January 22, 2017

That Was All

Hunter grinned a little at the continuing nickname of Lumpy. Despite his inward warnings against getting closer to Ryan, he couldn't help that it felt good she was this comfortable with him...that someone wanted him...needed him. That's all he'd set out to do - help. That's...all this was...right?

He chuckled as she sat up and mentioned being stiff. "Well I wouldn't want to gain the reputation of just being a workhorse, so we better not let your back get too stiff." He stood and offered her a hand up before turning her away from him. Taking her shoulders, he rubbed them gently, but let his thumbs dig in a little more deeply around her shoulder blades. "Hang on..." He reached around so his one arm laid across her, under her chin, and placed his other palm between her shoulder blades. Giving a slight jerk with pressure, he felt and heard the pop before he released her, then rubbed her shoulders gently again. "There. That should feel a little better."

He came around beside her to walk back to Buttons where he untied her. "But... I'm not against a walk later if you still want one." A grin creased his lips before he put Buttons' bridle back on and patted the saddle. "Up you go." 

Once Ryan was mounted again, he swung up behind as he'd done earlier. This time though, he reached around her and took the reins himself. So they wouldn't wander. And so she'd have a break. Since she was tired. That was all. 

Hal cocked his head, a slight grin remaining on his face. Sam was...definitely different. And amazing in her own right. He hadn't known her long, but he could already tell that much. 

Glancing around the area to get his bearings, he nodded. "A walk...sounds nice." He stood and took their bowls to throw them away, then returned. "They shouldn't mind if we keep our cars here," he mused. "I don't know if you're familiar with this corner of town or not but..." He pointed to the sidewalk. "This route is pretty nice and... well-lit." He had no doubt Sam could handle herself, and he wasn't worried about himself either, but it was simply smart not wander down dark streets this time of night. 

He waited for her before he started to walk, hooking his thumbs in his jeans pockets. He'd left his jacket in the car, but the cool air actually felt good. Walking at a slow pace was nice. Little street lights gave the air a soft glow, and though shops were closed, lights in the windows showed off their novelty merchandise. It was a quiet part of town that was easy to overlook, but one could hardly not enjoy it if taking the time to slow down and look. "It's been a while since I've been down here," Hal mused. "Sad since I only live about five blocks away."