January 31, 2017

Good News

   "Pete seems like an ok guy. I don't mind working with him at all."

Shifting just a little more and looking over the board Ron finally looked away and gave Reese a nod. He had a lot of unpacking, and getting settled to do but he couldn't imagen being out of work for a while. He'd go simply mad and more than likely get himself into trouble.

   "Honestly, I'm happy you are just throwing me in. You'll soon find out I am a workaholic and I don't know how to rest."

Taking a few steps back Ron started for the door before stopping and nodding at Hal.
   "It was good to meet you. Reese if Pete and I could get whatever information Nate gathered already that would be great. Guess I should hunt him down and give him the good news."

Returning the kiss to Clint Wendy smiled up at him and ran her fingers through her hair. Clint had been in such a slump lately this affection she was going to soak up as much as she could. Pulling away and just smiling up at Clint Wendy's eyes twinkled.

   "Maybe you should talk to Wes about seeing if he can help you more?! He might not even know you miss having someone around."

Leaning up and kissing his lips again Wendy finally pulled away. She knew he had to get back.

   "Ok, I will see you for dinner tonight. I love you Clint."

Ashlee couldn't help the big smile that formed on her face as it felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. No one had ever asked her to be there girlfriend before and she felt...all nervous all of a suddon.

   "Yes, I would like that a lot."