I was here anyway?"

"Um. I worked for the FBI, remember? I think I know how to track somebody." 

Kirk sighed. "Great. Then go out and find Jason and Katie."

"Not until you tell me exactly what's going on." Truth be told, Jamison was just a little hurt. He thought Dalton was his friend, but even the giant hadn't been willing to tell him what he knew, and it didn't feel good to be purposely left in the dark while all the other Elite agents knew what was going on, including the intern.

"Can we... discuss this in the morning?" Kirk wandered over to take another sip of his pop. "I was just trying to relax and I really don't want to think about work right now." 

"Are you serious?" Jamison threw up his hands. "Why am I even a part of the team anyway? I'm not even FBI anymore and all of a sudden I'm back to being treated like an outsider. And now you won't even let me in on it, and don't tell me it's classified because I know that's not true." He paused, eyeing both Kirk and Adison. "I got walked on at the FBI... I won't get walked on around here too." Spinning on his heel, he stalked towards the exit.

Kirk let out a low whistle. "Been a while since I've seen him that hot. He's bluffing though... right?"

Where Ever!

   "There is something about all of us that is always kept under wraps."

Dalton looked at Jamison and thought for a long moment. His new friend seems like a good guy, but really the whole Jason and Katie thing really wasn't his place to talk about. But he didn't want to lie either, he likes Jamison to much.

   "We all have been affected by the Agency in one way or another. Sometimes it runs deeper than others. Jason and Katie are good people, who were dealt a crappy hand by the agency at birth."

Dalton nodded as a matter of fact. It wasn't a lie, they really had been with all they went though. They didn't ask for any of it, but had to deal with it all the same.

   "Wherever they are, and whatever is going on...I hope they are ok."

Stacy laughed again leaning her head on Eric's chest has he held up his hand. The ring sparkled in the moonlight and she couldn't help but keep looking at it. Feeling like this was amazing, this was true love and she knew it was real.

   "Well I can't stop smiling, and I can't stop looking at the ring, so honestly I don't think it will take her long."

Taking Eric's hand and starting to walk again. This had been to perfect to just let it end here.

   "The question is...can you keep it from her?"

June 27, 2017

Right Here

As Stacy threw her arms around him, Eric hugged her back tightly. He could feel his own tears in his eyes, simply overwhelmed by her response. Her love. It was more than he could ever ask for, hope for, or dream for. "I love you too... forever and always." 

Eventually drawing back, he took his thumb and wiped away some of her tears and smiled before giving her lips a soft kiss. "Sure am glad Xander took your shift tonight... otherwise I'd be in a heap of trouble for distracting you." Still smiling, he took her hand to hold it up and look at the ring that reflected the lights in the night sky. "Think we ought to see how long it takes Ashlee to notice?" he teased.

Kirk's eyes dropped as he listened to what Adison said. A part of him agreed with her. Maybe that's why this whole thing was so hard... because maybe he did see both sides and just didn't want to admit it. Everything had always been black and white... so when encountering this gray area, he honestly had no idea how to resolve it. One thing he knew for sure though - if the FBI found out some other way about Jason and Katie, Barnes would have his head for not telling them himself. 

Brought out of his thoughts, he sighed and considered the invitation. "Okay." If he didn't go do something now, he'd just wind up stewing about this all evening. Standing, he shut his laptop and grabbed his keys. "Just keep me away from the bar," he warned. He'd done well lately, in spite of his stress, but only because Adison was around. If she wasn't, he knew good and well he'd fall back into old habits. And tonight... drinking away his worries couldn't sound better. 

Dylan's eyes reflected Dalton's worry. He wasn't very close to either Jason or Katie but... he did care... probably more than anyone realized, and more than he'd ever let on. His first guess would be the Agency as well, but Dalton was right - if that were the main concern, Reese would have them all over it. There was only one other possibility... He bit his lip and studied the floor for a moment. 

Jamison caught his look and cocked his head. "What is it?"

"Oh, um..." Dylan knew better than to talk about it. He'd been told that the four new people here didn't know everything, and he'd given his word not to let anything slip. "Nothing."

"Yes... there's something. Tell us." 

Dylan shook his head. "It's not my place."

Jamison's brow furrowed. "Why? Just because you're an intern? You know Jason and Katie both. Do you have a theory?" 

Dylan looked at Dalton again. Even the giant didn't seem to have any ideas, but Dylan couldn't say anything. 

Jamison waited in silence until he finally cleared his throat. "I, um... may have overheard half a conversation yesterday..."

Dylan's eyebrows rose. "Between who?"

"I was on my way downstairs and I heard Hal talking on the phone." Jamison glanced at Dalton, then back to Dylan, but clamped his mouth shut.

Making his own judgment call, Dylan shut the office door and came closer to the desks. "What did you hear?" he asked more pointedly. If Jamison himself was going to be a threat to Jason and Katie, Dylan wanted to know. He might just be an intern, but he wouldn't throw his family to the wolves either. 

