January 16, 2017

Thank you

The rest of the night felt good with a little more laughter and the continuations of cards games. By time the night ended Ryan felt good. Oh so sore from all the laughing. She wouldn't change it for anything, though. The laughing felt good.

Following Hunter out and walking across the yard with him Ryan felt content. This was the first full day here and she did feel like she was part of the family already. Bumping Hunter's shoulder with her own Ryan smiled at Hunter before looking away. 

   "Jeff and Clint aren't so bad. Though I feel like if I spend to much time with them I'll end up burning off weight just from laughing."

Taking a deep breath and then letting it out slowly Ryan enjoyed the night air here. It was crisp, fresh, clean...it was just different and nice.

   "I really have a great night...Thank you."

Walking to her bunk though she was tired Ashlee wished the night wouldn't end. Just enjoying their cocoa and sitting talking it had been wonderful. Standing now at the step she just smiled up at Travis. He had opened a whole new world to her today and she couldn't wait to see what the future would bring now.

Accepting Travis kiss Ashlee returned the softness. As he pulled away she brought her own hand to the side of his face and just searched his eyes for a long moment. She could get lost in them.

   "Good Night Travis! I'll see you tomorrow."

Sapphire could feel the thickness in the air that had formed. It bothered her a little but she didn't want to call on it to much. She new for Gage this must be hard, and Garret too. This was a whole new thing to get used to and with the reputation Garret one had she was sure it was not an easy task. 

Giving a nod and a smile to Gage she looked between them both. She was happy to be working with Garret. He was nice, caused no issues with her, and seemed nice. Everyone deserved a second chance and she was willing to give it to him, like she had others.

  "Reese has us working on a mission and Garret needed access to some files. I like the challenge of trying to dig that kind of stuff up so here I am. So far its been productive and fun."