January 26, 2017


Hunter swallowed a laugh at Ryan's comment about liking to cuddle and nodded. "So I noticed." His grin remained as he set aside his own food to make room for the card game. As the rain continued to come and the thunder rolled gently, the atmosphere stayed peaceful and fun. Even though it was a friendly UNO game, the competitiveness was strong, but there was enough laughter to balance it out.

"No... no... ah!" Hunter's hand was attacked by one of the kittens as he tried to put down a draw four card. "Whose side are you on anyway?"

The kitten clung to his hand, ears flat back and tail puffed up as he wrestled with this big monster. Hunter chuckled, and picked the fluffball up to hold him close while putting the card down with his other hand instead. "There. See? I can still make her draw four cards."


He straightened at the sound of Mick's voice from below. "Yeah?"

"You and Ryan still up there?"

"Uh-huh." Hunter got up and wandered closer to the ladder, still holding the kitten. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to let you know Jade fixed some hot chocolate so it's prolly gonna be in the kitchen all afternoon if you guys wanted to warm up at any point. I'm working in the office with Rosetta and Sparky but I know some folks are over there now just hanging out. It's not supposed to stop raining til later this evening."

"Okeedokee. We might wander down in a while. We're being entertained by a mob of kittens at the moment."

Mick chuckled. "Alright. Enjoy yourselves."

Hunter waited until he was gone before wandering back over to the hay bales and sitting back down. "Hot chocolate in the kitchen if we want it. Sounds like the day's pretty well shot as far as any outside activities." A new grin creased his lips as he looked at Ryan. "Not that I mind too awful much."

Aaron turned his head straight again to stare at the far wall. He understood what Sam was saying. He wasn't like Gage or even Garret who didn't know how the real world worked. He'd lived in it. He knew it was a dog-eat-dog world that required work to make it anywhere. His problem? He'd already made it where he'd wanted to be. And now he was back at the bottom. 

"Nothing's changed since high school." Maybe he didn't even realize he'd said it out loud. "Life sucked then. Sucks now. All those years in the Agency... all that work climbing that ladder..." He had a few choice words to say about that, sparing no profanity in front of Sam. When he was done though, all he could do was sigh. Cursing didn't even make him feel better today. 

"Surely there's still a change they'd take me back." It was ironic he was fishing for encouragement from Sam when it involved the subject of the Agency. But he was surrounded by closed doors and just needed one open one. "Maybe Garret's wrong. Maybe the intel was wrong. Maybe if I went back, they'd see how loyal I am." He knew he was kidding himself, but it was the one last thread of hope he had. 

Scott wasn't surprised by Hope's invitation, but he still fell silent anyway as his eyes studied a small tear in his jeans that he hadn't known was there. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been to her place. The last time they'd tried a meal together, she'd come to his house and it had been a disaster. What if he fell apart again? What if he got scared again? What if he pushed her away just like he had before and ruined it all over again? 

Fear surged through his gaze as he finally looked over at her again. He didn't feel hungry, but his mouth watered at the thought of her stew. He knew his body needed food, even if his brain wouldn't recognize it. And Hope's cooking was a safe bet - she was a good cook and it would taste good. 

He swallowed hard, then finally nodded. "Okay. I... I can't guarantee I won't... you know... freak out." He glanced down at his bandaged hand. "I... don't have a lot of control right now." But he'd be willing to try. This whole thing was one big mess, and everything else he'd tried had failed. Maybe... trying it this way wouldn't be so bad...

...Several hours later after Misty had agreed he was okay to leave, Scott followed Hope to her apartment. He still felt a bit woozy, but with Misty's help, at least he was out of danger for the moment...as long as ate. Getting out of his car, Scott sighed and tucked his hands in his hoodie pockets. He felt cold. Which wasn't unusual. He was cold most of the time anymore. Rick had told him it was because he was too thin. He was probably right. 

Scott slowly walked behind Hope until they were inside, and his gaze swept the rooms. He hardly even remembered what her apartment looked like. Had she changed things? He thought so, but he couldn't be sure. Walking to the kitchen, the scent of stew hit his nostrils. Even though it smelled good, he could feel his stomach churn a little and he leaned on the back of a chair. "I think... I'll sit." He really would prefer not to pass out again.