Jamison swallowed hard. "Nothing that made any sense," he admitted. "Just that... Kirk and Adison now knew something about Katie and Jason, and that they needed help. It was obvious Hal didn't want anyone to hear, and I don't know who he called but... I don't think it was Agency related. Something happened right here." His eyes searched Dalton's face. He'd had suspicions of something going on but had never dared ask. Now though, it seemed those questions could perhaps lead them to the truth of what was going on. "Is there... something with Katie and Jason that's been kept under wraps?"

...So Much

Following Eric across the yard, Stacy felt like a high schooler again. Her heart raced as she waited for him wondering what on earth he was doing.  As Eric returned and she saw the little box Stacy reached out and touched the soft velvet before opening it. Seeing the ring on the inside she ran her fingers over it. Tears formed in her eyes as she carefully took it out and slipped it on her finger.

   "It's perfect! I love it...thank you Eric!"

Looking at the ring again Stacy finally threw her arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug. Her tears still rolled down her face. She wasn't sad, but overjoyed with all her emotions.

   "I love you so much!"

Following Jason upstairs Katie stopped at Sarah said she was making dinner for them.  She had not expected them to feed them, or even make anything for them. She was beyond grateful. 

Fresh air sounds good!

Stepping outside the air felt nice. The house wasn't stuffy but it was a lot better outside in the nice air. As the dogs darted out and started yipping Katie bent down and scratched behind their ears. They were adorable for sure. 

Standing and hearing Jason's comment Katie laughed as her eyes widened. Se could see the big dog jumping around out here and it was rather funny.

   "My goodness, he's knock someone down fot sure and then they would get a slobber bath."

   "Are we considering them though? I mean...by wanting to turn them into the FBI? I mean honestly...you asked why they would be scared and I think the answer is because that's not what they want with their life. They don't want to work for the FBI. Is running away the answer, no..but sometimes fear can override sensible thinking. "

Getting up and gathering her things Adison felt tired but she really didn't want to call it a night yet. She and Kirk hadn't really done much lately except sit at home. Maybe that was a good way to help him destress.

   "Hey...let's go get food and play some pool."

Looking up as Dylan came in Dalton was quiet for a long moment. He hadn't been happy Kirk stormed into there office and demanded answers. Dalton hadn't heard anything so he could only assume it was the Agency but Kirk wouldn't even listen to that.

   "I know about as much as you do. Kirk thinks Katie and Jason took off but I dont know why they would do that. I could only assume the Agency but if Reese thought that we would already be out looking for them."

Dalton looked to Jamison and then back to Dylan. He did have worry in his eye, but he didn't know what they could do about it.


Returning Stacy's kiss, Eric's tension started to fade. She had a way of making him relax that he'd never understand. Just when he was afraid he'd never get the words out, her own answer made his heart jump. She'd said yes. She wanted to marry him. She really did want to be with him. 

Without saying anything, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, leaning in for another kiss and letting it linger and deepen. Maybe he couldn't find the words he wanted, but he could at least show her how he felt. Just taking advantage of the fact that they were out here alone, he didn't hurry, but just let the moments tick by, enjoying giving and receiving this sweet affection. 

Eventually he pulled away to catch his breath, his eyes twinkling to match his smile. "Come here," he whispered. Stepping back, he took her hand and aimed along behind the bunkhouses until they'd come to his own. Still quiet, he made her wait out back by the fence while he went inside. It only took a few moments and he was back, joining her once again in the soft moonlight. This wasn't at all what he'd originally intended but... maybe that's what made it special. 

Coming alongside Stacy at the fence, he presented a little velvet box which he opened, and carefully took out the dainty diamond ring. It was nothing fancy, but he truly hoped she would like it. "I love you with all my heart," he told her softly. "All I want is for the five of us to he a family, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He held out the ring, hoping this wasn't a dream, and hoping she would accept his token of a promise.

Just lying where he was a few more moments, Jason looked at Katie as she sat up, and gave a small smile. She was even cuter in her sleepy state.
Okay... let's head upstairs. Maybe they'll point us in the right direction to go get some food. 

Once he'd finally gotten up enough gumption to rise and put his shoes back on, he aimed for the stairs with Katie close behind. As they reached the main level, the smell of food was even stronger. All three dogs greeted them with enthusiasm all over again, seeming to have maybe forgotten there was company.

Sarah was at the stove in the kitchen, and turned as they walked past. "Hey, guys!" She smiled and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. "I hope you like lasagna."

Jason's eyebrows rose. "Oh we... we don't expect you and Jed to feed us."

"Nonsense!" She looked at them sternly. "We told Rosetta we'd take care of you, and that includes not letting you go hungry."

"But we just-"

Sarah cocked her head, her expression softening. "Is it safe for you to be out and about?"

Jason swallowed hard and gave Katie a quick glance. "We... don't know, to be honest."

"So... do you like lasagna?"

"Um... yeah."

"Good." She smiled and turned back to the stove. "It'll be ready in about half an hour. Feel free to wander the house or go out in the backyard. Jed's out there fixing the fence where Toto keeps getting out."

