January 23, 2017


As Hunter offers for Ryan to join him she didn't hesitate and as he pulled her into his lap Ryan curled close bringing her face close to his chest. Closing her eyes she just sat there for a long moment listen to his breathing, feeling his chest go up and down, and letting the the smell of his soap fill her nose. He was so comfortable, so soothing, she just couldn't help it.

   "I keep having dreams about being alone, and when I wake up I feel alone. It never bothered me before, I liked it just being...me. But now it scares me."

Shifting just a little Ryan thought for a moment. It was hard to gather her feelings. She wasn't even sure herself how she felt and she had never been one good at expressing that.

   "I don't know how to explain how I feel either. The last few days were so good and then tonight...Everything just flooded back. Eveyone I care about leaves...My mom, My dad, John, Alec, Tal...what if one day...you're gone too? Getting close to someone only to have them leave sucks."

As the door opened Sam looked up from her report she was writing Kirk. Seeing Hal she smiled. He looked tired, but it was nice to at least see him an see he was doing alright.

   "Mmmm...I actually haven't had lunch yet. I slipped my mind as I wrote this report."

Smeling that chicken her stomach growled. Giving a grin she couldn't help but scoot just a little closer to Hal giving him big puppy dog eyes.

   "However...now that I smell what you brought my stomach is reminding me."