January 20, 2017


Just holding Rosalyn close Chad didn't know how much time had passed and it didn't bother him. All he really cared for was this moment here and he could sit in it forever. As Rosalyn pulled away and looked closer at the ring Chad's smile widened and a tear ran down his cheek as he was over come with joy. He didn't know if she would like the ring or not but he hoped so. 

Taking it out of the box with shaky fingers Chad placed it on Rosalyn's finger and smiled as he held her hand up to see it sparkle. It looked perfect on her hand and he loved it.

   "The perfect ring, for my perfect princess."

Leaning in and kissing her once more the moment was only broken by the sound of his stomach growling. Pulling away he couldn't help the color that came to his cheeks as she smiled down at Rosalyn.

   "Well I guess my stomach doesn't realize this is a happy moment to saver. Want to get some lunch now? I'm on call for the rest of the day so if they need me they will let me know. But till that point I am all yours."

Getting outside and leaning on the wall next to Hal Sam looked at him and gave a soft smile. He's been a little distant tonight but she had enjoyed him being there it gave her something to focus on. She went to clubs, but all in all they wasn't her thing. She didn't mind the people, but clubs had a different vibe than a bar or a pool hall and she just wasn't sure that was her. She new Kirk and Adison liked it though so when asked she'd tag along.

   "Your company has been great no matter what. Gave me something else to focus on myself."

Turning to see Hal better Sam just searches his face for a long moment. She didn't want to embarrass him but she had picked up on little hints here and there through out the night that at least let her have a little conciliation. 

   "Not a big crowd of people in a small space kind of person huh? I myself don't often come to clubs. It's just...not my thing. It's loud, lots of people being dumb, and I always feel under dressed."

Sam didn't mind dressing up when she had to, but she wasn't into the low cut shirts, high skirts, and a pound of makeup. At one point in time she thought it was her, but as time moved on she new it wasn't.

   "I'm making a mental note so next time we can go to someplace a little quieter. You could of just told me you know. I wouldn't have been upset...honest. However you do look really amazing tonight, and thank you for trying to come out at least."

Adison had felt the tension in the room and tried to pay little mind to it. She hadn't wanted to upset Hal even more since she didn't know him like Sam did. Looking at Kirk from the other side of the pool table she grinned as she leaned on her stick.

   "Maybe he doesn't like clubs? They are not for everyone! Could be out lovey dovy mush makes him feel odd too since we do all work together. At least Sam is here though to talk to him."

Thinking about Hunter's offer to go to the field Ryan thought for a long moment. She was doing good she thought in the ring but she wasn't to sure about going out into an open space along just yet.

   "Let's go to the pasture again and...we can ride double. I don't want to do everything in one day alone. Maybe tomorrow we can work on me branching out there without a lead."