Well... at least we can still get some fresh air.

Jason took Katie's hand.

Looks like their hospitality is an understatement. 

Wandering to the back door, it opened onto a small porch off a nice-size yard that was lined with a wooden fence and housing a big maple tree. The dogs followed them out and bounded out into the grass, chasing each other and yipping playfully, also running into and over Jed, who was kneeling at the bottom of a crooked board.

Jason couldn't help his grin. "Can you imagine that kind of energy in a dog Trooper's size?"

Kirk's jaw tightened as he shook his head. "Crappy or not, what do you think they're doing to us? They just up and leave with no thought about teamwork. No thought about talking it out. No thought of what this could all mean for the Elite as a whole. We're already down two agents - now four. And we don't have the right to pursue them? Can anybody here just suddenly leave town without letting anyone know?" 

He got to his feet and grabbed a notepad. "I'm going to start questioning people. You can too, or if you need to get other work done, that's fine." It was already late in the afternoon. "I want some answers before I leave today..." 

...But an hour later, the only answer he had was confirmation that no one knew where Jason and Katie were, or if they did, they weren't going to tell him about it. Most were very close-mouthed even when he told them he knew the truth. Many were worried and asked if he suspected they'd been taken, but he knew that wasn't the case. He knew they had run of their own free will. Maybe he didn't have proof - yet - but he knew it in his gut.

"...which is entirely unacceptable." He was back at his desk again. It was time to leave for the day, but he wasn't getting ready to go yet. He was sure he was wearing on Adison's nerves, but he didn't have anybody else to talk to about this. Not even Reese, who insisted not even he knew where Jason and Katie were. "And with all this... we're suppose to think they're a stable team? That Jason and Katie can just be allowed to come and go and run their own lives, with the perk of working for the Elite, and with no consideration to anyone else?" 

Dylan knocked softly on the half-open office door, and slowly pushed it open a little more, eyeing Jamison and Dalton. 

Jamison looked up quickly, half-expecting Kirk to be back again. He'd been less than warm a few minutes ago, and he'd left a tension behind that still hung in the office. "Hey, Dylan. What's up?"

"Um..." Dylan wandered in a little further, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. "Kirk caught me in the hall and... gave me the fifth degree about Jason and Katie." He'd told Kirk nothing and had not admitted to knowing anything about the element either, out of pure instinct. Now though, he was worried. "He said they were missing and... I wondered if either of you knew anything."

Jamison looked down and fiddled with a pen. He actually had a lot of his own questions and had wanted to tell Dalton something earlier but hadn't ever had a chance. Now he glanced at his big friend, knowing that Dalton knew more than what he ever said about Jason and Katie. He wouldn't ask though. Something had always warned him not to. The question was... what would he tell Dylan?


Bringing her hand to Eric's face Stacy smiled and ran her thumb along his cheekbone as she just looked up into his eyes. She smile was soft and she couldn't help but love this moment. No matter how much Eric thought he was messing up it was perfect to her. 

   "You are doing a perfect job and I could never ask for anything more."

Leaning in her kissed Eric's lips before leaning her forehead against his. She smiled was large, and her heart raced in her chest. 

   "Yes Eric, I will marry you!"

Ron knew how to keep things undercover, but he didn't like doing it around the people he worked with. He was working hard to gain their trust and had at least gotten a few people, but he had no other choice at the moment. If Kirk wanted it kept quiet he had to do so.


Once Ron was gone Adison looked to Kirk with concern in her eyes. She had no idea what to do in this case. If Jason and Katie really had run they could be long gone, or close. 

   "Maybe they didn't go far! They could be at Katie's Aunts ranch. Guess we could also start seeing if anyone else around here knows where they are. And if they dont know maybe we get enough of an uproar that Reese will have to tell us. Pretty crappy thing to do but if you want to know that bad..."

Adison looked at Kirk. She thought her idea was horrible, but she knew he wanted more answers. It was all she could think of doing. She just hoped Kirk thought about what the consequences could be if he did do something like this. 

   "We could always wait and see what happens too."

Sapphire just continued to look at Garret again. She wasn't sure what was going on but she had a little bit of an idea. Aaron was his friend and with everything going on she could only guess it was something to dow ith that.

   "I don't know the situation but I more than likely would have done the same thing."

Taking some papers and handing them to him she smiled not saying anything else on the matter.

   "Here are some more files from the hospital to go through and see if we can find who the agency within the hospital is. "


Garret gave Sapphire a bit of a crooked grin. "Yeah it makes sense... You make it sound so easy though. It's just... not easy, for someone who's not so sure he's even got a heart to begin with." Or maybe it was that he simply didn't like having a heart because it hurt more than anything.

Turning back to the computer, he shook his head. He wanted to ask her directly if she would have let Aaron go too, but if he did that, then she'd know Aaron was still close, and she could get into hot water herself. "I guess only time will tell if I made the right choice," he concluded. "So... what was it I was supposed to be looking at here?

