January 22, 2017


Laura giggled at Nate's affection and she nodded. "I know." Slipping her arm around him, she cuddled in even closer. "Tomorrow you can talk to Reese about when you can take vacation. But he better let it be soon. Otherwise I'm liable to unleash my wrath while reminding him of how hard you've been working lately."

Nate deserved far more than just a week away from work, but she'd settle for that. He hadn't had a break in far too long. And having him all to herself for a few days was a rather appealing idea too. She gave him a squeeze. "Think Garret will be okay here alone?"

Hal leaned back in his chair as he listened to Sam. She seemed so well adjusted, he never would have guessed she was somewhat neglected by her parents. His eyes fell at one point, and his hands fidgeted with a napkin in his lap. As she finished though, he looked back up at her. 

"Most people... would be bitter. You're a strong person to have come out of all that the way you have." He shook his head. "I would hardly say my little issues even compare to what your brother has had to face." He couldn't imagine what it must have been like to be Tyler, left to fend for himself and at the mercy of his young sister. 

"I can relate to the parents not being around though," he admitted. "Single mom who liked to feed a gambling addiction more than me." A smile creased his lips. "I guess we've all got stories, don't we?" He shook his head before glancing at his watch. It was getting late. But his headache was gone and so was his anxiety, leaving him not really wanting the night to end. 

He looked at his empty bowl and chuckled. "I... have run out of excuses not to head home. Got any good ones?"

Hunter grinned and shook his head a little. "Nu-uh. If I close my eyes again, we're gonna be here all afternoon and they'll send out the cavalry looking for us."  

His hand instinctively moved to gently tuck her stray strands of hair behind her ear. "Come on," he prompted softly. In all actuality, it would be very easy to simply stay put. He was comfortable too. But someone really would come looking for them if they didn't show up soon.

His fingers traced around her cheek and down her jaw, then back up again. Having her nestled into him like this felt...way too good. And again he mentally warned himself about this whole thing. It didn't stop his hand though, from combing through her bangs, his palm caressing her forehead. 

"Buttons feels neglected," he prompted again. "Besides, wouldn't you much rather finish your nap in a nice comfortable bed at your bunkhouse?"