January 19, 2017

Very Sad

As Rosalyn looked at him Chad's face grew a little more solemn. He new the day would come when Rosalyn could go back, and he knew there was a good chance she would. He had tried to prepare for that day but still now being faced with it...it was hard. Bringing a hand to Roslayn's face he smiled running his finger along her cheek.

   "I would be very sad. I have enjoyed your company and being with you. I feel like I have known you all my life and yet I'm still learning new things about you every day. As much as I want you to stay I could never keep you from your home if that's where you want to be."

As a seagull cawed in the distance as Chad shifted a little. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a tiny item.

   "If you left though I'd ask you to marry me, heck if you stayed I'd ask you anyways. That was the point of lunch today...was to ask you."

Holding up the tiny box he opened it for Rosalyn to see. The ring inside was simple, nothing fancy and nothing too big. It was dainty and perfect for someone who might work on a ranch so it wouldn't get caught on anything. Though it wasn't that big it still shone in the sunlight.

   "I know it might seem sudden, and I don't expect to get married tomorrow, But I...know with all I am, with all my heart that I love you and one day...I want to start a life with you. I want you to live your dream of traveling and I want to be the one enjoying that adventure with you."