Hearing Ron's brief report, Kirk tensed. Jason's pickup had been abandoned? He glanced at Adison. Any other time and he'd suspect foul play. Perhaps even the Agency. But after yesterday, all he could surmise was that Jason and Katie really had run.

He looked back up at his friend and pursed his lips, thinking a long moment. "It's classified. However, I want you to continue investigating. Keep it low-key though. I just want to know where Jason and Katie both went." He knew Ron wouldn't be happy with that, but it was all he was willing to give at this point. They had a real problem on their hands, and he wasn't even so sure he could talk to Reese about it. More than likely, Reese already knew. And that made this whole thing worse. His eyes returned to Adison. Now what?

Stacy's words caught Erich just a bit off guard, unsure as to exactly what either of them were saying at this point. He knew what he wanted to say, but he'd already blown any chance of doing it smoothly. "Well, I... I think I am?" Eric cringed a little. Every once in a while he was still reminded of his old head injury, making it hard to find the right words or use proper grammar, and it was worse when he was nervous. "I mean..." 

He could feel the heat in his face and was glad it was dark. "I'm not doing a very good job of this am I?"

Dead End

Thinking again about what Garret said Sapphire thought for a long moment as she bit her bottom lip. Stick her pen behind her eat she sat back in her chair. His question was a good one and not an easy one to answer.

   "Because even if you get in trouble you still know in your heart it is the right thing to do, and even if you are sad about the outcome it still made you feel good for doing it. Following your heart is not an easy road to take, but if it were easy it wouldn't be as special in the end."

Searching his face again Sapphire wondered what Garret was talking about. What had he done he thought was right but might get in trouble for.

   "Make sense?"

Sam got up and followed Kirk once again. Getting to Jason's and then Katie's and seeing them not home Adison found it strange but maybe they were really just out. This whole thing was ridiculous and didn't make any sense.

Looking up from his desk at Kirk Ron quirked an eyebrow. Ron wanted to ask questions as to why Kirk was being so hush hush but he knew better. It wasn't his job to know why.

   "Yeah I can see what I can do."

...Hours later Ron finally returned from and wondered to Kirk's cubical. He really hadn't found much but what he did find made him worry.  He didn't know what was going on.

   "Hey Kirk! I've got a few things. Almost everything lead me to a dead end. I did find Jason's truck abandoned on a deserted road, and from what I can tell they are not in town anymore. Everything else didn't bring up anything."

Ron searched Kirk's face for a long moment.

   "Whats going on?"

If I saw no can we just stay here?

Katie finally let out a small sigh knowing they couldn't really even if she wanted too. She could feel Jason's sugar dropping just a little and knew he needed to eat something before it went lower. Sitting up and stretching Katie looking to Jason and smiled a little. She felt better then she had before that was for sure.

Of course I will. I'm feeling a little hungry myself. Some fresh air would be nice too.

   "Things don't always turn out how was want, but there is always a reason for another."

Hearing Eric stumbles over his words Stacy couldn't help but laugh a little as her heart raced. She wasn't sure if he was asking what she thought he was but it was cute.

Bringing her finger up to the brim of his hand and pushing it upward so she could see his eyes again she smiled. The moon danced on his face and she never felt more in love.

    "If you are asking what I think you are asking the answer is yes, and I think Ashlee would be thrilled. If you arnt asking what I think you are, just forget what I said."

June 26, 2017


Garret sighed and let his eyes fall to his keyboard, fiddling with the keys. "Yeah... I probably should just keep my mouth shut then."

He became silent as his mind continued to process what had happened earlier. He felt as though he could relate to what Sam had done. He'd just virtually done the same thing, after all. Of course, Aaron hated him and that did put a slightly different spin on things. But he'd still broken protocol as severely as Sam - maybe even more so since there was a manhunt on for Aaron now. 

It was several minutes before he gave Sapphire another sidelong glance. "If you do what you think is right... but you're punished for it... like Sam... then what's the point in doing what you think is right in the first place?"

Kirk continued to think, nodding absentmindedly at Adison. "I still don't quite understand why they'd be that scared. Barnes wouldn't make them into a science experiment - he'd just want to utilize them better."

Taking a deep breath, he stood again, grabbing his keys. "Come on. I wanna go check something out." Making sure she came with him, he went out to his car, then headed across town. His first stop was Jason's house. There was no garage, and it was obvious Jason's pickup was not there. A quick look in the backyard also proved Trooper was not at home. There wasn't much discussion as they went to Katie's next, again finding an empty house. After that, they checked out a few common places like the park and Mom and Pop's. Kirk tried calling both their cell phones, but received no answer. Nothing really pointed towards anything. Jason and Katie could be anywhere. They could be out of town for the afternoon, or could have just gone up to the lake. Even so, Kirk still had a gnawing feeling in his gut.

Once they were back to the Elite again, he didn't feel any better about the whole thing, but didn't feel like he should go question Reese again. Instead, he went to Ron's cubicle...

