January 19, 2017

Proper Boots

Hunter was a little surprised at Ryan's half hug before she sat down. Not that he minded - he didn't at all. But he never would have pegged her to be the affectionate type. Maybe this was more the real Ryan away from the races and he just hadn't seen it before. 

Smiling, he sipped his own coffee before starting in on his scrambled eggs. "I'm glad you're having fun." He'd been a little worried starting out - the ranch wasn't for everyone. Just because it had helped him didn't mean it would help Ryan. But... if the last day or two were any indication...

"Mmm, my morning's been good so far." He nodded and took another sip of coffee, raising it up a little. "Especially now." He grinned. "Naw, I was helping with a few different things and feeding in the other barn. Mick said I could take Bonzai out for a while today. Dylan might be riding too. We could always throw you back up on Buttons if you wanted." He looked down at her feet. "Though if you're gonna go solo, we'll fix you up with some proper boots." 

Hal fidgeted a moment with a tape dispenser to which paperclips were sticking. "Yeah, okay. It's alright with me."

Kirk chuckled. "Adison might have to take it easy on all of us. You won't have to worry about me." 

Hal grinned a little and nodded. "Okay." 

Kirk explained where he and Adison had gone with Ron before, and agreed on a meeting time. Then turned back to his original purpose for stopping by while Hal continued to clean up. "Sounds like things are moving kinda slow with Aaron." He addressed Sam. "I need some sort of written report to give, so whatever you think is best to say... Doesn't have to be too lengthy, but if you could get it to me in the next couple days, that would be great." 

Rosalyn sat in the warm sun, letting her toes sink deeper into the sand. Stray strands of hair blew gently across her face as she looked out over the ocean. It was such a peaceful place...and one she visited almost daily now. 

Just a half mile up the beach was the marina where Chad's team had been working the last few weeks. Rosalyn was enjoying his company and the company of the others. It had been a little awkward at first - sharing a space with them. But she was quickly feeling more and more like family, and of course, she loved every moment with Chad. She'd found a little part time work at a small souvenir shop near the beach - just enough to contribute a little money, but still allowing her plenty of time to be with Chad, or, like today, by herself. 

She looked one more time at her phone message, then tucked the phone in her handbag before she sighed. Chad would be here soon to get her for lunch. She'd ask him then what he thought she should do.