January 21, 2017


Ryan couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation. Really that was all she could do. Now being in Hunter's arms Ryan was happy at least she was not stranded alone. Sitting up just a little she tried to look over the grass herself. Just bearly seeing over it she couldn't see the horse at all and went back down to lean closer to Hunter again.

   "I think your right..Buttons is gone. Does she knows her way back or do we have to find her?"

Giving a small laugh once again as she thought about the whole situation she shook her head. This wasn't Hunter's fault. It could of happened no matter what. She was the one who fell after all.

    "I don't blame yourself. Sorry, I smooshed you."

Sam nodded and got in her car. She had no problem keeping up with Hal and following him to and frow. Honestly, she liked driving as strange as it sounded. Not going fast, or turning quick but just relaxing and simply driving. 

Finally pulling into the parking lot Sam had never been to this place before. It was small, and at one glance someone might think it was out of business. But looking closer and seeing lights on and the inside of the building from the large windows in front it looked nice. Getting out and joining Hal Sam smiled.

   "Hey hole in the walls make the best places sometimes and as long as they have mint chocolate ice cream I'm happy. Sitting outside in this nice weather sounds even better."