"Hey, Ron?" He leaned on the wall and thought for a moment. "Would you... do me a favor?" He kept his voice low. "I, um... I need your detective instincts." He assumed Ron was one of the very few who hadn't yet been told about Jason and Katie. "I'm trying to locate Jason and Katie. Just, um... no questions asked."

Jason kicked off his shoes and laid down on his side so Katie could curl up in front of him, and he put his arm around her, tucking her in close. He was mentally and emotionally exhausted, and just to be able to relax a little now was exactly what he needed. 

Finding her hand to hold, he closed his eyes and sighed deeply as he let his emotions slowly release. He knew he couldn't risk letting them all go at once, but they were building again, and he needed to vent them, lest he have an episode or get sick. This... was now a part of rest - allowing this to happen so that his body could recover and stabilize. There were some unpleasant emotions mixed in, and he was sorry, but he knew he had to release those too, gradually letting them flow to Katie so she could recharge as well. Unfortunately, he knew part of her exhaustion was because he'd been holding back the last couple days.

It took a while at the slow pace, but eventually he could feel himself starting to even out, and as he did, sleep finally overtook him...

...It was a couple hours later when he finally pried open his eyes again. He hadn't moved an inch, and was now a little stiff, but too warm and comfortable to move. At the very least, they'd had enough of a reprieve to allow them both to recover to a certain degree. 

His nostrils picked up the scent of fresh bread and vegetables, and his stomach growled. If he didn't eat soon, his sugars were going to get too low and they'd have a whole other issue to deal with. He kissed the back of Katie's head before giving her a little squeeze. 

Hey... you awake? 

He yawned and stretched out his legs to unkink his knees. He wasn't about to assume these people would be feeding them.

I need to go out and get something to eat. Wanna come along?

Eric slid his arm around Stacy's shoulder, never tiring of feeling her close. Hearing her words, his heart beat a little faster, and he wondered if she noticed. He recalled Ashlee's words from earlier too, making his pulse even quicker. 

"I always wanted to be a dad too," he admitted quietly. "I hadn't expected it to happen quite like this though," he added with a chuckle, before clearing his throat. "Do you... I mean, Ashlee, she um... well, she seems to like this. Us. I just wanna be sure I guess. I mean that she'd like it if we... well, if we..." 

He scratched the back of his head, pushing the brim of his hat so it slid down over his eyes to hide his sheepish expression. "Mm-hmm. That."


Following behind Jason Katie stayed close just taking in the whole house. As the dogs came over to them Katie smiled leaning down and scratching one of their heads. She liked dogs, she could handle them. They seemed super friendly too. 

Being shown downstairs Katie took the space in. It wasn't big like her home had been but it was good enough for herself and Jason. It was comfy and welcoming at least. 

Smiling at Jason Katie came closed and sank down on the couch with him. She let her own emotions that were of love, and comfort. In spite of everything and how nervous she was Katie was happy Jason was with her. He gave you the strength needed to keep going. 

A nap sounds good and getting to cuddle with you even better.

As Kirk left Adison went back to her work just a little surprised at how quickly he came back. Stopping what she was doing again she sat back in her chair and study his face for a long moment. Listing to his words she took in what he said and just thought for a long moment getting a strange feeling in her stomach again.

   "I felt something was off this morning, but I am not sure what."

Letting out a sigh she thought again for a long moment.

   "I don't think they would do that, I guess it really depends on how scared they were that we were going to turn them in. Maybe they just needed some time to calm their own nerves. I'm not sure if we should give it a day, or inquire more."

Seeing Garret come back Sapphire gave him a smile before going back to work. He mostly took his lunch break elsewhere so it was not out of the ordinary for him. Hearing him start to talk she looked at him and studied him for a long moment wondering what he was talking about. 

   "Technically you couldn't, but that really depends on what you are talking about too?!"

Walking with Eric Stacy let him set the pace. She wasn't sure how his leg was and didn't want to move too fast for him. She didn't mind taking the slower walk really. Being with Eric in the cool night air was nice, and they really hadn't had much alone time so this was extra special.

   "Well all those other people are dumb. This place, and you are amazing. You need to think better of yourself."

Stacy leaned into him and gave a small kiss before resting her head on his chest looking into the dark as well. The moon was bright but little fire flys could still be seen dancing. It was peaceful and calming. 

   "You and the girls are our family too. We love all three of you more than anything. I've always wanted to be a mom again. You've given that to me."

Would They?

I'm sure they wouldn't. We both should probably rest a while.

Sarah sensed the awkwardness, and motioned them to follow her. "Come. Let me show you the house so you know where to go, then you can get settled in." 

As they neared the hall, the three dogs were wriggling, almost bursting with excitement. Jed chuckled and nodded to them. "Alright, you guys. Say hello." 

The dogs raced forward with excited whimpers, jumping up on Katie and Jason's legs, and looking for their hands to lick. "Okay, okay," Jed chided. "Don't knock them over." He grinned at Katie and Jason. "This is Toto, Dorothy and Rin... Tin Tin Man." 

