January 23, 2017


As Sam looked into his eyes, Hal returned her gaze. What was she searching for? What was she trying to see or find? He didn't feel threatened in the least...just curious about what made her tick. What was it about her own eyes that was so captivating? 

Her comment made him break his gaze and he shook his head. "Am I really that obvious? I pride myself in being able to mask what I'm thinking, yet all evening, you have read me like an open book." His wry grin proved he wasn't upset - just amused and...slightly embarrassed. "I have... enjoyed your company tonight and would like to do  this again." He paused. "Minus the club." A new smile appeared. "Just don't tell Kirk or Adison. I don't want them to feel bad."

He retrieved his keys from his pocket and fiddled with them for just a moment before giving her a final nod. "Goodnight, Sam... I'll see you tomorrow." 

As he drove home a few minutes later, he had to smile. It had turned into a good evening after all. And for once... he was going home feeling...good...

...It was the next morning. Ty swiveled back in forth in his chair in the security room and glanced at the clock before yawning. It had been a long night, but after Hal had called in to say he was taking a sick day, Ty knew he should at least stay until Sam got here. Not that he really could do much about Aaron, but at least he was keeping an eye on things until she arrived so no one else would have to.

Hunter chuckled as he aimed slowly towards the barns where they could take a route around the ranch. Was she really that thrilled to just be with him? His bigger question though, was whether or not this was the real Ryan. He'd never seen her like this before. Happy. Bubbly almost. Was this the way she'd always been away from the races, or was it just a stage in the process as she worked through her current struggles? He liked seeing her happy though...seeing her smile...and he hoped that it wouldn't just go away once she had recovered. 

"Well... I can think of better company than me. If you fall though, I'll pick you up. Just give me a minute or two to laugh first, okay?" He gave her a sidelong glance as he grinned. 

Wandering around the ranch and keeping just within the yard light's reach, Hunter kept the pace slow. He wanted to wind down for the night, not wind up. Truth be told, he was exhausted after riding all afternoon. There was no way he'd tell Dylan or Mick that though - he wouldn't give them the satisfaction. A hot shower was in order though...and maybe some ibuprofen. 

After a while, he stopped at the back pasture fence and leaned on the top rail. It was a clear night tonight with thousands upon thousands of stars dotting the sky. The half moon shown brightly, giving the tall grass an almost silvery-like glow. "The days are slipping by," Hunter mused quietly. "It always goes too fast. Although I guess I'd rather have this than be forced to stay with a bum knee like last time." He stretched his leg a couple times. It was definitely hurting from all the activity today, but he wasn't going to complain. He stifled a yawn. "I think I hear my bed calling me though." 

He turned to study Ryan's face for a moment. How was she feeling after her full day? "How 'bout you?" Was she ready to face the night again?