January 19, 2017

Everything Ok

Just sitting there was amazing and Chad loved every moment of it just soaking the seconds up. Rosalyn's touch was light and it sent chills up his arm but he didn't pull away he liked her touch and it felt comforting.

Hearing her mom had texted her and let her know that the threat was gone Chad was glad. He new for the ranch that had to be scary and for Rosalyn is meant her family was safe again and if she chooses to she could go home.

That thought made him a little sad, though. He had gotten used to being around her all the time now thinking of her not being here was hard. He's respect whatever she wanted to do it would just take more adjusting again.

   "That's a good thing though right? Means your family is safe, and everything is going to be ok."

As Rosalyn turned into him Chad held her just a little tighter and closer to him. Resting his head on top of her he gave a content sigh just being silent for a long moment running his fingers through her hair lightly.

   "If you want to go back now that it's safe you can. Of course, if you want to stay you are welcome to as well. Everyone loves you and likes having you around...including me. It's your choice, though. I know I would definitely miss you, though."

Seeing Hal Sam sat a little taller and gave a wave. Taking him in for a long second she couldn't help but feel her cheeks grow a little redder. She looked really good night. Realizing she may be starring Sam looked away and took a sip of her ginger ale and then looking back at him. Sam couldn't help but take note to a sort of thickness in the air that was a little comfortable.

   "I'm happy you came tonight. You look great. Is everything ok, though? I feel like there is a tension. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

Sam kept her voice down enough that others wouldn't hear her. She didn't want to embarrass Hal but she didn't want him to think he has to stay if he'd rather not either. They could go somewhere else, or she wouldn't be offended if he wanted to leave.

As Kirk rocked back in his chair Adison was quick to kick the leg making him start to fall backward before catching the chair to tilt it forward again putting all four feet of it on the ground.

   "Didn't your mom even tell you to keep all your feet on the ground."

Giving a grin Adison looked at the menu again and then Sam and Hal giving a smile before looking to Kirk once more. She might act annoyed but she wasn't. She was actually far from it and just liked teasing Kirk.

   "I guess I will so you'll stop complaining. Can you ordrer me a small thing of Nachos too pleaseeeee...."

Breakfast ended and Ryan was happy to have coffee in her now. She felt a lot more awake than she had this morning. Getting Buttons and watching as Hunter tacked her up again Ryan made mental notes so she could try to do it herself one time. She'd get it yet.

   "You...are shorter than a horse."

Ryan grinned before taking her place next to buttons. Taking hold of the saddle and the rains Ryan took a deep breath before trying to get one. One, two, three, four tried and she finally made it up. Sitting on top of Buttons Ryan couldn't help but be proud of herself for making it up. She was still nervous, but it was less than yesterday. 

   "I made it!!! Ok, I'm not ready to totally stear on my own, so if you can lead me that would be great. Maybe after I am comfortable being up here alone we can go from there?"