January 7, 2017


   "Oh I know what side I am on and I like to keep you guessing."

Not having anything else to do here right now Sam gave a nod. Maybe the problem was she let Aaron get under her skin too much. Sam didn't know what it was but she was going to try over again with the few suggestion from Garret.

   "As for the lock, it's not to keep you in anymore. It's to give you something to do. If I really did want to keep you locked in a room I would throw you in that cell."

Giving a wink Sam was good for now and grabbed her own lunch before exiting the room and locking the door behind her. Now it was off to the break room to have her own lunch.

Looking up at Carson's voice Misty smiled. She might have been irritated with him earlier but she was still happy to see him. Giving a little shake of her head she chuckled.

   "It's ok, we were having too much fun and kinda got a late start ourselves."

Finishing everything up and putting the grilled cheese on plates along with the soup Misty had Mac get drinks. Finally, everything was ready and they could sit and eat. 

Just quiet at the table it felt kind of awkward Misty wasn't one hundred percent sure what to talk about. She knew what she wanted to talk about but it was best if Mac wasn't around for that chat. 

   "So, what were you up to while we girls were getting into trouble? It looks to me like maybe you were painting something."

Taking the long way Ryan didn't mind as she put her hands in her pockets and followed listing. Hunter's voice matched the atmosphere here. Soft, and Ryan liked listening to it. 

Getting back to the bunks finally as much as she didn't want too Ryan gave a yawn. The day had been exciting and the night a little over whelming. Now she just needed to sleep and recharge for another no doubly exciting day tomorrow.

   "Thank you, Hunter, again, for everything."

Placing a hand on Hunter's arm Ryan gave a very small smile with a nod before turning to go into her bunk. She didn't think she would be able to sleep right away but she could at least try. 

Closing the door behind her and flopping down on the bed she pulled out her phone to message Eli.

We made it ok. It a lot bigger here than I thought.
Feeling a little overwhelmed but it's not to bad
Everyone seems super nice.