January 17, 2017

If you need

Getting to the bunks Ryan looked up at Hunter as her smile grew a little more. His smile was one of the best she had seen in a long time, it fit him nicely. Reaching out Ryan wiped a stray kernel of popcorn from his cheek no doubt from the nightly antics. Just letting her hand linger for a long moment she ran her thumb over his cheek. Just looking up into the never ending pools of his eyes.

Finally dropping her hand she new Hunter wanted to get to bed and maybe, just maybe tonight the bad dreams would keep their distance. She'd enjoyed being wrapped up in Hunter's arms the last few nights and it was something she could get use to...no strings attached...but she knew he more than likely missed having a whole bed to himself.

   "Wake me up tomorrow when you get up ok? I'd like to see how the ranch is early morning, and see if maybe I can help you in the barn."

Turning and walking to her bunk next door Ryan went up on the porch and stopped looking back over at Hunter. Leaning her head against the screen door she had open just a little bit she called across the way.

   "Night Hunter. You know where I am...if you need me for anything at all."

Finally, she disappeared inside. She wasn't sure why she said that Hunter pretty much had his life together. But it felt right, and if he did need her it was a good way to repay him for all his kindness.

Well at least the conversation lead to something semi-good.  Giving a smile at Gage she nodded. She'd never miss a date nite with him. At least not unless something super important came up and that rarely happened. 

   "Of course I am going. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Letting out a long sigh and running a hand over her face Sam sat back in her chair listening to Justin. He looked about as tired as she felt. Nothing on knowing what Aaron was doing, and hearing Justin thought Aaron would make a run for it once his knee was better Ryan just felt more stressed about the whole thing.

   "Let's hope we can."

Looking to Hal for a second she was sure she was probably looked as tired as she felt. Maybe she was coming down with something.

   "Let's try and get a cam in the breakroom Aaron wont see, just to make sure he's not doing anything."