January 18, 2017


Following Hunter across the yard, Ryan fell a little behind giving a yard. Hearing his question she didn't answer yet as she walked a little quicker to catch up to him. Instead of coming up along side him though Ryan grinned and in one swift movement jumped on his back and wrapped her legs around him and her arms over his shoulders. Bringing her face over his shoulder and close to his she gave a small laugh.

   "If  I can't have coffee yet to wake up, you are going to have to carry me. I won't be able to make it on my own."

Just holding on and laughing finally Ryan fell silent and she just held on when they walked. Letting out a content sigh she finally answered Hunter's question.

   "No nightmares thankfully, but I did miss my heating blanket."

Giving a nod back to Justin Sapphire went back to what she was doing just letting them talk. She knew there was some tension there and if need be she'd break anything up Justin tried to pull. But for now, she would leave it be in case he really did need to talk to him.

Just listing Sapphire turned her attachen to Justin again as he asked her to help Garret. She didn't take orders from him but she could never turn down an opportunity to hack into something either. 

Once Justin was gone Sapphire looked to Garret a little confused by the whole thing but new it must be important. 

   "Yeah...well...lets get cracking I guess. Lead me in the right direction and I'll get us in."

Looking up from his desk Nate just eyed Justin for a long moment before giving a nod. He wasn't ready to trust Justin after the stunt he pulled but he would be civil at least. 

   "We plan on it, thanks."

   "Go easy on you...Oh alright."

Sam smiled swiveling in her chair and smiled. She had enjoyed Hal's company last time so why not again. There was good conversation there even if it was about work, and they had laughed a lot while playing darts. It was nice, and maybe this time it would be a little less odd for them both.

   "Mmm...how about six at the same place?"

   "I can give you both some TLC...I'll just make sure to pay more attachen to one than the other."

Following Carson inside Misty looked at everything and the wheels in her mind turned with excitement. The house did need a lot of work but what they could do with it would be wonderful. They really were working from the ground up with this and could make it exactly how they wanted. 

Getting to the kitchen and taking the bottle of water she took a sip before replaying. Looking around the kitchen the wheels still worked in her head. She never thought she would be excited about something like this but she was.

   "Well...the house does need a lot of work, but it's amazing. There are so many possibilities. I love it and think its perfect. I'm excited to help you fit it up. It's going to be wonderful, honestly."