January 27, 2017

Come Back

Letting her smile fade for a second Ryan thought about what Hunter said before squinting her eyes and then laughing again giving a nod. Getting off of Hunter she rolled to the side onto the hay next to him and just laid there looking up at the roof.

   "You're right, I don't like to lose, but the view really was nice too. Don't sell yourself short, you are a good looking guy."

Having finally drifted off to sleep Hope thought maybe she heard the whine of a dog but she wasn't sure. Hearing it again she tried to pull herself a little more out of the sleepy state. 


Hearing the whimper again and her bed move Hope sat up and saw the little dog at the door. That was odd. Why wasn't she with Scott still? Seeing she wanted her to follow Hope got out of bed and but her bathrobe on. Wandering into the living room Hope saw Scott on the couch tossing and turning and her heart sank. He had been sleeping so peacefully and now he was in another nightmare was her stuff.

Coming closer and easing down on the couch Hope reaches out to rest a hand on Scott shoulder and shake him just a little.

   "Scott...wake up...it's just a dream...come back to me Scott."