January 22, 2017


As Hunter started to rub Ryan's shoulder she couldn't help the content sigh and grunt. It felt good to have someone loosen up her shoulder and Hunter touch was light but really got into the muscle. As he cracked her back she couldn't help the small gasp.


Moving her neck around and she looked to Hunter and smile. She did feel a little better now thanks to him.

   "That does feel better, but we can pretend it's not so we can go for a walk still!"

Getting back up on the horse it didn't take quite as long as it had before and she was up. Having Hunter join her once again and take the reins Ryan let him. It's not she didn't want to, but if she was honest with herself she liked Hunter having his arms around her and this was a good way to have that without actually asking and scaring him away.

Standing and giving a nod Sam didn't mind going the safe route. The other way would be fine but she would rather be safe than sorry and it was nice that Hal had suggested the safer route. 

Zipping up her jacket and sticking her hands in her pockets and fell in line with Hal walking. Taking a deep breath of the cool air Sam enjoyed looking in the shop windows are they walked. It had been a long time since she had just slown down and enjoyed the little things.

   "Ive never been down this way. It's really nice."

Just continuing to walk Sam stopped again in front of a shop that had some little owl items. She admired them for a long moment before turning to Hal and smiling again.

   "Well I like to take walks, so maybe we should make a habit of it."