January 25, 2017


Scott still didn't look at Hope right away, although his fingers ran along hers as she took his hand. As he listened, another tear surfaced. He swiped it away and nodded. He knew what she was saying. He knew what she meant. It was just still so... hard to actually do.

Finally turning his head to look at her, he searched her eyes. They hadn't changed. They were still full of life and love. How in the world could he ever gain back even a part of the peace and happiness he'd once felt? "I am sorry," he whispered. He'd already said it before but... maybe this time his intent was a little different. "I didn't... I didn't mean to hurt anyone else. I just... was trying to fix the impossible." His eyes fell again. "I really don't like where I'm at. It just... feels like I'm in a big pit and I can't climb out."

Data clouded his mind's eye and he cringed just a little. As much as he'd wanted the upgrade to help the Elite, right now he hated it. He just wanted to be able to focus on what he wanted. He just wanted to be back in control. Of himself. Of his future.

Even though the data was interfering, he still looked into Hope's eyes. She was still here. It didn't matter what was said or done... that was one thing that had remained the same. The inner part of him that she had touched ...that was a part of himself he missed. But only he could bring it back out again. Only he had that control.

With no warning, he leaned in to press his lips to hers. His hand rose to caress her cheek. His kiss lingered. Deepened. More. Until he pulled away. Without a word, he stood and walked to the door. He needed to go. He needed to figure things out.

As he opened the door and stepped into the hall though, a wave of dizziness hit. Stopping short, he put a hand to his head. All of a sudden, he didn't feel good. At all. There was nothing he could do as his knees buckled. Collapsing on the floor, his eyes rolled back in his head.

Having just started down the hall, intending to see Aaron, Justin saw Scott fall. He automatically broke into a sprint, and slid down next to Scott. "Scott? Scott, can you hear me?" He looked up at Hope grimly. "I was afraid of this." Without a second thought, he picked Scott up and carried him to the infirmary. After kicking the door open, he brought Scott in and laid him on the bed. "He just collapsed," he informed Misty quickly. "I don't think he's eaten since maybe breakfast yesterday. He refused today when I was with him and I didn't push it like I should have."

Hearing Sam, Aaron rolled halfway onto his back so he could see her, and he didn't refuse the ice. His knee hurt and he knew she was right. Hearing about the burger, an eyebrow rose slightly. She'd actually made something herself? For him? Wait, where was the gloating? Where was the "I told you so" speech? Nothing? And an offer to use the rec room? Really? He'd wanted to before, but just figured it wasn't worth the hassle of getting into trouble for it.

His eyes fell to the food and he pulled himself up to sit before reaching for it. Why did she have to leave already? He was tired of being alone. "I dunno what you're sorry about," he grumbled. He took a bite of the burger and was pleasantly surprised at how good it tasted. "Nothing has changed my mind," he insisted stubbornly, even if it was a lie. In reality, all he wanted to do was ask her to stay a while. But all he knew how to do was complain so maybe she'd stick around long enough to argue.

Hunter's ears picked up the sound of steps in the barn. Lying on his stomach, he slithered forward until he could hang his head down through the opening of the hayloft. Everything was upside down, but he spied Ryan near the door. He whistled through his teeth and grinned when she turned around to see him, then disappeared up into the loft again. 

He was dressed warmly enough in jeans and his own hoodie. The rain had slowed a little, but not much. Hunter had found Becky in the kitchen and after being given a hard time about sleeping so late, he'd also been given a couple sandwiches, chips and some lemonade... which he now had with him in the loft. The door was open, allowing a view of the back pasture as the rain came down in steady streams, and thunder continued to gently roll. A stack of hay bales made the perfect spot to sit. 

Hunter leaned against the open doorway and just looked out at the gloomy day. He kind of liked it though.