January 21, 2017


   "I can see how that could be good luck."

Laughing at Hunter Ryan leaned back against the tree sitting with her legs out. Just closing her eyes for a long moment she took in the sounds around her and it was peaceful. Just the quiet with the light noises of birds, crickets and the soft rustle of the wind through the grass and trees. 

   "With how peaceful this is...how can I say no to a nap."

Ryan didn't mind getting up early, but she was more of a late sleeper and this morning was one of the very rare times she ever did get up that early. But now the coffee was wairing off and she was getting tired. 

Shifting a little again Ryan leaned her head to the side and rested it on Hunter's shoulder. He really did make a good pillow. Sliding down a little more she moved her head a little before a smile crept across her face.

   "My pillow seems to be lumpy today. Ten minutes it is."

Hearing Hal's comment about Kirk and Adison Sam's eyes went wide. Thinking about it maybe a ltitle to long Sam finally shook her head trying to get the images in her head out. 

   "Umm...well...we could put a lock on it or something. I don't need to walk in on them smooching."

Taking another spoon full of ice cream Sam savored it once again. Most of the ice cream was melted but it still tasted good, and she was enjoying herself to much to worry about it. Being with Hal was just nice, and it was nice to have someone to chat with.

   "Maybe it's both? Or maybe...I just care so I notice those kind of things. Lots of maybes huh?"