January 23, 2017


Getting into work Sam felt good today. After last night even if there was a rough start it had been good and she was in a good mood looking forward to the day. Getting into the security office Sam smiled seeing Ty and gave a little wave. Not seeing Hal she looked around the room. Odd, he was always there before her.

   "Good Morning Ty. No Hal today?"

Maybe it was because of all going on yesterday that he was not here today. She hoped he'd be ok and recover soon. She felt bad, but now she new and if they every did hang out maybe they could avoid busy places unless he was feeling really up to it.

   "Geh thanks...at least I know I can count on you after you are done laughing."

Smiling Ryan continued to walk and bumped into Hunter just a little. Continuing to follow him she tucked her hands in her pockets. Getting to the fence and leaning on the post next to Hunter Ryan just soaked in the cool air. 

   "It is going by fast. I don't want it to go too fast, I'm enjoying myself."

Taking a deep breath and then letting it out again Ryan just closed her eyes. Listing to the quiet sounds. 

   "Tonight...I'm not sure if I am ready to face the night yet, but..I've got to at least try. I almost feel like things have been going to good that something is going to happen and slap me in the face to wake me up from this dream."

Opening her eyes and looking at Hunter the moon might have been hidden slightly but what light there was danced in her eyes. She last few days had been good ones, and she couldn't help but wonder when something might slid down hill.