January 22, 2017

Tough Days

Hal looked over Sam's shoulder as she paused at one of the windows, and noted she was looking at owls. Something she collected? He wondered.

Moving on, her suggestion of more walks made his eyebrows rise. Was she... implying something more than just... coworkers? More than just... friends? He really wasn't sure. But the mere thought made his stomach do a little flip. "I... like walking too," he agreed lamely, avoiding giving her a real answer. "Used to do it all the time. Helped me clear my head on the tough days."

He felt like an idiot, and just kept walking. The strip of shops looped around a circular street - in the center was a small grassy area with a water fountain and some benches. Continuing their route, Hal was a little quieter but the atmosphere was such that talk really wasn't needed. 

It didn't take too awful long before they were back in the Chilly parking lot by their cars. Hal stopped and turned to Sam, giving her a smile. "Thanks... for sticking it out with me tonight even after I wasn't good company at the club." He really meant it... he did truly appreciate her patience. "I've... really enjoyed this."

The ride back to the ranch was quiet, but Hunter was quite comfortable, and... Ryan didn't seem to mind his arms being around her. Once back, he helped her dismount and get Buttons all taken care of before Dylan convinced him to get Bonzai out again for some playing around in the corral. 

It wasn't too long then before supper and chore time, and once again, evening was upon the ranch. Even though a few were going to play cards again, tonight, Hunter found himself outside. He was exhausted...and already sore after his shenanigans with Bonzai earlier, but having fun with Dylan had been worth it, and Mick had even joined them for a little while.

Now though... he had a promise to fill. Well, maybe it wasn't a promise, but close enough. His hands were tucked in his jacket pockets and he nudged Ryan with his elbow as they stepped off the main house porch. "Still want that walk, or you gonna fall asleep standing up?" he teased.