January 20, 2017

Time to Leave

Pausing with Sam at the door, Hal cocked his head and just looked at her for a moment. "You... are really something, you know that?" He'd already respected her as an agent. He'd already noticed her intelligence and sense of humor. But only now was he suddenly discovering a different corner of her heart. One that was understanding and gentle.  

"Thanks... I'll come up with some code word," he teased. He opened the door and motioned her ahead of him. He really didn't want to go back inside, but he'd learned a long time ago he could suffer through anything if he put his mind to it. "After you."

Heading back inside and returning to the back of the club, Hal mustered up a smile. "Miss anything?"

Kirk grinned. "Yeah, we played two games and I won them both." He sidestepped just in case Adison might whack him.

Hal chuckled and picked up his pool stick again. "I think we ought to play guys against girls this time." If he was going to stay, he was going to do his best to socialize and not ruin anyone's evening with his issues...

...Another couple games, and Hal was still holding it together while his head felt like it might split open. Eventually he knew he simply needed to call it a night.

Leaning on his pool stick as Kirk took another shot, Hal took Sam up on her offer. Catching her eye, he gave just a quick, subtle look he knew she would recognize. 

Rosalyn grinned. "Well you have good taste and April too." She remained tucked close to Chad as they walked, perfectly content. It was a perfect day, a perfect setting, and a perfect surprise.

Sitting astride Buttons behind Ryan, Hunter just let his arms hang at his sides, giving her space. "Mmm... yeah, it is pretty. The whole area is. I just like the openness."

He took a deep breath of the fresh air. "I gotta get off and stretch my legs a minute or two. Wanna walk a little?"