January 29, 2017


Travis laughed and shook his head. "You're actually doing better than I did the first time I played. Here."

Instead of taking the controller back, he scooted closer to her on the couch and put his arm around her. Then he took both her hands in his so he was actually using the controller but her fingers would be moving too so she could see what he was doing. "Good thing your hands are nice and small," he teased. "Otherwise this wouldn't work at all and I'd have no excuse to sit this close."

"Ever ride a dirt bike in the mud?" Clint had overheard Ryan's last comment, and wandered over to flop down in the chair next to Dylan before taking a sip of his drink - which was coffee instead of hot chocolate. He grinned and gestured with his arm. "Total wipeout. But at least the landing was halfway soft."

Hunter chuckled. "Still got your bike?"

"Um...no." Clint shook his head. "Paying bills was more important so... off she went."

Hunter inwardly cringed. "Ever thought about the dirt bike racing again?"

"All the time. Just... isn't in the cards right now." Clint paused a moment before he glanced over to Ryan. "So whatcha doing this afternoon? Got an oil change you could help me with if you'd rather be covered in grease and oil instead of mud..."

Scott kept his eyes on the table. "But... but wasn't the risk if the upgrade worth it? I mean... I don't understand why Reese is so upset." He really didn't. He knew maybe he'd gone about things the wrong way but why Reese had gotten as upset as he had...That's what didn't make sense. 

"And... And Justin.... I don't know why he won't let me go back to work. I know I've got some issues but... why not let me go back? Why am I being punished for just trying to help?"

Getting settled with Sam's help, Aaron sighed. He looked up at her and just cocked his head for a moment. "Ya know... I think I believe you. I shouldn't... but I do." For whatever reason, she seemed to genuinely care. He couldn't deny it now. It wasn't just a tactic. Why, he'd never know. But it was definitely there.

"You... let me know what you find out about the shooter?"