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Mr. Genius here named that one." She kept on walking towards the open basement door. "Right down here," she directed, leading them downstairs. It wasn't a huge space, but it was clean and welcoming. "I'm sure you have more things in your car - you can bring in whatever you want. The mini fridge down here has some bottles of water in it - but upstairs there's some ice tea an pop too. You just help yourselves to whatever you want." 

Jed helped bring in their bags, and it wasn't long before Jason and Katie were alone, left to rest. Jason sank down on the couch, noting it was long enough for him to stretch out on. Just sitting, he put his head back and closed his eyes. "I'll take the couch tonight," he mentioned tiredly. "You take the bed in the bedroom." 

For a nap though... 

A grin creased his lips as his emotions shifted to something a little more playful. 

Join me?

"No..." Kirk shook his head. "I had wanted to wait until afternoon before starting another argument with him." He sighed. Up until recently, he and Reese had been getting along fairly well - in spite of their differences. Then with the whole Aaron thing, then this... he was back to wondering if this would ever really work. He wasn't as uptight as he'd been yesterday, but he was still feeling the stress, and it was making him tired.

Looking back to Adison, he smirked. "Guess I should go find out though. I need to stay on top of this - it's too important not to." He finally got to his feet and left to go to Reese's office. He wasn't gone very long, and he'd returned to flop back down in his chair. "Well... they haven't called in, but Reese said, and I quote, 'I trust them to take care of themselves. If we need them, I'll call them.'" Kirk frowned. "He said otherwise, he would leave them be because of their whole... issue... thing."

He searched Adison's eyes for a moment. "Call me paranoid but something just feels... off. If he was a suspect I was interrogating, I'd say he was hiding something. But what? I mean, it's not like Jason and Katie would go AWOL over this..." His voice trailed off until he dared finish his thought. "Would they?"

Garret sank down in his chair inside Saphire's cubicle. He'd taken his time getting back from his "lunch break" and had avoided going by way of Nate, heading straight to Sapphire where he needed to help her with more research anyway. His mind wasn't exactly on task though. 

Rolling forward to the laptop they let him use, he opened it, but sighed, then gave Sapphire a sidelong glance. "So since... I'm not an Elite agent... technically I can't get suspended, right?"

"Of course!" Eric watched Stacy walk away before finally turning to go inside his bunk. Sitting on the edge of his bed a few minutes later, his eyes came to rest on his nightstand drawer. What was inside had been sitting there for close to a month now. His hands got clammy just thinking about it. This whole thing with Stacy was so different than what he'd experienced before. With Dana, it had been a whirlwind. He'd been completely swept up in her affections. He'd been totally taken with her and what he thought was genuine love. It had happened fast and he'd fallen hard. With Stacy... his feelings had grown over a longer length of time. There was no whirlwind. No urgency. No blindness to reality. Yet his heart had never felt this full. He had loved Dana and would have stayed with her forever. But the feelings he had for Stacy now were... more real. 

Shaking all thoughts from his head, he finally got up and headed for the shower. He'd figure it all out... right?

...The day moved into evening, and the ranch was peaceful. Supper was no less good than usual, and the room was full of smiles and chatter. It was several hours later though, when finally all chores were done, evening tasks were finished, and babies were down for the night. And Eric finally got his walk with Stacy. He was now quite sore from earlier, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. 

Walking - slowly - behind the barns in the soft grass, he held Stacy's hand, just watching the fireflies and feeling the cool breeze. Every once in a while, he'd glanced down at her from under the brim of his hat, simply watching as the moonlight danced along her face. And he'd give her hand a squeeze. 

Coming up on a pasture fence, he stopped to lean on the top rail, and looked out into the peaceful dark. "You know... what you said earlier..." He turned to look at her again. "About sticking around here, I..." He swallowed hard. "Well it... I mean... it meant a lot to me. Not everybody would wanna stay here, let alone with me and, I just..." He bit his lip. There was that lurch in his stomach again. "Well you and Ash are... you're as much my family as the twins are."

Get There First

   "I promise to go slow."

Stacy smiled at Eric. She didn't mind taking it a little slower tonight for Eric's sake and spending a little extra time with him would be really nice too.

   "I don't have to work tonight. Xander is going to be doing rounds for me. So my whole night is free."

Leaning up Stacy gave Eric a kiss on the cheek before stepping away. She knew he needed to shower, and she needed to clean up for dinner too. If she didn't let him go now she never would. 

   "I'll save you a seat at dinner unless you get there first then you save me one."

Turning to look at Kirk from her desk Adison gave a nod. she had noticed they weren't here today. She hoped they were ok whatever was going on now. Even if they new they did have to tell the FBI she still cared. 

   "I don't think they have thrown a fit at all except at the mention to telling the FBI. My guess would be they are not feeling well today, or are scared to come in and see you."

Thinking again for a second she leaned back in her chair tapping her pen for a second while she thought. She was getting a strange feeling even though she couldn't put her finger on why. It left her unsettled though.

   "Did you ask Reese?"

