January 21, 2017

Good Idea

Ryan couldn't help but laugh again as Hunter tried to throw her off. As he settled a little though she thought for sure she could feel his heart start beating a little faster. Maybe it was her own, though. Looking down into his eyes like she had so many times before Ryan could feel herself being drawn in. His soft words, seeing his cheeks redden hers did too. A million thought ran through her mind in that one moment.

Realizing maybe she had been looking into his eyes too long Ryan straightened a little and rolled off of Hunter onto her back next to him. Linking her arm with him she took a deep breath before letting it out. 

   "I wouldn't mind a nap, getting up so early has taken a toll and losing track of time sounds fun too."

Turning her head to look at Hunter she smiled again. What was it about him that just seemed to draw her in, to make her feel safe. The strength that was about him was just peaceful. 

   "Making people worry, though...that doesn't sound so fun. I'm not ready to get up yet, though."

Letting Hal pay Sam wouldn't put up too much of a stink about it. She would make up for it with surprise breakfast or lunch sometime next week. Sitting at the table and taking a lick of her cone Sam was silent for a little bit just enjoying her cold treat. The ice cream here really did taste good.

Finally looking up at Hal and cocking her head Sam smiled. She wasn't like most people and she understood a little bit more how deeply some things could run.

   "You don't have to thank me, but you are welcome. I'd have your back anytime. I know something like that you can't just get over."

Quickly taking another lick of her cone as the ice cream was starting to melt already she wondered if not putting it in a bowl had been such a good idea. 

   "I also know something like that can be embarrassing. You shouldn't let it be, and people shouldn't make a big deal out of it but it is and they do. If you ever need an out again just let me know. I am sure some time down the road I am going to need a favor too. At least now I know who to come too."

Few more licks and Sam finally stood and told Hal he would be right back. Going inside and asking for a bowl she came back out and turned her cone upside down in the bowl. Giving a nod that was better and she could eat it a little slower now without getting a brain freeze. Looking to Hal once more she couldn't help but wonder a little more about him.

   "If you don't mind me asking have you always been like that with crowds or did something happen to cause it?"