January 28, 2017

Cookie Jar

As Scott came into the kitchen again Hope smiled. She looked good, then again he always did look good when he took care of himself. Putting a slice of bacon, toast and a few eggs on a plate before returning to the fridge and getting some OJ. Pouring them both a glass.

   "Sometimes it's good to not think. Often we think too much and it keeps us from really doing what we want too."

Smiling still Hope took the plates and cups to the table and motioned for Scott to sit down and join her. She'd actually had really liked the kiss yesterday. It had been a long time and she missed Scott. 

   "Don't be sorry. I wasn't upset about the kiss. I liked it. However, I didn't like you passing out afterward so let's not do that part again..ok?"

Just letting Aaron stand there Sam smiled watching him. He seemed to be really enjoying this and she was happy. He really had been through so much this moment was good and hopefully would help him move forward more.

   "We can walk around the parking lot for a little bit. Just take it easy on your knee, don't want to hurt it more."

Sam looked to Hal and gave a nod before falling into a slow step with Aaron just letting him take is time, go the way he'd like around the parking lot. It seemed he was really doing well with his knee. She was sure his extra work on it help as well even if it's not totally what the doctor would want.

   "You are really doing well on you knee. I think Rick would be pleased." 

Having Hunter grab her hand and pull her along Ryan didn't resist and just laughed. They were both soaking wet and muddy now but it didn't bother her at all. 

Taking the towel from Hunter Ryan's cheek turned a little red as she nodded her thanks for Cindy, Putting the towel over her head and drying her head a little bit she then put it over her shoulder before looking at Hunter again.

   "I feel like I just my hand caught in the cookie jar."