January 7, 2017


Carson had a hard time eating slowly. He'd missed these meals. Misty's cooking. Even the simple things. Especially the sandwiches. Conversation was at a minimum though, making it strangely awkward. How long had it been since there had been no tension? Since before he'd left and... that felt like a lifetime ago.

Misty's question brought his mind back around, and for a few moments, he stared into his soup. He hadn't really wanted to tell her everything just yet. What if she didn't like it? What if she wanted no part of it? What if she didn't like it that he'd done something on his own? What if she thought it was too big of a move and felt like he was pushing again? 

All that and more ran through his mind. At the same time though, he remembered his resolve. He couldn't just wait around for her the rest of his life. That's why he'd bought the house in the first place. She'd wanted a divorce and he'd done everything - including beg - but it had done no good. So if she wanted him back in her life now... she'd have to accept his choice. 

"Yeah, I was painting," he finally answered. He lifted his gaze and winked at Mackenzie. He knew she'd kept his secret. "I was painting the entryway and hallway and bathroom... of my house."

His eyes drifted over to Misty. "Needs a ton of work. I've been tearing out wallpaper for days and I think my shoulders are gonna fall off." That much was true. He could hardly lift his arms at the moment. 

He swallowed hard. There was a part of him that was bursting to tell her all about it. To ask her to come see it. To invite her to come be a part of fixing it up. But... what if she just thought he was pushing again? "It, um... I mean... I haven't told too many people about it," he admitted. "It's not in good enough shape yet to show off."

Mackenzie was almost bouncing in her chair she was so excited and glad she's didn't have to keep the secret any longer. "Can I tell her about my bedroom?"

Carson grinned. "Sure. Go ahead."

She turned to Misty, almost spilling her soup as her elbow bumped it. "It's upstairs and it's just my size and Dad says it can be whatever color I want 'cause right now it's striped wallpaper and later if Mom and Dad let me stay with him, then I'll have my own room there and everything and it even has a window and it doesn't have a bed yet but it will and I think I wanna paint it purple."

Carson's eyes had gone wide, hardly able to keep up with her even though he knew what she was talking about. A laugh slipped out as his eyes twinkled with humor. He was glad she was excited, and he did hope eventually she'd be able to spend some nights with him if her other parents allowed. "Breathe, Mac," he teased. "Excited much?"

"Oh. Sorry." Mackenzie giggled as her cheeks grew a little red. She grinned at Misty though. "That's what I couldn't tell you earlier."

Carson gave Misty a little shrug. "I just... wasn't ready to tell everyone yet. At least I don't have to sleep at the restaurant anymore. That's been a plus..." His eyes fell back to his meal as he finished his sandwich. "It's... gonna take a while before it's actually liveable though."

Aaron arched one eyebrow at Sam, and looked at the door, perplexed after she'd gone. Why was she so... happy? It just didn't make any sense at all. For someone as strange as she was, why did he feel oddly attracted to her?

He eyes the new lock. Was it more than it seemed? Had she challenged him for a reason? Were they testing him? Was it some kind of trick?

He settled back to keep working on his legos. He'd check the lock out later. He had plenty of paperclips after all.

"Knock knock."

Aaron looked back up quickly a few minutes later, surprised to see Justin. He'd only been here once before, and Aaron had assumed that was it. Why was he back now. "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing much." Justin entered the room and left the door cracked open as he shed his backpack. He'd had to ask Sam to let him in since Hal didn't have a new key yet. He'd asked to be left alone, but he wasn't going to shut himself in here either. He grabbed an extra chair and turned it around to straddle it backwards. "How's it going?"

Aaron looked at him dimly. "You're joking right?"

"Looks like your knee has improved."

"Oh sure," Aaron scoffed. "Just enough I can now hobble instead of dragging myself across the floor. Yippee."

Justin cocked his head. "At least you're not stuck downstairs anymore."

"It's just a different floor."

"I see you've got some things to keep yourself occupied."

"Sure. Even dogs get toys."

"At least you're not cuffed."

"Just not allowed to move around anyway."

Justin shook his head and laughed. "Boy howdy. When they told me you were negative, they were right." He folded his arms on the back of the chair to rest his chin as he watched this interesting case.

Aaron fiddled with a lego piece. "Just gonna stare at me all day."

"Uh huh."

When nothing else was added, Aaron just rolled his eyes and returned his focus to his project.

"Hey." Hal came into the break room and picked a chair at the table near Sam. "Justin was asking me all about what had been happening with Aaron. I see he's in there now... How'd Aaron like the new lock?"

Hunter watched Ryan make it into the bunkhouse before turning and walking to his own. The feel of her hand on his arm lingered. 


Hunter almost ran into Dylan and stumbled back, putting a hand to his chest. "Holy cow. Where did you come from?"

Dylan grinned. "I wasn't even trying to be quiet."

"Sheesh." Hunter shook his head. "And no, by the way." He smirked. "Just a friend."

"Looks like a girlfriend."

"Well she's not!"

"Okay okay." Dylan held up his hands. "If you say so."

"I do. She's been through a super tough time lately so take it easy."

Dylan backed off, realizing how serious he was. "Yeah, no problem. You, um, gonna ride at all while you're here?"

"I'd like to, why?"

"Just thought we might hang together or something."

Hunter grinned. Dylan really was more at ease than he had been the last time he'd been here. "Sure. Sounds like fun."

After a few more minutes of chatting, Hunter finally made it inside. And as he shut the door, he left it unlocked... just in case. 

Eli was half asleep with Zidan on the couch when he got Ryan's text. Smiling a little, he replied. 
Glad you made it. 
Hope the trip was good.
I'm sure it's a great place.
Try and have some fun k?