Staying close to Jason as they walked up to the house he was her shelter. With him she felt the safest. Even if he was nervous too his confidence was nice and made her feel good. Giving Jason a smile she nodded at his comment. Everything would be ok and she believed that. If they had to make modifications to where they were they would.

That's a little less stress knowing we didn't come unannounced.

Katie offered a handshake to Jed, and then to Sarah giving a small smile too. She was thankful for what these people were doing for them. She new, they knew there Aunt, but they didn't know them and yet they were willing to take them into their home no questions asked.  

   "Thank you very much for taking use into your home."

Looking to Jason again Katie's eyes held so many different emotions at once. She wasn't sure what to do now. It felt strange being in someone elses home and not her own where she could just do whatever. 

Do you think they would be upset if we went to rest? I feel exsausted!

June 25, 2017


"You..." Eric stood and took Stacy's hand. "...Are the greatest." As they walked slowly to his bunkhouse, his eyes roamed the ranch. The horses. People. Everything. As much as he'd been addicted to the road, this would always be home to him. 

"Maybe... later tonight... after the girls are put down... we could take a walk? My leg could handle at least that much. As long as you don't walk too fast," he teased. "I've been so busy lately, I... feel like I've deprived us of some alone time."

“I don’t want anything to eat.” Kirk closed his eyes, enjoying Adison running her fingers through his hair, and he sighed deeply. “I wouldn’t mind a movie though.” He paused, thinking. “We could pop some popcorn,” he mumbled tiredly. He didn’t want her to suffer just because he was feeling miserable. “And… watch a super hero movie. ‘Cause the good guy always wins.” 

Finally he got enough gumption to sit back up again and got to his feet. It wasn't long before he was back on the couch, but this time he was sitting up straight, cozied up to Adison, his bare feet up on the coffee table, and sharing a big bowl of popcorn with her. As Iron Man played, he tried to let his mind get lost in the fictional story and leave behind the worries of the day. It wasn't easy, but he knew he needed to give himself a break. 

By the time the movie ended, he'd fallen asleep, and had a hard time getting up and letting Adison go. But at least he was still tired enough to sleep the rest of the night so he was feeling better by morning...

..."You notice Jason and Katie haven't shown up yet today?" Kirk swiveled in his chair and glanced at Adison. He'd let the whole matter drop and hadn't said a word about it all morning... until now, and it was almost noon. "Think they're... 'sick' again? Or think they're just throwing a fit because I confronted them?"

The abandoned brick building was only a couple blocks from the Elite building. They'd searched this entire area, except they'd all assumed one thing: that Aaron wasn't capable of climbing.

Garret stood outside looking up a the fire escape ladder. Even he had made some assumptions, which only proved how much his skills had gone downhill since coming here. He had to get back in the field, or he was gonna lose all his skills. Today though, he was finally following his gut rather than Elite protocols. It was lunchtime, so no one would question his absence. It had become his habit to disappear over the noon hour. Most people thought he was going out to eat, but generally... he just drove until he found a quiet secluded spot to sit and think.

Shaking all the other thoughts from his mind, he grabbed hold of the rusted ladder and started to climb. He kept going until he'd reached the top floor, finding the window easy to force open. He entered cautiously though, on full alert. He wished he had a firearm, but that would happen only in his dreams right now.

The top floor was open, other than steel support beams, and rows of windows provided light - albeit dusty light. Garret stood perfectly still, holding his breath as he listened, and picked up the slightest sound from the other end of the room. Walking quickly but silently, he headed that direction. There was a small corner here that he hadn't seen from the other angle. Slowing and rounding it cautiously, he stopped in his tracks.

Aaron sat on the floor, leaned back against the wall, and held what looked to be a makeshift knife out of a scrap of metal. His clothes looked about as disheveled as they should for not having changed in a week, and bits of wrappers proved he'd gotten hold of some food somehow. Though he was glaring up at Garret, there was surprise in his eyes too. "Get out of here," he hissed.

Garret dared to move a couple steps closer. "Everyone thinks you skipped town."

"Yeah well... that's kinda the point, you know?"

"Why are you still here?"

"Why did you even look here?"


Aaron scoffed. "Same instinct that brought you to the Elite in the first place?"

Garret sighed. "Still hate me huh?"

"Oh that doesn't even cover it." Aaron's grip tightened around his homemade knife. "How about coming a little closer?"

Garret shook his head. "You might think I'm stupid, but I'm not that stupid. You never answered my question. Why are you still here?"

Aaron gritted his teeth and looked down at the floor.

"You don't have anywhere else to go, do you?"

"You're not taking me back." Aaron shook his head stubbornly. "I'm not going back there."

"You're sitting here in an abandoned building, two blocks from the Elite with no food and no future." Garret rolled his eyes. "Sounds a heck of a lot better than your own room with a warm bed, food at your disposal and real people to talk to." He nodded. "Mm-hmm. Real smart move on your part there."

"Shut up!" Aaron threw another glare at him. "You try to take me back, you'll regret it."

