January 17, 2017


As Ryan nudged him with her shoulder, Hunter’s grin widened. He liked seeing her in a good mood again. That was the Ryan he’d been used to seeing at the races. The Ryan that Eli wanted to see again. It was only the first day… would it last? Hunter hoped so. He knew nothing could be solved instantly, but this was definitely a good start. He was no psychiatrist, but he could tell this place was already doing wonders for her. And he was glad he could be a part of it. 

Her thanks made him glance down at her as they walked. “There’s nothing to thank me for.” He shrugged. “All I did was sit there, and… unintentionally provided a little bit of entertainment. Although really that was on Dylan.” He smirked. He was still a little sore from falling off his chair. 

Reaching their bunks, Hunter stopped and looked at his door, then back to Ryan. “I guess this is where we part,” he mused. Looking down into her eyes, he cocked his head. The moonlight was making her eyes sparkle in a mesmerizing way. “I hope you have a good night sleep.” While there was a small part of him that would miss the warm pillow next to him, he did hope her night would be nightmare-free. “I’ll… see you in the morning.” 

Travis grinned and nodded. “See you tomorrow.” He backed away a couple steps before finally turning around and aiming for his own bunkhouse. He really wasn’t tired. But maybe once he got into bed, he’d be able to sleep. 

A short distance away, Dylan had paused on the porch of his own bunk. Movement had caught his eye just in time to see that little goodnight kiss between Travis and Ashlee. And he wasn’t sure why…but it made his stomach churn in an odd sort of way. He really didn’t understand what Ashlee saw in Travis. He was always so…perky. Sickeningly so. Stupid, too, the way he’d taken off with Ashlee. And he really wasn’t all that great with the horses. So what was it that had Ashlee so captivated? Dylan just didn’t get it. 

Turning to his door, he rested his hand on the handle for a few seconds before turning back around and stepping back off the porch. He’d lost his desire to sleep. Heading to the barn, he let himself inside and wandered down to Seven’s stall where the gelding greeted him with a nicker. Smiling a little, Dylan reached over the door and scratched his cheek. “Hey, bud,” he crooned. “Sorry. Did I wake you up?” The gelding bobbed his head before turning and going back to what was left of his supper from earlier. 

Leaning on the door and just watching him, in the dark, Dylan sighed. It didn’t matter who came and went around here… he still always felt… lonely. 

“Oh.” Gage wasn’t upset, he was just… a little unhappy. Then again… he used to be Agency too, and he’d been given a chance. Garret was no different…right? “Um… thanks for the envelope. I was gonna send these to…” His voice trailed off as he accidently dropped one of his pages. 

It fell face-up, revealing one of his sketches. This one was of a rose in full bloom. As it landed near his feet, Garret leaned over to pick it up, his eyes scanning the work. The shading was incredible – even though it was done only with pencils and without color, it was as if it were popping right off the paper. Gage was quick to snatch it from his hand. He glanced up with eyebrows raised. “You do that?”

Gage’s face reddened as he slipped it in the envelope with the other sketches. “Yeah. It’s… kind of my thing.”

“It’s really good.” Garret meant it. He’d never been allowed to appreciate the arts, and was genuinely impressed by Gage’s obvious talent. “What are you doing with it?” 

“I’m sending it in to a contest. Grand prize is a scholarship that would help me with my schooling.” 

Garret was even more surprised. “You’re going to school?”

“Uh-huh.” Gage sealed the envelope and grabbed a pen to scribble out the mailing address. “Art school. It’s… the only thing I’m good at.” 

Garret was slowly recalling Gage’s position in the Agency. It had definitely been a low one – he’d been an Agency baby – and he knew in that case, Gage had probably been allowed very little. Personal possessions were rarely allowed, and education was kept to a minimum in order to make those kinds of agents the best type of robots. 

Gage finished up and leaned down to give Sapphire a quick kiss. “Thanks. I’ll see you at supper if we’re still on.”

“He told me he’s not doing anything in the break room at night.” Justin didn’t bother with formal greetings as he entered the security room. He’d been with Aaron three hours straight and was worn out. His comment was more directed at Sam than it was Hal. 

“If I had to guess, I’d say he’s telling the truth. I didn’t get much out of him, but honestly… I think he knows there’s not a camera in there, and he probably can guess that everyone’s wondering what he’s up to… which is exactly what he wants – just to keep you all on your toes.”

He adjusted his backpack on his shoulder and tried to hide his yawn. “He’s also further gone than I thought in regards to Agency brainwashing. Eventually he’s gonna have to realize they don’t care about him, but I don’t know how to prove that one to him. In the meantime… he’s just gonna keep doing things to get attention because he’s bored and lonely. Won’t admit it, but I think he really hates being alone. Once his knee is better… well, I hope we’ll get through to him before that happens, otherwise I’m afraid he’s just gonna make a run for it.”