"You haven't even tried to get up since I got here," Garret pointed out. "Your knee is worse, isn't it? Let me guess... you hurt it when you climbed up here."

Aaron's jaw tightened again. Yes. He'd made it all the way up the ladder then had torqued his knee climbing through the window. Walking afterward had been torture. "You think you're so smart."

"Not really." Garret sighed. He squatted down where he was to be at Aaron's eye level. "I shoulda seen this coming, actually." He paused. "So what's your plan now?"


"You just gonna... eat twinkies and potato chips til they run out then... die up here?"

"Of course not!"

"So... what then?"

"Why should I tell you? You're just gonna take me back anyway, so what difference does it make?" Aaron added a curse before hurling his knife aside. There was no way he could physically take Garret, and he knew it. "Just kill me now. I'd rather die than go back."

Garret thought a few moments. "You caused quite a stir, you know."


"Oh, yeah. We're down two agents now."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sam and Pete. They got suspended."

"What?" Aaron's eyes widened. "Why?"

"Well, duh." Garret scoffed. "For letting you go."

"You can't be serious. The Elite is full of pansies who let their agents do whatever they want. I figured they'd get a slap on the wrist at most."

"Yeah well... things are changing. Kirk suspended Sam, and Reese suspended Pete. It's unknown for how long or if they're even going to be allowed back at all. The FBI is not happy. Agents are still looking for you, and the madder the FBI gets, the less likely it gets that Sam and Pete will be allowed back."

Aaron looked down again. His mind reeled with memories of Sam and how much she cared about her job. How much she loved it. And how kind she'd been. He even thought of eating french toast with Pete.

Garret sighed and stood up straight again. "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for."

Aaron's gaze shot up in new surprise. "You're not... taking me in?"

"No." Garret pursed his lips. "I know what it feels like to feel trapped in that place and... I would have done anything to get out. I know the feeling of going mad staring at those walls. And I know you hate me... but I can't take you back, knowing how it feels." Without saying anything more, he turned and walked away, going back the way he'd come.

Left alone again, Aaron sat, staring at one of the dingy windows. He had no plan. He had no more food. He had no money. He had nowhere to go. And he'd ruined Sam's future. Pete's too. But he felt worse for Sam. If either of them would be allowed back, it would be Pete since Sam was the one in charge. All she'd done was try to help. She'd sacrificed countless hours just trying to befriend him. Trying to help. He hadn't realized his actions would get her into that much trouble. This feeling... this... guilt... it wasn't what he'd planned. Shifting slightly, he winced as pain shot through his knee, only adding to his negative emotions. He'd assumed he couldn't get any lower than where he'd been before... but he was now.

Jason emerged from the small, used car, and he waited for Katie to join him. It was a quiet neighborhood with nice but not fancy houses, and streets lined with trees. The house they'd parked at was a cute little two-story house with a big front porch and flowers the brightened the yard. It was... homey. 

Taking Katie's hand as she came around the car, Jason gave her a reassuring smile. 

It's gonna be okay. Promise. 

They'd traveled the train line just like they'd planned, then had picked up a used car at the first place they could find. Between their own cash, plus what Sam had brought, they'd been able to pull it off with some to spare for other supplies. The rest of the route into New Mexico had gone without a hitch - other than the both of them being exhausted, more from stress than any physical exertion...

...Sarah glanced out the window through the blinds and eyed the young couple. "They're here," she called over her shoulder. At her announcement, three little terriers started barking and running circles around the front door. 

"Hey, hey, shush." Jed came out of the kitchen where he'd been working and quieted the dogs. "You sure it's them?"

"Oh yes." Sarah smiled. "Katie is definitely Rosetta's niece." 

"So we don't know exactly why they're here?"

"Nope." She looked up at her husband. "We've been over this, remember?" All they knew was Katie and her boyfriend worked for the Elite and were in some kind of trouble. They needed a safe place to lay low until whatever it was blew over or until they had to move on.

"I know." Jed sighed. "I just hope everything really is okay. I'm not worried for us, but for them. It's unnerving that Rosetta needed to call us." As the doorbell rang, he moved for the door and hushed the dogs again. He pointed to the hallway, and all three terriers scurried where they were told and sat down to stare at the door from a distance. Opening the door, Jed smiled and stepped to the side. "Katie? Jason? Come on inside." 

See? Rosetta got a hold of them.

In spite of Jason's confident words, he couldn't help his relief. "Thank you." He entered slowly with Katie, still gripping her hand tightly. 

Jed offered them both handshakes. "I'm Jed Kusher, and this is my wife, Sarah."

She stepped forward for handshakes as well. 

"Rosetta called us last night," Jed explained. "We have a finished basement that has a living room and bedroom, and it's got its own bathroom. It's all ready for you." He gestured to the kitchen. "We've also got plenty of food to go around, so don't hesitate to ask for whatever you need." 

Jason's emotions flared again - this time it was gratefulness and humility. "Thank you," he repeated. "This... means a lot to us."